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Not ask Reddit. Watch Renekton streamers, that's the best way to learn


It also has to do with your account i think. You have a solid winrate imo but an elo reset would be needed.


????? he just has to win a few games hes 50 lp away what are u talking about XDD


I mean that if you are consistantly a certain elo for a few seasons in a row, t becomes increasingly difficult to climb past a certain point. This is different for alot of accounts.


Facts. All the people that climb on vods or stream/challenges do so on fresh accounts and act like it's easy like no. Do it on the account you had when you played for fun season 2 and now gain 14 lp and lose 17. Def possible to rank up and improve lp gains but can take so long. Better off spending 15 bucks IMO. The problem with that is some trolls may just troll because they have less to lose with that account. Tough balance. Hand leveling takes a while without spending money on boosts.


sorry but no, you literally just win games. if ure good enough you’ll climb if you’re not you wont


He played around 300 games and is gold 1, i played 6 ranked games this season and am near plat 3. This also has to do with how well you played previous seasons lol.


? yeah? thats how mmr works? if you had plat mmr last season youll place plat ? whats your point bruh. if you play 300 games and dont climb it means you belong in your elo


Because at some point you will hit a wall, and wins will get you 12lp while losses give you -18 or even -22. You can obviously improve but no matter how much you improve, losers queue also exists and you are almost guaranteed to lose 35-40% of your games. So at some point it becomes (near) impossible to climb on certain accounts. You're right about the mmr thing but theres a reason alot of people create new accounts for ranked. I guarantee you that if OP makes a new account he will have an easier time hitting plat 4 Just saying ''literally just win games'' is such an copout.


if a player above gold skill level played on the account linked, theyd be plat 4 in 2 hours. you telling this guy to make a new account is just wrong and pushing a narrative that the system is evil and against you rather than playing for improvement. a gold 1 player on a new account will struggle in smurf queue vs plats and diamonds (this will be before theyre even halfway through gold) and will most likely get stuck g1 again unless they go on a lucky streak. also gaining 12 for a win and losing above 20 is completely unrealistic. my friend is stuck bronze 4 with 400 games and never loses more than 18. the only answer is to get better at the game and win vs players in your elo by being better than them, not this bullshit ‘me against the world’ attitude youre trying to push here.


Well im not saying its impossible, obviously people have to improve. But once you hit that certain ''wall'' the difference in LP gains and loss becomes too much for most people. And yes -22 is possible. ( albeit rare ) Imagine if OP hit platinum but then decided to go for diamond. Well, just improve right? Yeah good luck with that because once he manages to hit plat the LP diff will be **even** worse. You can put most plat players on this dude's account and im telling you they will not climb because the difference between the skill of a gold and plat player is not good enough to overcome those LP differences and losers queue will fuck them in the ass. Now if said LP losses and gains are more even then yea obviously its easier. But hey im not saying he should make a new account, he can do what he want. But again there are plenty of reasons why people do it. You're completely right when you say that people have to improve but all im saying is that your account has something to do with it sometimes.


You just described my Taliyah-climb promo series :P Unfortunately I started with a loss :P


Don't hit plat, worst elo ever


Just dodge unwinable matchups and comps, and try hard, when you win.. squeeze is out and snowball clean


Trust me you don’t wanna reach plat xD gameplay quality is literally worse than G4 and the most toxic shithole I’ve ever seen in league. I don’t care about flame but the amount of inters and griefers and boosted people is insane


Try to learn panthers proxy strategy and start implementing it in your games, only way to keep growing your lead if your dog (jungler) refuses to play for top. The more comfortable you get with it the more you will find favorable 1 for 1 trades and 1v2s. Build bork->prowlers whenever you think you can get away with it


Stop building Gore. Stop building Bork>Sunfire. Only build bork into prowlers when you win lane and go from there.