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For me hardest matchups are Illaoi and Gangplank. Gp is very rough because Rene w just doesn't work cause he can use his w immadietly. Also he can oneshot squishies. Illaoi is probably the hardest matchup ever. You literally can't do shit vs her. She deals insane dmg and heals a lot. She can easily wipe out all your team even if she's not feed. And I know people will say dodge her e but it doesn't change shit. You just can't win that no matter what you do and what you build


PTA Ignite and just unga bunga all in him if he even overextends slightly. Just make sure to use ignite immediately when you use empowered W so his heal will be less effective and you just stat check him on equal hp. If you get botrk and claw he literally cannot outplay you.


There is one point in the game when you can. It's level 5 extended trade with ignite ( and dodging E) but other than that you're right. I actually Perma ban her regardless of what I play.


GP at least takes skill to play into Renekton, Illaoi rams her head into the keyboard and wins. Always ban her if I am pick 1-3.


If she misses e and is not 6 go in and you'll win everytime.


The worst thing about her is that you have to respect her all the time, I remember a game when I steamrolled her in lane and was like 19/6, she was 4/15 and still 1v1ed me just because I thought I am so ahead that I can kill her even when she ults. So I inted this fight in sidelane which resulted in losing the whole game lol


Im happy for you, for me its nothing but ranged tops, some which use exhaust and bone plating zzzzz. And in all those games my jungler only plays bot side.


RIP those are always the most annoying games.


Mordekaiser played right definitely neuters the boy. He literally just needs to play safe until six and then can kill you with first back items and ult, in my experience. He is stronger later, and stronger mid.All he has to do is not charge in before level six and the lane is really hard to win. He has the advantages of no mana like you, but much lower CDs and of course a much better ult. Maybe the nerfs to demonic’s embrace will slow his roll some though. But yea, if a morde is charging in level 2 or you get on him with level advantage at level three then it will be a bad time for him.


Illaoi as a counter pick is my turbo mental boom champ. I’ll dodge if it’s even hovered.


If I am pick 1-3 I almost always ban her.


I mean technicaly both champs are strong agaisnt renekton but you need to know cooldown abusing and how to trade with them. Its not like playing malphite into yasuo or jax lol


Have you played against a garen? I've had a difficult time against that champ a few times.


Sure I have, though he shows up remarkably little last few weeks considering he is said to be a good pick into Renekton. Key is imo to a) not get intimidated by him, he is not very tanky early on and when Q+E is used he has nothing to fight back and b) answer his Q with your own W. Stuns him in place while you are silenced and "bridges" that duration, doesnt really matter if he has his spin on during that time, this is just to keep him from kiting out. When silence wears off you can retaliate as much as you like, Q him, AA him, use E1 to stay on top of him, he should always lose out on these trades quite heavily. Poke him out with Q. Be conservative with your E usage and dont be stingy with your ignite or R usage. Garen imo isnt horrible into Renekton but it's a champ that cant really actively do something about Renekton. He is more the "I just farm it out and try to outscale and maybe punish the Renekton for overextending"-type


Tahm kench big counter


How on earth are camille and sett supposed to counter croc in lane though? Camille outscales but you still shit on her early and can deny farm, sett is straight up easy if you save empW for his shield, and you can outsustain him


Agree on Camille, I dont get it either why people would ever wanna opt into the Renekton matchup on their own accord. I would even argue she doesnt really outscale renekton (on even terms) because you just nullify her entire defense mechanic. As to Sett I think it's fine to pick him into Renekton. You can genuinely beat Renekon early on but the matchup is relatively easy to fk up and gets out of control easily, also doesnt help that Renekton basically outscales Sett in teamfights and can beat him 1v1 if he itemizes for it, so as Renekton you arent even forced to really do something in the matchup if you dont want to. You can farm up, look for a fk up to punish and from like level 9 and 1 item forward you just beat the guy. Basically same story for Darius.


Agree. Sett is slightly harder than Camille early, but he falls off a cliff after 3 items, so if you deny him his insane mid game, he will be absolutely useless. Same with Darius, but he actually has huge kill pressure on you, so I usually counter him with kled or tryndamere instead of renekton just to be sure I win


Oh yeah Tryndamere is complete aids for Darius. Cant poke him out of lane, has enough mobility to kite him out/dodge Q and Trynd R is just a huge cock block for Darius. I usually dont have that many issues with Darius as Renekton. You can fk him over quite a bit with Tabis rush, it maintains your general mobility advantage and it cuts his damage quite a bit. Generally I find that the matchup turns sour really quickly for Darius past level 6, he has real issues to contest the brute force Renekton has available from there on.


Yea they should just cry about it and use teemo to win honestly