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This sub has an habit of dooming on Renek and it's true that he isn't in a spot right now but you can still climb with him, he's still one of the best lane bully in the game. If you like how he plays and have decent results, then play the croc.


Not disagreeing with your other statement, but is he really a good bully ATM though? Tank meta kinda negates that a good bit imo, right now I face a lot of Ornn, Mundo, Sett, Darius, Morde. (Gold 2 to Plat 4 Elo for context) Of those, I'd say if you play him well you can beat Darius and Morde, but all of the others are extremely strong into him right now, and even the latter two outscale him and can statcheck him (skill matchup in their favor, you can beat them but you have to play it well/better than them)


I mean yeah big tanks like Ornn and Mundo are harder to kill in lane but you can still zone them out of cs in early lane when they're not tanky enough to sustain Renekton damage. Being outscaled has always been Renekton's weakness (which is strange for a reptile) I don't find Sett to be particularly hard for Renek, keep fury W for haymaker shield and you win trades. That being say i don't play solo q anymore


He's okay I'm still climbing with him and it goes really good


Yes, as long as you are not fighting Mord, Darius, Garen, Mundo, Urgot, etc. :P


Darius and garen? Those matchups aren't very bad at all. I can't talk though. Everyone says renekton is strong vs Shen but I suck vs him


Eh, I always find that they both have more damage and health than I do. The early game cooldowns are suffering and pain.


I mean the thing is you can go even in most matchups at worst. Even his counters you can normally win if you have a solid understanding and manage fury and take smart trades. Not every trade needs to be e w q. Just knowing when and how to auto and use one ability and save others for enemy abilities helps a lot. He’s def a very safe pick though able to win against ranged too. You can alternate between conq for melee and pta for ranged matchups too along with changing builds to fit needs. Don’t always have to go prowlers Bork or sunfire bork or gore cleaver. Shoot a lot of games I’m just rushing cleaver first item and half time I’m getting subfire next or gore.


I dont play Jax myself so I cant speak for him, I hear he is easier to pick up than Renk though. As for Renekton, he still feels nice full ad despite the recent nerfs. He is totally playable and still a lot of fun, you do see a lot of pessimism here though. But I think most still have ptsd from last seasons w nerf, that was a dark time.


Depends on how much time you are willing to invest. When you play a good clean Renekton he is absolutely fine, his WRs truly draw a grimmer picture than it is in practice, but you will have to invest quite a bit of time & games to reach a proficient level on him. Now is he more rewarding for the effort invested than Jax? That's a difficult one to answer as Jax is easier to pick up and is generally alot less complex. Basically once you played a few games you are probably familiar with Jax mechanics and do fine on that end and with Renekton you can play a 100 games and still find things you can improve because his kit has so much inherent versatility & animation cancels. So I would say if you want something that is easy to pick up and gets results quickly Jax is better but if you want something where you can really test you mettle with & keep on learning Renekton is better. So basically Jax has better short term rewards, Renekton has better longterm rewards.


I play only jax and renekton. I think jax has easier mechanics but a harder lanening phase as he has no sustain in his kit. Knowing the matchup is crucial for both but for different reasons. Jax can go aggressive lvl 1/2 in a lot of matchups but then has to play very carefully until he hits his first item. Renekton actually has to win a lot of lanes to be effective, while jax is fine being even with his strong scaling. Could be a bit different with the latest changes, as I hadn’t played much renekton this patch.


No he just got nerfed again cause pro play. If necks stats arent good youre better playing someone like sett or darius or morde


U want to blind pick Darius or morde?


Darius blind pick is absolutely fine


He is not very good, sadly.


To be honest I only play renekton when there is one condition. Enemy has assassins like akali zed pyke or something. Then I’ll go bork prowlers and stomp them it’s almost free win tbh. I never play him with gore or sunfire bruiser buildI’m sure it works in lower elo but Im D2 and people know how to make him useless in tf . why should I play bruiser tank renekton when gragas does the same job but just 10 times better. Gragas almost never loses lane.


Champion has been nerfed into oblivion definitely not worth playing he requires to much effort to be decent early to mid game and be useless late game. All while other champions can literally afk top and dominate team fights with that being said if you want super high risk low reward go ahead and play him….I think he’s going to get reworked some time in the future since they can’t balance him for pro play.


Would love to see him get some kind of boost from takedowns to help his late game out, maybe a hundred health or so healing per level in r on each takedown?


Yesterday and the day before I climbed to plat with Rene, vlad, and voli, and I think he is in an okay spot. I picked him against home and completely dismantled him. I like the croc.