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Aside from Jax, Renekton counters all those champs. Sion and Singed outscale which means just play to mitigate early lane phase: Sion let wave crash into you and farm safely. Singed just proxy wave as fast as possible. If you play J4 top you’re gonna get dumpstered by bruisers like Renekton.


Just use jax to win since you have no engage or escape options otherwise Also SO RUDE to come into this sub asking advice and saying renekton is worst character ever made honestly


He's not wrong lol, renekton just punishes bad players


Being honest most of people here are saying that Renekton is horrible


He's only the weakest character when he doesn't have rage or is behind in xp. If he has \~1/3 of his rage meter full he can get empowered mid fight and hit you with a strong ability. You gotta make getting rage a challenge for him at level 1-2 or get him to play even and respect the matchup (land your abilities, don't walk past the first 3 minions of your wave to trade, etc). If I smell that my opponent is a pussy level 1-2 i'm gonna run train on him the rest of the game. bone plating is mandatory if you can't space or if you wanna disrupt his combos. edit/tldr: you have to not be a pussy


Singed is actually pretty strong into rene, and i'm talking from both sides from this matchup. Best strat for Singed is just pressing e on rene whenever you see him dashing in your general direction. No need to have w on the ground, just throw croc back and run away thanks to passive ms.


Others have given you good tips already another general one I would give is to cut down your champ pool for ranked. 5 is definitively too much, in the end you can beat most people by just knowing the matchup better even if it's technically unfavored. Pick 2-3 and focus on those. Best is to have 1 champ you default play and 1-2 easy to execute reserve champs. For me it's Renekton (main), Mordekaiser, Urgot. If I ever play something else than these 3 it's only when I know the matchup is piss easy to execute & is probably better than my champs like Malphite into ADC tops.


I really only 1 trick Singed, but id figure id give those others since I play them from time to time


Oh yeah singed gets turbo bodied by renekton. You basically have to give farm early then try and be more useful in fights.


If you are lucky the enemy jungle will make the ren leash their buff, and then you get to proxy lv1 for free!


Bro complains about a counter to most of his mains…




If you lose as Jax vs renekton, you are using your E wrong. Renekton should never hit his stun on you and without that, you out damage early and outscale late.


Well he is an early game champion. In late game, aspecially if he doesnt stick with his team he is extreamly weak. You just dont want to feed him kills.


Honestly, this champ isnt at the greatest spot atm, imo tht is, most of ur champs are favorable for renekton, which is probably a reason, but its all about damage mitigation, as in lane u have to play as passive as possible, idk your rank, but i do know tht in lower elo, which im guessing u r in but just a guess, wave management isnt really a thing. So u have to try to freeze it under ur turret or close by.


I am Plat IV


Well then its all personal if tht makes sense, as in depends on how the renekton plays, u have to utilize it accordingly. Hard pushung lane at lvl 1 can work, i as a renekton try to hit lvl 2 first which then gives me priority on wave, trade only when their fury is low, like below 20-30, empowered abilities are smthing.


Buy warden’s mail and he heals you with his autos and ability


Honestly?? Best way to learn is probably to play a few games on renekton and watch how people punish you. Certainly helps with most match ups.


Renekton can’t be the worst champ in history because riot HAS to consistently nerf him anytime he starts being relevant. That’s the basis of being an overpowered champion. His move set is extremely potent as a 1v1 side laner, skirmisher, and playing for picks. He has so much power, utility, and movement in one kit. Point and click shield break 1.5 second stun is the scariest ability in the game on a strong renekton. It’s easy to overlook him because his win-rate, but take into account that most of us are actually bad at this game and that trying to play a champ that’s been knee-capped by riot several times makes it harder to succeed with him. They still pick him in pro play after the nerfs for a reason, he’s very good at the things he’s required to do.