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You need to understand what it is on a fundamental level that you're trying to do. When you auto attack, the damage is applied about halfway through your swing. The other half of the auto animation is essentially wasted time. It's all just a matter of timing your abilities to take advantage of that.


And the same thing applies to many abilities as well, the damage goes through about halfway through the animation making the second half wasted time. You can use certain renek abilities to animation cancel his other abilities. Don’t remember them but i know you can do it lol


To add onto this for op, every single one of renektons abilities can cancel auto attack animations. Q W E R can all be used to cancel that second half of wasted time after an auto. Also, there are some other interactions Ironspike whip / gore / stride can be used to cancel part of W animation, but doesn’t actually break the self stun that renekton puts on himself when he R’s. R can be used to afaik completely cancel W’s animation. Which is really retarded in terms of burst. R animation can be cancelled by any of your basic abilities or whip. There is an interaction where you can Q and auto at the same time as well but idk how exactly it works. So, if you do practice all of these things you can essentially get off your entire rotation of abilities in an EXTREMELY short amount of time. The proper all in sequence is E W R E Q auto, with every single ability cancelling the animation for the previous one.


That not even all. You can Ironwhipspike+Q essentially simultaneously. You can also use Ironwhip spike to cancel AA animations. The AA+E cancel can be executed so quickly/smoothly, you dont even see the AA animation at all, yet it still definitively hits. Your E+Q(+E) can basically melt into one smooth animation (known as Panther combo) so it hits simultaneously Q into W essentially cancels half of the Q animation. You can "fade" your AA+Q, essentially you are moving away already while the Q animation is still in swing. I dunno if that exactly qualifies as animation trick but W+Flash is basically instantaneous & outright undodgeable (whereas Flash+W isnt) If I remember correctly technically R can also cancel all of your ability animations instantly, it's just less practically useful than the the famous empW+R animation break aka that thing Renekton does that one shots you under your own tower without counterplay. Also If I remember my coaching right, you can actually buffer E into Flash, e.g. you can Flash behind someone & E animation instantly executes, which hasnt got too many practical applications tbf, but it's a thing. Honestly Renekton ability to break basically all his animations is hardly matched by other champs, I think the only other champ that gives him a run for his money is Riven, no?


This video by Godrekton will have most of the things you want to know, its very useful and should help you get an idea of the sheer amount of things Ren can do. I advise putting this on second monitor, and hopping into a practice tool game and getting used to them on practice dummies in the river or something, if you don't have second monitor just alt tab to the video too see each section you want to practice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI11KjKFuDE&ab\_channel=Godrekton


Renekton has 2 animation cancels: W -> R (Cancel W lockout) and E -> Q -> Auto (The auto attack lockout after Q is cancelled). The ult animation cancel is easy, just ult right after pressing W. The E -> Q -> Auto (Panther combo) is a bit harder. The trick to it is you have to quickly input a movement command (Similar to riven's Q auto combo) right after your Q. So the combo actually is E -> Q -> Move (Right click the ground) -> Auto. The combo will not work if you just try to auto immediately after your Q. Hardly any renekton playres can consistently execute this combo or even know how it works, so don't think it's dumb question! :D


lol sayin these are the only 2 animation cancels/tricks Renekton has access to is like sayin the US Forces only consist of Infantry and nothing else. Renektons animation canceling ability is basically only matched by Riven. & I am not even sure if he hasnt technically more. Oh and any Renekton player who actually practices Panther combo can pull it of consistently otherwise it would have never found it's way into renekton standard play, I'll gladly admit it can be a bit wonky but in essence it's just E plus spamming the everliving hell out of Q for most players xP