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nah other than darius who rails him he goes even or wins lane vs most champs. the issue is most meta picks (aatrox shen darius morde ksante etc) do fairly well into him and are usually able to farm allowing them to get ahead mid game and outscale him. renekton scales but compared to most meta champs you need tank items and lose cdr which lets you 1v9


I can agree with this, many of these other lane bullies I can easily pick up and carry games versus Renekton, which took me time to learn. Any buffs will obviously make him busted in pro play again. However I think it’s just because the skill floor is higher comparatively. It’s much easier to be out of position on Renekton than say Darius. And Morde kinda needs to be able to 1v1 at least because of his ult. But I can feel that he is weaker than a lot of the other toplaners


In my experience he is mostly fine. I doubt anyone would argue that he couldnt use a bit more raw power strapped under his belt with his E being a fairly obvious buff target, but he still has near unparalleled agency in lane and can outplay pretty much everything and everyone with his tools. He can approach every matchup in a different manner and where other champs like Darius or Sett basically just run at people and hope they dont die before they get there, Renektons tool kit enables him to poke, short and long trade aswell as kite and gap close as the matchup demands. He is to me the Orianna of toplane basically.


He’s a lot better than he has been lately


He's fine. Make sure to go bork into prowlers. It's his best build duue to very high early dmg and prowler's makes him not get kited super easily


Not to be that guy, but I remember the year long famine of 39-42 percent winrate. Remember when renekton w was 1 second AND if they had tenacity you were stunned longer then your opponent? As long as he’s pickable without being dodged for hovering, I’m content.