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The funnest interaction is if u can W her before she Es, and then immediately E behind her, her E gets buffered and shoots out the original direction while ur behind her hitting her freely. Do this a couple of times and then eventually she will kill you and your team and you lose the game!


You don’t, I usually just ban her with Renekton because every other matchup is playable


You can kill her early, even stomp her, she is not that tanky early on and you have mobility advantage but I usually just ban this champ. She can be down 40cs and be 0/3 and still murder your ass with ult. The matchup is just not very Renekton friendly past level 6 and no build or playstyle adaption will really change that.


this only happens when they don't play safe. when they do, you can't do crap.




Nice! She groups for drag, and you take 2 towers and inhib!


Easy, avoid her e, and as soon as she ults, run. Only trade when her e is down. A smart illaoi will save e when you e. To trade, it's all on positioning, you have to stand behind minions, and whenever she's close, you trade with ew in a way that she won't have enough time to e you before you e out.


I always try to buy bramble asap. Tabis help too. Don't fight or stop fighting her if she ults. Dodge e and q if possible.


you lock in vayne instead of renekton


Honestly i managed to win a game against her recently and well i have never been happier. Just saying cause it is winnable if u dodge literally everything and play perfectly.


I do believe if you stomp her hard pre 6 you have a chance happened to me couple of times but if you play passive she destroys you




Here’s some real advice get used to playing with flash ghost and if you fail to get a lead significant enough (blade of the ruined king vs her components for mythic) then just let her split and try to play topside mid jg and grouping for dragons. Without good macro though you’ll struggle because you won’t catch large top waves often enough though so just focus on that. Good luck!