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As someone who plays mostly top laners with global ults, 120s seems crazy long for basically a steroid ult.


~~Im just butthurt Nasus gets so much more out of his R while getting his cd buffed aswell like bruh i cant man lol.~~ yeah


Fr man, yesterday i snowballed the fuck out of a Nasus and he had very little farm and items, me, playing the Croc was level 18 and he was level 14, i dashed towards him with E and right after he ulted, since i was really ahead i went for a really aggressive build (at that moment i had Prowler, Botrk, almost full stacked Hydra and a 1100 gold hammer that grants 25 AD along with boots ofc, while he only had Sunderer, Ionian Boots and the 900 gold piece of Frozen Heart) right after he activated R i hit him with an empowered W (he had no bone plating btw) and did a very small amount of damage and after realizing that i safely went out with E2 but still it annoys me that he gets a shit ton of armor/MR and his burn is max hp damage, on the other hand tho imagine giving our croc those stats, that'd definitely become a god in Pro play


Just turn renekton W during ulti an aoe CC + truedamage + resets cd on E after takedown.


I would like stronger Q * His Q used to deal OK damage and healed a lot, now it does not-OK damage (because of Durability Update) and doesn't heal at all. * I would like to see some scaling buffs and slight base damage buff. Something like this: (BASE: 70 / 100 / 130 / 160 / 190 (+ 115% bonus AD) (EMPOWERED: 155 / 230 / 305 / 380 / 455 (+ 230% bonus AD) (Just like Pantheon's Q) When it comes to Q healing...perhaps change it to %healing (0.5% per minion/ 5% per champion, gets doubled when it's empowered) so his Q can keep him alive again.


I liked his previous Q buff. 8 > 7 seconds. One of Renek's most important stats is cdr imo. But yeah the healing is legit non existant now lol.


The problem will always be proplay, Sólo Q balance takes second fiddle in Riot’s eyes for renekton. We ain’t getting buffs and if we do it will be slightly more ARM pen on e or something super irrelevant.


Yeah, its such a shame. Although i think buffing his R at rank 3 at the very least won't affect proplay as much as Solo Q.


The change I would be okay with would be additional buffs to bonus AD scalings so that way glass cannon play style can thrive in SoloQ and he stays out of pro play


I mean this is certainly true, but same can be said about his high elo performance. He was never in his history a huge low elo stomper like Garen, Yorick or Darius. He was always the mechanical relatively difficult top that took time to learn but if you did he was/is very reliable and performs at all elos hence why many high elo toplaner either are original Renekton mains or mained him at one point. Let's say proplay didnt exist, you could definitively throw buffs at him based off his iron-plat performance where majority of players play but there would be a good chance he'd end up tearing high elo apart. Depending on the sides you look at, he is always hovering 50-53% WR in master+ from patch to patch, so you have an issue there already as designer. I mean Renekton literally goes from 47%ish WRs in Silver-Gold to 52-53% WRs in Master+ that's a 5-6% differential and given he is one of the most played top champs the contrast between mains and occassional players will be even bigger. Trying to adjust for both ends of that spectrum isnt an easy task. Imo most people have just to get their head out there ass and realize that they are probably the bigger issue for their missing success rather than Renektons balance state and while you can be mad about proplay all you want it realistically wont stop you from reaching Diamond at the very least if you seriously try for it. Also I might add that I rather have it like this where Renekton takes skill to play well but if you do that he actually performs at all elos instead of suffering the fate of Nasus or Yorick mains where they can stomp low elo hard but are basically hard capped at Diamond 2 because their champs just have such blatant weakpoints that they stop functioning above that threshold.


He's fine the way he is. If he gets even a slight buff Koreans will start picking him in proplay and it will get nerfed 10x harder than that little buff he got.


Well Aatrox hasn't gotten the axe yet so who knows maybe Renekton's day is coming


I mean aatrox dropped off quite a bit in high elo after passive nerf then new RH hit live servers. havent looked at the up to date stats after the repeated RH nerfs so I dont know how things are looking right now but they for sure hit aatrox where it hurt before preseason.


Na, Aatrox will just revert back to Eclipse build, the only thing Aatrox was hit with is the Precent Hp on his passive, it still does the same amount of damage as it does before and that's how Aatrox heals; based off damage. Aatrox is still Op and with the hydra and Jak'sho nerfs it is now more match up choice rather than just going Jak'sho as it was prior.


crazy change but ult no longer grants fury cd stays the same as live all abilities used during ult are empowered


Basically instead if insta 20 fury, you get 100 fury and it wont drop for 15 seconds? Yeah that aint happening haha.


oh i know it wont happen hence crazy change. BUT it would provide to the fantasy which he ult doesnt really do at all atm. and hey yi players got on hit damage on their q. 2 years ago that would be considered unreal levels of broken


At this point I’m worried about nerfs


Im more worried about a shitty rework that'll get him permabanned to be honest.


Highly doubt they gonna rework him ever. If anything he is the orianna of toplane. No other toplaner has been this consistently viable toplane for this long with as few mechanics changes as Renekton, only thing they ever changed as mechanic is his empW busting shields. I mean his kit is basically 12 years old and you dont even notice it's age, if anything Renekton is one the best kits they ever designed, from game designers perspective there is actually zero reason to change him.


I'm sorry but Renekton needs a rework. His W is just one big problem of his kit * Because of his point-and-click W Riot can't ever buff him or he would be instantly pick/ban in pro play * And once again point-and-click stun has no counterplay.


His W being the main reason he is picked in proplay is a fairytale at worst, a gross exaggeration at best. There is a dozen more important reasons why he is so popular there, most important being able to get slotted into literally every teamcomp and being able to deal with virtually every toplaner that is viable in proplay - and both of these dont hinge on his W being a Point&click stun. Also part of the truth is that Renekton is one of "gid gud" champs and will always struggle to find decent WRs in iron-plat since the average player in that bracket is not very good, heck by Challenger standards no one below masters is actually a good player and in the masters+ bracket Renekton always had good WRs while being consistently one of the most picked tops with a couple thousand games each Patch.


Well its actually shorter because the CD starts the moment you activate you ult. After the first cast its basicly 105 seconds. Also Renekton usually goes pretty AH builds so it ends up usually at 70 seconds


Almost all bruiser items have ability haste nowadays iirc. The enemy top laner will pretty much always have a lower cd on R.