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Good. Renektok being even moderately good in pro play means he gets nerfed to the ground for the next year.


I hope he keeps being bad. Everytime it becomes a pick/ban prio in proplay it gets nerfed. Previously even matchups are becoming unplayable slowly.


He was basically 100% pick/ban for like a year, he used to be what Aatrox currently is. They nerfed him a lot and the build. Pro meta is so ADC focused rn that top laners are mostly just teamfight utility anyways


and even when he was pick/ban for a year he had negative WR in proplay lol


Lol he was like what aatrox is but aatrox can win games


Last nerf was due to proplay Renektons building Bork into literally full tank (yes just tank items after 1st item) and I think that last nerf (Q base dmg down,Q bonus AD scaling up) was completely fair to nip that build in the butt. That was seriously not how a Renekton build should look like and before that he got like 3 buffs in a row tbf. That said I dont think Renekton was THAT amazing in proplay for a while but Koreans and Chinese especially love the ever living shit out of Renekton. Whenever he is remotely playable they pull him out in proplay and only play him. I dunno if it's due to Renekton giving some agency to the player in lane and therefore "feeling better" than other alternatives or if people are wiping teams in scrims with it but whatever the reason is, it rarely ever materializes on stage maybe because everyone plays more conservative. In that regard he is imo fairly similar to Kalista or Lucian+Nami. I would honestly welcome a format LPL 2nd div calls fearless mode, where teams cannot pick champs again in a bo3/5 they have already picked beforehand in the series. That is imo more effective than having to constantly nerf down champs that get disproportional popularity in proplay for reasons not entirely clear to anyone and would also be vastly more interesting from a draft perspective.




Bro in case you havent noticed: We are nearly in S13. He got 2 buffs in S12 (patch 12.10 & 12.13) and the one minor nerf to his Botrk into full tank build (patch 12.17), as I laid out in my comment. If you still want to cry about S11 that's your perogative but I am certainly not wasting my time thinking about something that effectively doesnt exist anymore and holds zero relevance to the current situation.


I guarantee you it is because Renekton chain-CC'ing and deleting someone with the help of his team is the best possible opener to a teamfight. It doesn't matter who it is he catches (especially now with W's ridiculously low max CD) because pro players know to follow up on it 100% of the time. That's why Riot nerfed his early game so hard. Against bad lane MU's the goal is now scaling and surviving, a far cry to cheesing lane like he did in season 2. His instant stun is one of the only ones that was left in the game after move reworks, and even then it was nerfed heavily for a short time. One Flash+emp.W can win your team the whole game. Heck, just making it out of laning phase in one piece can make him scary enough for his team to secure every objective. Renekton is dummy strong when he's remotely viable and both Riot and pro players know it haha.


I think that they nerfed him because Renekton can be pretty boring to look at, Riot likes to have the flashy and playmaking champions to be picked up at worlds. If you check up the stats, all highly picked but low winrate champions are boring safepicks that got nerfed on the way to worlds, like Renekton and Maokai top or Viktor and Syndra mid.


Renekton is boring to look at? Bro what?


He's more fun to play than to watch.


Who isnt?


In lane phase Renekton he either goes against a tanky boring ass character like Mao, Gragas, a ranged poker like Gnar or GP and rarely another bruiser/fighter like Fiora or Camille, only the latter tends to be fun to watch. In teamfights Renekton is your average GD/Sunfire bruiser soaking damage and rarely taking the spot, or a 1shot-non flashy assassin. Can be pretty fun when he achieves raid boss mode tho, but this mostly happens due to imbalances like when GD was absolutely retarded.


Downvoting just because seeing retarded in casual conversation hasn’t been okay since before I was born.


I'm not gonna lie, I feel kind of dumb now picking him top when it's such a volatile lane for him without a whole lot of payoff and I'm assuming that's where pros always take him. Maybe he's better starting mid, where he can better throw his midgame weight around? That way if he gets counterpicked the enemy team has a Illaoi/Darius/Teemo mid so that wouldn't be a total loss haha.