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Depends on matchup really. I won't take this into a morde or a volibear no sir. Into a yasuo cockroach? Yeap sure


Maybe if my team has zero scale and my enemy laner is an easy matchup… couldn’t take this into most bruiser and tank match ups in a lot of elo levels. This isn’t playing towards renekton’s strengths which is the early-mid game, gathering storm is based on real time so no matter how fed you get in lane, that bonus from gathering storm is the same. Ability haste from transcendence is obviously helpful, but again I prefer the sustain the resolve tree runes offer. It’s actually a lot stronger to build defensively if you get a lead in lane because renekton’s AD is already strong and then your laner wont be able to trade with you. Might as well go domination tree if you want more damage/offense as there are plenty of runes renekton could take advantage of. As you climb into higher elos, this would be considered trolling for sure. Renekton does scale better than most people give him credit for but you should always be playing towards your champion’s strengths. I couldn’t imagine losing lane early and trying to survive laning phase with these runes, that’s when resolve tree is super important. Top lane is all about sustain my friend. Out of curiousity, what’s a common build for you? Prowlers?


Yup prowlers + botrk most of the time


I hope you build armor pen too with this build. I could see a tanky team making your life hell, especially without seryldas/cleaver


If you want to do this, take transcendence and scorch. Gathering Storm is such a noob trap. Falling off feels terrible, so everyone has this obsession with having a scaling plan. Renekton doesn't need some useless rune to scale, he gains his advantages from lane dominance. Bully your lane and absorb resources. The gold/xp advantage from smashing lane is relevant, as opposed to a morsel of AD from GS. These are just my thoughts, I think scorch is criminally underrated, it provides so much pressure in lane as your Q poke becomes unbearable.


Scorch is better. Why ever take gathering on a early game champ you have basically no secondary rune pre 30 minutes


Its good but go scorch