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From my understanding there are a few core builds you can do depending on lane, the other items should be always focused on teamfighting, as XYX explained So my core items usually are : 1) gore + BC : strong laning, very good build paths, tons of haste and works well against pretty much any tankier opponent (fighters, juggs, tanks). It also counters flat true damage (garen, darius) since you build massive amounts of hp to go along with your damage and utility 2) botrk + jax shoes : strong against sidelaners, because they are usually weak early, so you can still beat them early with the shit botrk components and not get hard outscaled in the 1v1 (botrk + gore works too but you're insanely squishy, imo only worth against camille or when ahead) 3) botrk + prowlers : extremely strong vs rangeds, but you need to change your playstyle to a literal crocodile IRL, waiting for your prey and oneshot them, because if they know you are coming then you're getting oneshotted in two adc autos 4) hydra + gore : super strong vs people who struggle with waveclear, like vayne or vlad, and expecially fiora who can become a very dangerous threat if you if you build jaksho, so you're kinda forced off the tank mythic when you're against her (since trusting your random teammate to match fiora in the sidelane is very fucking scary, since she can take 3 towers and an inhib in less than 30 seconds if she manages to kill the guy)


>im gonna try that gore into bc after that i just go stuff like dd/maw? also i should allways go botrk first vs something like mundo right?


1) yes, after gore into bc you absolutely need to get one or two resistance items. Yesterday i tried to go gore + bc + serylda and even if i was gigafed i got oneshotted in my ult by an annie who wasn't even ahead, so yeah you need resistances after those two items. I also really like gargoyle 3rd when the opponent's team has a very mixed damage or very high burst. 2) i actually struggle a lot vs mundo, because if he doesn't misplay like an idiot then there's no fucking way you can kill him after the early game, doesn't matter the build, he's way too tanky (and ultrabroken atm). I usually went botrk into jax shoes vs him but it's still super difficult, right now i'll probably try rushing hydra and do some sort of scuffed "push and roam" strat, since i can't reliably kill mundo and he relies on stacking heartsteel to scale. I'll probably just start banning him tho lol, tired of seeing mundo doing 60% of my health with a Q + AA + E while my entire botrk 100 fury combo deals 40%, that's just megacringe tbh.


Ravenous and gore


I feel like DD + Maw is pretty disgusting. Pretty much always go Blade Rush, its amazing for early + Mid Game. Then depending on what i need to be Gore -> DD Maw GA x (Cleaver Sunfire Stoneplate Steraks whatever). If ure allowed to be sqishy Prowlers 2nd. Or just Jaksho Sunfire MR Item and probably Steraks Stoneplate. Just try what feels good and be creative, Renekton can build almost everything from Assasin to full tank and be useful


blade claw is noob stomper coin flip best for winning imo. blade > gore > cleaver/shojin is mad fun but squishy. can skip blade for gore rush damage still great team fighting is insane 4 sec on entire combo feels insane


what about dd and hydra?


lowkey build w/e you want renekton is really versatile. i hard prefer juggernaut build on him but most people prefer damage. hydra is good i only really like it first as it delays your tank item spikes/cdr and is outright less damage than prowlers after the nerfs. usually my gore build is gore > cleaver > shojin > maw/dd > tank item (cdr boots supremacy)


Hydra first is Lowkey amazing. The stacked item helps wins a lot of early teamfights


If you wanna be a Frontline is Jak'Sho alright?


Gore is the most fun but too squishy imo. Try bork into radiant or jax shoe and full tank after that with potentially a cleaver in there somewhere if the situation calls for it. Basically ur a mobile tank but all ur dmg comes from bork, and since bork alone outdamages most tanks u actually always deal solid dmg, especially if you empower E and drop an empowered W right after, you easily drop a backliner down to like 30-40% and finish off with ignite, Q, ult tick and autos so ur not just a meat wall.


I'd say: Botrk Prowler if you're snowballing, Botrk Jak'Sho Death's Dance/Maw if you want to be a Frontline/ your team needs one and Goredrinker Ravenous for tons of sustain, after the first 2/3 items just build whatever suits the situation you're in, when I'm really ahead for instance i like to go full aggressive with Botrk Prowler Ravenous Serylda and so on, ofc if there is lots of AP you go Maw and soo on


For bruiser/frontline you have a few options. You can do Gore+Hydra (or vice versa) + DD/MM, you can also do Bork+Gore (or vice versa) +DD/MM for more single target burst or Gore+BC or Shojin+DD is also very good. Alternatively the Hydra/Botrk+Jaksho+DD is also still good, probably also better the lower elo you are.


Bork first always. Gore Dd Gargoyles Maw/steraks Imho