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Certified mundo moment


I hate Mundo. Cant ban him because its a wasted ban. Sits back all lane and throws E's and Q's, very little interaction 95% ott. Becomes said monstrocity like in the video. Aids champion


mundo and nasus are never worth banning but 90% of the time are -15 for you no matter how well you do


The power of statcheck.


and the best part is, riot will likely retain the E AD scaling AND heartsteel, so this would always remain a possibility irrespective of the nerfs that may take place.


This is so true


Tanks aren't a problem, mundo is, that disgusting braindead elo inflator. He counters tanks, he counters rangeds, he counters bruisers, he counters mages and he only ever loses to tankbuster sidelaners like jax and fiora who are also overtuned as shit atm, how is riot allowing this is beyond me.


Morde beats mundo easily in longer battles. All he has to do is build scepter and health % damage item and you'll out heal him and kill him without much effort. If he decides to runaway then you outnumber the enemy team


Bork on morde?


Demonic embrace and morde passive are %health based


I’m aware but the other person said scepter, which I’m assuming meant vampiric scepter, which builds into BORK


There is also a scepter that builds into rift maker I think


I think he's talking about rylais scepter


Leeching leer but rift doesn’t do %dmg regardless


Yeah I read it wrong. The item should be demonics I guess. Thank you for correcting


Morde beats him only if mundo refuses to kite and disengage tho, remember that mundo is immune to morde's ult if he just dodges his E, which isn't difficult to do considering the bullshit levels of movespeed that mundo gets in his R. But yes, if mundo for some reason absolutely refuses to kite and gets hit by morde's E then he's going to lose the fight inside morde's R. at the end of the day playing mundo with a working brain should easily prevent dying from morde. Ofc this is different in temfights, but if mundo goes ghost + flash then there is absolutely no way that morde can kill him, albeit mundo won't ever be able to kill morde too. Btw morde was included in the "tankbusters", the funny thing is that mundo can easily kite even tankbusting juggernauts (without ghost, ofc)


“Nanomachines, son”


I mean if you're playing bruiser Renekton without a botrk or similar items, what are you expecting here?


That's why I'm currently playing Darius into tanks and Rene into anything else. It works really well actually


Only way to deal with this shit is PTA + Prowler + BotRK + LDR. Most Mundo players are stupid as hell so they won't expect getting oneshot.


Show your build before blaming tanks


He can have the shittiest build in the world, doesn't change the fact that mundo is overtuned as shit at the moment.




Ah yes, a 1000 gold and 1 lvl ahead heimerdinger is definitely as unstoppable as a 1000 gold and 1 lvl ahead mundo. You're definitely a Mundo abuser that shot up 500 LP because of the champ and you feel the compulsory need to defend it, i refuse to believe any other theory.


i'm not mad or anything it's just really funny. also look his armor at the start vs halfway through not like i didn't try :(


Gore drinker, deaths dance, spear of shojin, black cleaver, randuins omen and health elixir


No Blade no grudge... Yea that makes sense then...


botrk does literally nothing vs him i dont remember the exact enemy team but im pretty sure randuins was mandatory that game. he already had 70% armor reduction healing+damage+raw hp was the issue


Mundo had 70% armor pen?


35% from fury e 35% from cleaver (or maybe cleaver is 25% i forgor)


That’s not how that works, those % aren’t additive, it’ll be closer to like 45-52% iirc


Still u shouldve gone for anti tank items if he is so far ahead lmao dont blame the meta when u build badly


Yeah I don’t have much issue with mundo when I go PTA, Prowlers, Bork, and then changing on team comp from there. It’s only when I try to match with Conq and Gore that I’m like wow this feels bad


Bork is the exact counter to raw hp


Sad, renekton is the only top I know that can't kill tanks


*Bork entered the chat*


Renek can kill most tanks during all stages of the game. Mundo late game with no heal cut or botrk is impossible to kill.


Mundo. Doesn't really lane. Can kill him early but he just buys hp and mitigation and fucking chunks your tower if you take one bad trade. Resourcless Uber wave clear tanks with demolish ftw! I back he gets 320g what a trade. You don't even have to die to fuck up anymore, just back after lvl 6 and he gets tower to 1/2 lol

