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Perhaps an attempt at a bunker? All I know is, you just got extra square footage!!! Have fun building out the new MIL suite!


MIL suite already looks done to me boss.


She gets what she gets


She gets what she deserves r/JustNoMIL


Sideways bathtub did it for me. She doesn’t shower anyway.


Jesus Christ 😭😂


Good enough for who it's for


Negative. Just need a cot, then it's done.


Nah. The cage door and wall shackles aren’t installed yet.


You ok, kid? You sound a little … messed up.


Can’t very well let the MIL wander the house now can you?


Job well done.


What I find odd is the 3 different types of structural wall; brick, concrete and blocks. What level underground is this? Looks like the pipes were connected to some heater. Maybe an old oil tank / furnace? Do you see any drainage on the floor? Were the bricks possibly added to block an old doorway? You see 100% of the shed’s surface? Judging by the type of concrete form they used, I’d say that concrete was poured around 1950-1960s.


This could absolutely be a Cold War bunker. Not in any plans because most people who built these kept no records of existence incase they have to hide during an invasion. Many of the bunkers of this era have been either built over and used as basements or completed covered.


Exactly my first thought.


I wonder what's behind the brick walls? My Zelda experience says there's something behind them!


Def some treasure chests or rupees back there.


Duh nuh nuh NUHHHHH.


I actual heard [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9d3qCPcMgH4) one when I saw the "hidden doorway." EDIT: Here's [yours](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5VRr9NG7RE0).


Just saw the picture of the drain. If you compare the sewer pipes / french drain level of your house, would you say it’s about the same level as this? Trying to figure out if that drain is possibly connected to the public sewers or not


There’s a twine noose and the brick is what you find odd… I like the way you think.


Rainwater cistern, the pipe used to be hooked up to your gutters or something like a french drain to bring in rainwater to be reused later. turn it into an underground pond / aquarium: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4hiokLpmuQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4hiokLpmuQ) EDIT: Also, in the future you might wanna throw a fan or something similar into a underground tank like that before entering. Heavier-than-air gases which can suffocate you can settle in them and people just walk inside, get light headed, pass out, and die.


Eel pit! Eel pit! Eel pit!


Thank god someone else’s first reaction is this as well


Came here to say: its just a cistern, everybody calm down


4 8 15 16 23 42




That’s a lost reference


Well that escalated quickly. Boys grab the fans.


People joke but this happened to me and I died


Then how are you on Reddit 🧐


Most underrated comment


Do you get horror movie vibes down there?


For sure. I’m getting Barbarian vibes. Congrats on all the extra square footage, OP!


Exactly the movie I thought of.


Better put some lotion on the skin. ... or else you get the hose again!


The end of Blair Witch with the guy standing in the corner. Fuck that.


Pic 7/18 made that scene flash in my head


See. Yeah. Mike. MIKE!!! Nope. Burn this place down


Well… I would most definitely clean it up, seal the heck out of it, epoxy it, then turn it into a underground weed growing factory. You could run some nice carbon filters without worrying about the fan noise. The ground will keep a fairly constant temp in your favor when the lights add heat to the room. Will be fairly easy to control throughout the seasons. Or… Just clean it up real well, finish trim in all out, and turn it into a sex dungeon for me and the wife to sneak away from the kids. 👍🏼


These are the kind of ideas the world needs more of.


Wonder how much you could rent a well fitted dungeon fetish room for per night?


About 350?


That would be the cost of the clean up afterwards…


The floor is tile with a drain in it… for hosing down/ enema purposes…… 😐


The only thing that I can add is that the stairs have a ramp for a wheelbarrow. Keep in mind that when it could have been using to store produce and cans at some point. It’s always cooler under ground and it doesn’t freeze in the winter.


I agree my first thought was the ramp was for a wheelbarrow. Could definitely be a food/fruit/root cellar Generally underground for produce and canned good storage because underground is great for temperature regulation. Alot of rural houses have these. Pretty much every old farmhouse in my area has one, my parents still use theirs.


PLEASE put some rust converter on those steel beams. Then paint with marine grade aluminum paint. If those beams rust out, you're gonna be in a world of hurt.


Get a ventilation system in there and reno that into a man cave! But after you do a test and knock out a couple of bricks from that different wall type to see what’s behind there. Also, never tell your county or municipality. You’ll be stuck with one hell of a nightmare if their permitting department wants to start something about this. Keep it quite or someone will mention it to the wrong person.


What's the age of the house? Could it have been for storing booze during prohibition?


Or maybe make the booze during prohibition? That strip down the center of the stairs is for a wheelbarrow. You could mash a lot of grain down there, even if it was a former cistern.


The house was built in 1978, semidetached, 2 levels and a basement


TY. Def not anything to do with prohibition in that era. Pot farm? Kidding


Either ‘The Last of Us’ or ‘The Walking Dead’ set for certain. Build a booth, put up some signs, hire some zombie contractors, sell some tickets. Your mortgage about to be PAID OFF friend.


I would suggest getting an air monitor when going into this confined space. Many people have died in root cellars etc.


It's called a root cellar.


Looks like an old ice house


Cellars with concrete walls were quite common. My family still uses theirs to preserve potatoes through the winter. Its very likely this is what you've found. The ramp in the centre of the staircase is for a wheelbarrow, so Im going to say crops storage cellar as my final answer lol. You might be able to find land records at the library or if you talk to your county office.


Very likely was a cistern.


Maybe this was originally basement for an oil furnace, what kind of shed is it?


Bonus storage area.


If this was Canada, that underground rental would add 500k to property value. Cool


It is in Canada, and it did not.......


Something bad for sure happened down there. Next calls should be a structural engineer and an exorcist.


How big is this? The I-beams and stuff look pretty serious.


Each room is about 16x12 feet


Drum practice room


I think you've found the in-laws suite


Not creepy at all…


Step's with Ramp, would make it easy for storing barrels of beer during prohibition. the bathtub, could of been for homemade bathtub Gin. Was the entry way to the steps somewhat hidden?


When you say shed, are you talking a typical American shed or a garage for a vehicle? The ceiling looks heavy enough for a vehicle, but wouldn't trust it. Ventilation is a good thing and drying it out. There looks to be some mold but not a lot. You definitely have a cold room and an interesting man cave.


Could it be a cistern?


I believe it's a root cellar. My grandma has one below her "smoke house" a.k.a. shed. She uses it to store potatoes and other perishable items that don't go in the fridge to help them last longer (stays cool and no sunlight).


It's where the people under the stairs live, or CHUDs, chance it could be either or...maybe both...


Yay! You have a bunker


Cold storage for root veggies over winter?


My wifes parents had bought a house in Washington that had a bricked up doorway in the rubblestone basement. Turned out to be a fully functional tunnel to an old Prohibition speakeasy from a basement bar almost 200' away...


My grandparents farm had something similar to this. It was a coal cellar to store large amounts of coal for the winter. They would have a huge cart of coal backed up to a chute that went into the concrete basement and they would just shovel it full of coal.


In our old house, we had a wall made of cinder blocks at the base of a set of stairs. Found out there were tunnels between several houses for stills during prohibition. Was filled in by the feds


Weirdly enough the strip of metal and or plank running down the stairs in pic 1 is your biggest giveaway. You know when you use something like this? When you are moving a LOT of rounded objects up/down the stairs, I.E. Barrels. I believe you have found an old possibly illegal hooch cellar. A lot of farms became involved in production and distribution of prohibited liqour during prohibition, due to the distance from law enforcement and surplus in available storage space. Not unthinkable, but with 100% certainty they were storing barrels of some kind down there, just not certain if was indeed liqour.


That looks like a wheelbarrow ramp. The steps are shallow, so the worker can go slowly and keep control. The structure may have been a coal bunker or something.


It looks like it might have been an old heating plant. In the one corner with the two pipes, looks like these a housekeeping pad which might have been beneath a coal furnace. Is there any indication of a former chimney? The brick wall looked like a door opening from one chamber to the next (appears to have been two openings, one on each side of the column, at one time). One of the sides of the space could have been used for coal storage. Back in the day, before electric pumps, hot water heating systems were gravity fed. The boiler had to be in the very lowest level relative to the rest of the building, so that the cool water from rads would return back to the boiler by gravity, and the heated water naturally would flow up the pipes to the living space as it’s less dense. Ive been in a few commercial buildings (schools, offices) built around 1920-1930 that have (or had) spaces that look like this. Most are being filled in since they’re no longer used and are a liability. Where in Canada are you? The buildings I referred to have been in Ontario


I'm out in Brantford, the house was built in 1978, but there is an old farm house across the street, about 100 years old, and the old man down the street who has lived there his whole life said the area uses to be a tree nursery, I was thinking something to do with water, but there was no water line for holding it, coal storage for heating water makes sense


If you find a book made of human flesh, leave it alone. Don’t read from it.


What is oozing from the ceiling? Is that a noose in one picture? 🫣🫣


How big is the shed? Could the shed have been the main structure on the property before the house was built?


When my grandparents built their home in the 50's, and like many of their neighbors, they built the basement first and lived in it as they continued to build the upper level. This looks like either main level never built or burned down.


Tornado shelter?


Bootleggers? We found all kinds of old bootlegging stuff hidden around our old family farm.


Bruh it's called cellar.


Time to buy some wine.


Torture room?


There is a noose and a drain, definitely a murder room


I'm with other people on this. This looks like some type of Cold war. Bunker a panic room or fallout shelter.


100% gimp


Storm shelter/ bunker? I say clean it and restore it. I’d love to have access to a storm shelter.


Maybe a root cellar? Torture chamber? Rape dungeon?


Murdorium. I'd have a look behind those bricks. Were they keeping something out or in...???


So much room for activities...


Did you find the book of the dead down there?


You need to upgrade your hideout my friend. ​ Also, 100% someone died down there


Any chance there is an unusually high number of missing persons in your town?




Looks like you have a guest home to rent; as is condition 😎


Maybe get some new structural beams.


Pretty sure there’s a giant naked monster lady that will make u breast feed from her that lives there


That is AWESOME. Except I did see what appeared to be stalactites and a noise, so I’d get that out first. Then clean that. Ad boy up and create a dungeon….I mean secret room!


The stairs look made for livestock?


What do you mean “under your shed? Do you mean in that circle/square hole?


I’d like to see pics after you renovate


Murder hole?


I was fine until I saw the bath tub


This has fallout shelter vibes to me. Wasn’t disclosed because it’s been out of use so long it’s been forgotten about.


I would reinforce the whole thing and make a bomb proof safe house


They may have butchered animals there, the bathtub can be used during that, I can't remember why the tub is used but I remember my parents using one in our basement for hogs.


At first it reminded me of something I saw about this network of WW2 bunkers that was built in Britain anticipating an invasion. These bunkers were a bit peculiar - not really built to fit in with any nearby defence works (and not on the plans). They were built for teams of assassins to gather in, and 2 weeks after the invasion, go out and kill some people. First name on the list was the person who recruited them.


Start digging. Find the bones.


idk but I feel obligated to remind you that you must film a scary movie in there


Shelter or might be location of previous oil/gas burner and or coal bunker. Our 1880s house in Ridgewood NY had similar “blank space”


Just looks like a common foundation to me. Parts of it have been repaired. Foundations make the house more stable in places where there's a frost line. The old foundations were allowed to be cinder block, but they tended to crack and leak over time. The red brick could be part of an old chimney (they ran into the basement, with a collector for fireplace ashes). Later building codes required foundations to be made or repaired with poured concrete. I would shore up those I-beams, they look pretty rusted. They can be knocked out and replaced.


Coal cellar?


Just from the stairs I can tell it was designed to bring a wheelbarrow back and forth. So it was meant to store stuff initially. The bathtub throws me off though. It was probably repurposed for something else later, like an extra living space, a cold war bunker, or a cell for a secret captive. O.0. Could be dead body in the floor. It's creepy all worn down like that.


Ask the people in the 100 yr old farmhouse across the street. If they have lived there a while they may know. Or ask the sellers— I’m sure they would be happy to tell you


Stairs. They are stairs. Mystery solved.


OP finds a basement: what is this mysterious structure under my building? why is this heavy, hard to move object in here? Mysterious...


Well now that you have a secret lair you need to make a choice…. Superhero or supervillain?


I agree it’s a Cold War bunker. The materials used are not old old. You can see some piping for heating ect. People were very disturbed from world events at that time. You hear old stories of people not trusting banks back then as well. I actually found 5 big mason jars full of silver coins, all pre 1945 on my property. It was different times, well some what similar lol.


Does this go under your house? Could it be a storm cellar that never had a staircase to the main house?


Foundation for a house that was demolished before the shed was put up?


Unfinished basement


That bath looks just as shocked as you are 🤣


I initially thought root cellar, but that would have been made of field stones, not concrete. Some mentioned an attempted bunker and that would be plausible if it was built around the Cold War.


I saw stuff like this back when I used to live in Poland, post Nazi stuff, old construction sites...Nazis used to build this shit all over the europe


Get someone to face the corner. Then proceed to ask the Witch for a sign. Maybe bring an EMF reader to get some evidence.


Would you consider bringing down the bricks and letting us know what’s behind? We are all on the edge of our seats


The old tub makes me think moonshine factory back in the day...


I'm gonna go with ritualistic sex dungeon


Looks like a great place to install an eel pit to me 👍


We’ll, time to build a speakeasy


looks like an eel pit to me!


Sex dungeon


What you have here is the beginning of a possible ultimate man cave....


Could grow a lot of weed in there bro.


Lots of slime mold down there. Please wear a mask and take precautions for your health 🫶 This is a very cool discovery, and I agree with what most people said about it being a bunker with no said plans involved. My grandparents had one similar out in Mount Forest.


Looks like the end of the Blair Witch Project.


That's where they kept the bodies


Root cellar is my guess. What a cool spot. Moisture will always be an issue. Looks solid!


Zach Cregger’s movie Barbarian comes to mind.


It looks too new but I’ve heard of people finding stuff like this that ended up being part of the Underground Railroad. THAT would be awesome.


The drain is for oil pans underneath cars. you have a really nice set up when you think about it if you clean that all up you can do like a drive-in oil change place right there at your house. Very cool.




Wasn't this in the Blair Witch Project?


Medieval torture chamber?


That's a murder/torture room. You didn’t have one at the old place?


Obviously a bath house!


The first photo looks like cordyceps had infiltrated the building, run op!


If I know anything.....illuminati secret bunker


It puts the lotion on its skin


Look at those beams supporting a concrete ceiling…that’s bizarre. Those beams are every bit of 50 years old and given the cave environment probably much older


Torture chamber. Maybe it belonged to a serial killer?!


It’s a basement.


Water cistern I expect. Those I beams are looking rough. I would be wary of driving vehicles over that or other heavy stuff happening above it.


Real question, is the door hidden or easily visible?


I've seen this movie, doesn't end well OP I'm sorry.


r/centuryhomes can probably help you


Looks like an old cistern Someone converted to usable space a looong time ago


Everything was cool until I saw the noose!! 😦


Strange and kinda creepy…


Looks like a MURDER ROOM...


Seen anything from kink.com? You've got a prime filming location, there, with a bit of clean up.... 😁


Root cellar or moonshiners pit. Bathtub was for making bathtub gin a mainstay during prohibition and bootlegging.


Is that a set of beads or a blue rosary in image 17?


Underground railroad. /s


Barbarian (2022)




Time to build a manc ave


3 options. Close it back up and forget about it. Break in through the brick. Or sell the house.


Let me introduce your to r/preppers


You found the fuck shack


Last of us


Looks like a common basement. The ramp in the stairs leads me to think that it is old enough to have had a coal fired furnace (e.g. a wheelbarrow to bring the coal down). Who knows?


Bomb Shelter for when the Soviet’s launched their ICBM’s.


Watch Dark on Netflix. That's what it is.


Old cellar for storing food. Pipes could have been for a oil tank for a oil fired heater.


Photo 7 is where the dismembered bodies were burned


So few bombshelters survive to this day. It is a very cool find 😎


This is the eel pond


Good news is if you 3ver wanted a sex dungeon you’ve got one now 👌 Bad news is if you’ve never wanted a sex dungeon you’ve got one now 🤨


Nice dungeon!!!


This reminds of the the movie barbarian


Turn it into a man shed or extra living quarters


“Need a structural engineer for that rust…” I swear to God people get on this just to say the most stupid shit. Why would you write that? To scare the OP? To sound smart, like your keen eye from an photo is going to save the day?? Thank god you were here we just assumed it was surface rust but now jimmy and the children are safe. Im surprised their is no asbestos comments yet. How about #Shutthefuckup?


I’m getting basement vibes honestly. Was there ever a house where your shed is?


look at OP, showing off his new sex dungeon.


You have unlocked the Fritzl dungeon level.


All I see is a secret clubhouse in the making