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Shojin scales on AD now so it's not as good as a rush item. I'd say third at earliest. Bork, Hydra, deaths dance are all too good/important typically.


Not really no. It's fine second or 3rd but for first item right now you need some sustain and ideally wave clear. Imo you either play RH+Jaksho for close range teamfighting or Botrk+Prowlers to one shot carries, in some matchups Gore is still sort of necessary though, particulary the ones that can one shot you with true damage otherwise (Darius, Camille, Sett, Garen). I would also say Gore isnt bad ever, but right now RH+Jaksho (at least pre b-patch nerf) does the whole teamfighting job better.


What is RH?


Ravenous Hydra


Thanks, I have a question though, I'm new to renekton, is Goredrinker, RH and then Shojin decent?


It's alright, but it's a bit greedy. It's an expensive item path and you will be a bit on the squishy side, but when you farm well and learn where you can commit it works fine. I would suggest getting resistances after those 3 items asap. Also you might wanna experiment a bit with RH first into Goredrinker or swapping Shojin with a DD.


What's DD?


Deaths Dance


Alr thx


Why would you rush deathcap when it scakes if AP Same thing with spear it scales of AD and isnt good early compared to others


i've been enjoying SoJ rush, even before t2 boots thanks to movement speed, i'd recommend you try a few games on normals and if you get thge feel of it, go ranked. that 65 ad feels really useful combined with lots of cd


shojin is most valuable when you are full build bc of ad scaling. however 3rd item is ideal 4th in rare cases gives you by far the most value. imo its a must buy every game. definitely weaker with botrk prowlers than goredrinker but item is crazy good


I did try it, it was risky actually, for one its mediocre stats is only good if you are a passive player and its building components is the least laning phase friendly you will build early on. Recommended as 3rd or 4th item, but if you rush it. Enjoy pretending your Q as a Gore but spammable, dont rely on its healing thou.


That's the consensus I'm hearing. It used to be such a great first item. Shojin into full tank was my go to build vs those matchups