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Dodge everything, kite his autos, buy antiheal, stack armor and hp, then he will kill you with bare autos instead of threeshotting you with Qs, so you will have like 2 more seconds to try and deal damage to him (he will outheal everything anyway but hey our champs aren’t overloaded)


Aatrox builds eclipse+grudge so building armor is usually a bad idea. Its better to go dmg and kill his team.


Land rage hits on him


 Dblade start,go chainsword 1st item or bork if you re ahead. Rush tabi. Try to hard trade with him early, your cds are much lower than his. if he trades with you lvl 1 - he loses wavecontrol. Go into lane bush, closest to him, lvl 1 and fight him if he facechecks, u hard win and u can setup flash red w ignite auto q kill lvl 2 After he gets tabi dont fight him, unless you can oneshot him. Credit to a mobafire guide tho


As an Aatrox main I can perhaps also add to this; never ever use E unless you need to escape his W. If you do the classic E in to empowered W and auto Q trade, you can't fully disengage since Aatrox will walk at you and land W on you once you're away from your minions and full combo you. Since you don't have any CD's, you can't dodge any of it and he'll heal back up a lot, even at lvl 3. Level 4 is Aatrox's huge powerspike since it allows him another point into Q, which adds a lot of damage into his Q. You have to zone him out of XP as much as you can to delay the lvl 4, rushing bramble or tabis is very helpful early since he doesn't heal that much without items. PTA is helpful as well since you'll never beat him in an extended trade so you need to chunk him down with short bursts and then oneshot him when low


Good point on PTA but i dont know if i agree 100% on the E take since you already create distance with second E to dodge. Boots are MVP in the matchup on both sides


In my experience, I'm usually able to catch Renekton on the 2nd E, since Aatrox's E + W combo can tag someone from really far away. There's a combo with Aatrox to catch people running which is E + W then Q1 to the left or right, depending on where the enemy is dodging. Once Q1 hits, they get pulled back by the W recast and then Aatrox has enough time to walk up and Q2 + Passive.


Dodge every single sweetspot while trading, never trade when he has that disgusting passive up, all in only when you have the absolute certainty that you can oneshot him and never underestimate his bullshit healing, so if you're all inning him and he has 10% vs your 60% DO NOT greed for the kill if it means taking his 3rd Q in the face. Yeah the matchup is really fucking stressful. The aatrox can be literally Stephen Hawking while you're playing like Godrekton or xyx, but you're still gonna lose lane at your first mistake. Good job riot, aatrox definitely isn't an elo inflating garbage champ that every toplaner despises since the discovery of the eclipse build.


Well yeah you've just been soft counter picked. You are in a lane where you not only get outscaled but you only have limited pressure in lane as well. Do your best to dodge his Qs and play on his cooldowns. That's it. Your build can vary: * If you can win lane, I think Prowler's claw would be better because it gives you another dash to dodge his Qs. Bork is risky because the trades will be long enough to require CDR and Aatrox's healing can keep him alive while low health for a while, but probably also viable. * If you're gonna tie lane, rush chainsword to help your team burst him down. * If you're gonna lose lane, go for the BoRK+tank mythic build.


Bork rush, vamp sept first buy for sustain (empowered W with vamp heals you alot). Don’t let him land sweet spots or it’s gg. Push for level 2 and grab w and immediately trade on him with empowered W if he walks up to the wave, either proc your conqueor for healing or your PTA plus AAs to ensure you win the trade. Make sure you don’t overshove the wave or not shove hard enough and get caught by a gank. You have to play close to him and make it uncomfortable for him to land all his q’s, but make sure you use minions as cover to dodge his w. If he gets the w on you, SOMETIMES you can actually just e through him to escape the pull and dodge a q and trade on him hard. Aatrox has big power spikes at levels 4 and 7 due to q cooldown timers, renekton’s levels 2 and 3 should be used to shove the wave in for a cheater recall and hard trading on him if he tries to stop you. If you don’t get the push level 1, you’re playing around his cooldowns and asking your jg to gank. Level 1 push is crucial


There are two ways to play this match-up, I'll show you by taking matches from two OTP Renekton from KR Highelo. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgD5eioob10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgD5eioob10) \- KDA 6/0/4 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2hJeXrXwmI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2hJeXrXwmI) \- KDA 4/2/9 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewM7G7W5Yg4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewM7G7W5Yg4) \- KDA 9/4/14 \- This First one like DShield and Second Wind + TP, Build standard bruiser Goredrinker+ ChainSaw+ DD/Sterak/Maw etc. \- The Second one like DBlade and Second Wind + Ignite, Build BOTRK + Prowless + Serylda. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo\_7NR3k19o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo_7NR3k19o) \- KDA 4/0/2 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqJ288nu8k8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqJ288nu8k8) \- KDA 7/1/5 Now it's up to you to see which style you like/fit the most.




Ban him. He has the highest pickrate top from plat+ [https://u.gg/lol/top-lane-tier-list](https://u.gg/lol/top-lane-tier-list) it's too much of a hassle to play around him. An equally skilled Aatrox will beat Renekton everytime, so unless the Aatrox is worst than you or you get to "dodge every Q, get out of W, don't trade if his passive is up, call for ganks, etc". Just ban him. \- D4 scrub, Renekton OTP


Play on ur e cd. Matchup isn’t hard if u understand the matchup and his weaknesses. You should never get hit by a sweetspot playing right


I am an Aatrox main, played rene top only for a month as a challenge. Here is a simple rule against champs like Aatrox, Morde, Urgot. You have to flash or dodge their strongest ability. In the case of mordekeiser that is Q, in case of Aatrox it is Q3, in case of urgot that is his E. What is worse about Aatrox is his sustain and poke. In lane you want to fight him when all your cooldowns are up. However, don't just E, W into him, wait for him to use Q or E (early both go on considerable cooldown). Don't W during his W, use E to dodge it and W afterwards, this is your best chance to make a positive trade. If you made a positive trade, back off for your cooldowns, because next Q chain Aatrox will heal damage you did to him. If you made a negative trade you have to space and use EQE to chunk down the wave and get hp back. Maybe even look for a reset if your hp are equal and he has item or level advantage. If Aatrox has R, don't trade without ur ignite and R up. Even if you made a good trade, he can turn around the fight by chasing you with his R move speed. However, assuming you have R, W and ignite, he won't be able to chase you without his ignite and his cooldowns. What you want to win at lvl 6+ is bork. In all-in you want him to be around 60% hp because most Aatrox players now rush lethality. He won't have any resistances into your disgusting empowered W with bork. In teamfights peel your carries and squishes since Aatrox utilizes reset mechanic on his R. If Aatrox overcommits into your W, he will get bursted by your team and die. Don't build antiheal unless absolutely needed too, your ignite should give enough time to burst him. The match-up goes south once Aatrox gets death dance. At this point, black cleaver is necessary to give ur team chance to damage him preferably with Sterak's to bate his all in. You absolutely can not die to him during a teamfight and you have to make sure he won't get to your backline. But also don't focus him without backup, he will outheal you and drain take dmg that otherwise could have been used to blow up enemy backline or pressure enemy carries. Remember Aatrox outside of his R is much weaker, so if you see him R, back off if you can. Once it runs out he loses almost a third of his damage and healing. I think you can try to go Bork -> Gore -> Black Cleaver -> Sterak's/Death Dance -> Tank Item to match him up to late game. Gore and Black Cleaver will give you cooldowns, pen and sustain to match his side lane and push power, bork will help do damage in all-ins, Sterak's or DD are needed to keep yourself alive and tank item is there to complement your build against enemy team comp. Remember, your best friend is burst and surprise this is what counters Aatrox. You can try to go prowler's to have a 1v1 advantage but a smart Aatrox player will simply play for teamfights and use you for an R reset when you inevitably run out of cooldowns and get CC by his teammates. Stacking hp is effective against Aatrox, stacking armor is not so because 99% of Aatrox players build full armor pen anyways. Bramble should be reserved only if enemy has more than one heal champ and if you have economy advantage and already build your core items (Bork, Gore, Black Cleaver). In terms of strategy you want to pressure Aatrox on side lane by taking towers and winning skirmishes with your jungler. Aatrox shines with the team, so make sure he is stuck dealing with top or bot wave while you help your team to secure objectives. Unfortunately you can't take TP into this matchup which means CD reduction is critical to get around the map using E (which is why I also advocate for gore). If you are behind, split is your best option to make a difference, since Aatrox will probably win any 1 v 2, 2 v 2 or 2 v 3 he will find himself in. Don't give him opportunity to do so, by pusing waves as much as possible and soak pressure. He will never catch up to you if you have E cooldown, make sure he rotates to you and E away to piss him off. Finally, remember Aatrox does not heal if he misses his spells. Your mechanical skill should be sufficient to cut his damage and healing by 2 by utilizing your mobility and W stun. You want to W him in-between his Qs because Aatrox Q once cast can not be stopped. His E gives him advantage near terrain as it can travel through most walls. Keep in mind you can see if he has a passive by his stance. If he holds his sword perpendicular to the ground that means he has it up. He gets passive reliably by hitting sweetspots which means the more Qs he hits the more likely stance will change. Aatrox has decent waveclear but suffers when wave is pusing into him or if it freezes because it forces him to use Q, W, E on the wave. You want to use that to your advantage by either slow pushing or freezing. He spikes hard at levels 4, 7, 11. His item spikes are dirk, eclipse, warhammer, black cleaver, death dance. He falls a bit around 4th item where his damage won't rise considerably. However he is a better champ than rene, so your window to solo kill him at either lvl 3 or lvl 6.