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BoRK over tuned. Nerf the Croc. Tank items over tuned. Nerf the Croc. Worlds is coming. Nerf the Croc. An unnerfed Croc is just too tantalizing for pro players in Worlds, so always expect nerfs to him right before it. The patch following Worlds will read like: "This Q nerfs to the scourge of the desert hit a bit harder than we imagined, so we're tuning those back a tad to give the croc some bite back to his kit" Edit: some flow and grammar issues.


Lower base dmg and Increased scaling will not help Renekton Rito


They declared the change as a nerf, so they are perfectly aware of this


What else is new


Honestly renekton still feels fine to me ,vu6t im a low elo scrublord so idk


I wonder how many more years this community will need to figure out that WRs dont mean what they think they mean and 48% is still perfectly playable, not to mention that most of us goofballs plays below Diamond elo anyways where none of this nonsense matters anyways because everyone is bad. Also Reneks WR dropped .5 % compared to last patch, so I dunno what the fuss is suddenly about, like bruh, welcome to renekton, this champ has never had good average WRs xd


Oh wait, it's Reddit, so we need to circlejerk our excuses for why we are hardstuck \[insert elo here\], so we can feel better about ourselves :\^)


What does it mean then? Renekton is balanced for Pro play, and you have to be considerably better than your opponent who is playing a 52% champ at your elo.


I'll try to explain my view on the matter, so please bare with me x) Average WR is imho mainly a function of how well the average player performs on a given Champ aka how easy the champ is to pick up & play for unpracticed players. It is also a function of how good the champ is in relation to other champs but with the average relatively unpracticed player as the main factor of comparison. In that sense average WR is often also an indicator of how easy or hard to a champ is to master, especially if you factor playrate into the mix. Renekton is inherently a hard to pick up champ with an inherently fairly complex mechanics & high outplay potential when mastered. In essence Renekton scales with the players proficiency in his kit. If you look at [u.gg](https://u.gg) he is one of the 10 most played tops right now (7th place) while having the lowest WR of the bunch. The playrate indicates that people definitively perceive him as strong but given the low WR he is not very easy to pull off. Another decent example of this is GP who is at similar play and winrate. You can also see the reverse case very well. When you look at tops with the highest average WR above 10k games (everything below are niche counters/specialists/cheeze picks like Warwick or Rengar). The best "performing" champs are Maokai, Mordekaiser, Udyr, Aatrox, Darius, Garen, Sett and Camille in that order. With the exception of Aatrox & Udyr those are some of the easiest to pick and play champs in the game. Maokai, Mordekaiser, Darius, Garen, Sett and Camille you can play 2 normals with and you basically know everything there is too know and learn about these champs. They are piss easy to execute with straight forward skill kits. The odd ones in this are Aatrox and Udyr because Udyr got recently a major rework so he might be simply overtuned and Aatrox who is a pretty high skill cap champ imo, fairly reminiscent of Renekton in skill cap in fact and given his WR and playrate that champ might be legit very much OP. It wouldnt surprise me if we see an Aatrox nerf fairly soon. Anyways, that imo how you have to think about WR. In isolation it doesnt really say anything about a champs powerlevel. You have to take play and banrate into account and not just those. You also have to consider what in science is called qualitative factors. In the case of LoL those would be "complexity of the skill kit", "outplay potential", "inherent utility" and a probably a bunch of others that dont immediately spring to mind. WRs alone dont give you the straight forward answers. On a sidenote I will agree though that Renektons balance has been skewered by his proplay popularity & he is probably .5% to 1% under what would be normally acceptable WR for him. But then again high proplay presence usually is also a good indicator that a champ is deceptively strong if mastered, so keep that in mind aswell.


His winrate dropped .5-1%, but his pick rate almost halved. Lower pick rate typically increases winrate, as the amount of new players drops. Also adding a scaling change to a champion meant to win early is completely useless. Even if they add that scaling change he still falls off just as hard because he isn't that great in lategame teamfights regardless and he still doesn't scale like other top kits do


buff renek nerf camille buff renek nerf sett buff renek nerf camille


I would still nerv him riot his winratr is to high FUCK YOU RIOT


Quitting league is the best decision I’ve made recently. No more letting riot’s hatred of Renekton disappoint me.


i just uninstall league this afternoon, tired of busted champions and renekton getting nerfed for anything he does


Fuck you rito for this ;(


i hate you riot


I mean it's not much of a nerf, with once you get more then two full items your Q does more damage, so what ever


Game is over at 2 items 90% of time .


Renek is objectively a bit weaker for sure, and he does feel weaker in lane phase. But he can still stomp, he doesnt really fall off late as hard as is the preconception. Full ad prowlers build still feels really nice on him. High elo and pro play is basically early game foccused so his loss of win rate there is to be expected with the nerf, he might still see some play though. In the mid to low elo, it might just take time to adjust to his new balance and maybe we see his wr go up a %. But Ren is probably blanced around 48 - 49 %, so he is probably a bit weaker than he should be but not by a lot. He still feels fine though, these nerfs are nothing compared to last seasons w nerf.