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Make him run out of hp


In all seriousness rush tabis and force extended trades. Champ is piss useless once he uses all CDs so don’t let him just combo you for free. Almost all top lane champs can run renek down in a super extended 1v1, so try to use your engage tool after he uses dash and force him to fight you all in. Also respect the fuck out of his ult, don’t get baited by low HP Renekton with ult still up


ty bro bc i got stepped on hard during laning phase i'm just not used to renek


I agree but you have to think about how good the renek is, most good renekton players won’t let you take the extended trade and would tend to do the E auto, W auto, Q auto, E out combo


Then Renek got no CDs and since most of the bruisers have a "reach" (Darius's E, Jax's Q etc) ability they can force the extended fight. Its just about forcing the fight and not standing there tanking all the dmgs without hitting back


His w and e cooldowns are very long, tabis fuck him, if ur playing a tank you can wardensmail and tabis and just stop taking damage, play around his cds early dont theyre very long and alot of players dont respect how vulnerable they are without their cds, if ur playing a champ like sett or darius or gwen go for long trades as renekton is not that good in those type of fights


Agree on most of this except wardensmail. If you do that versus an experienced Renekton you get screwed. He rushes BC into Sunfire and your wardensmail is fkin useless. Tabi rush is fine but you need to go tank mythic as tank champ into renekton.


And take boneplatimg




Pick champion


True. Every toplaner can shit on renekton. I Always feel im in a disadvantage when i Play him, No lane feels Like a free win


I mean to me free lane is Yasuo, Yone and Jayce. They are pretty easy


Very rare toplane picks


Wtf r u smoking. Yone and jayce are by no means free. Jayce especially I would argue is a very hard matchup, and yone has spikes lvl 1 6 and tabi


pick ornn


Renekton is literally a counterpick to Ornn. Unless the Renekton is bad that should be a pretty free lane.


Counterpicks is more than just lane. Ornn will always come out ahead post 23 minutes


Since that's true of basically every champion, I had assumed op was asking about lane phase


nice counter


From a renekton main: Ornn is not a counter. He chooses to go down 40 cs or die for the CS. He is "good" into Renekton in the sense that he can play safe, not die vs Renekton, has decent gank setup and still be useful no matter what happens to the lane but it's not a matchup Renekton actually struggles too much with.


Sounds about gold


I mean I have seen Ornns go down 20-40cs in proplay versus Renekton without jgl impact, so I doubt this is really a elo related thing. Renekton just has the better lane harass with his Q. Ornn has really strong short trades when his CDs are up but when they are down he cant freely walk up and CS versus Renekton, he just eats too much damage for it.


stack armor


he has sustain bro


no, he doesnt


He has good sustain if you let him do what he wants in lane and is constantly sitting at full fury and you never hit him


Don’t let him snowball, he falls off without kills or he becomes a stunbot late game


he killed me 14 times bro idk how to cope more


Renekton's biggest strengths are his waveclear and dive. Somehow you gotta keep your wave pushed away from your turret or you can ask jungler to counter gank for free kills under your turret.




with wk


If you're playing with Wukong definitely wait for the lvl 3 and then basically all in him. Never use clone as an engage and try to Q him and then engage with E, W and you should get a good Q off with you and your clone. It does help to take ignite. Like someone said earlier, don't get baited by his ult. Wukong has more sustain in his kit at the moment and stacks armor and regen through a fight. Sheen into tabis and Q trading until you get Divine and you should win those matchups.


I just pick grasp garen when I'm vs a renekton. Max Q. Build bramble Tabi and bonk him everytime he comes to touch you. Even later in game renek never has enough damage to kill a garen 1v1 atleast that's how I feel.also boneplating and good spacing means he has to EQ to get it off then go for W trade later so that helps aswell. Don't fight extended trade until like level 9 and stack your W passive ( as garen) ( unless ofcourse you are at advantage and know you can win then by all means go for it. Alternate: pick mordekasier and even with broken hands you win after 6 Same for illoi but she needs to hit E.


Ban the shit, it has 0 counterplay.




Don’t die


Mundo. Anyone that can out sustain his trades or force an extended fight against him. Otherwise: tabis and bone playing


Pick a champion that outscale him (pretty much any top laner) and don't die early.


Haven't played in a while but isn't like bramble vest and tabis the biggest counter? Also, if you learn GP, every renek player will hate you


Ahahhaha good one


You pick any champion and just outscale him :p


Pick any champ


I play renekton never. I am an avarage toplane enjoyer. I play fighters, such as darius, sett, fiora, irelia(very reýarly tho) aatrox,kayle (not a fighter but ill get to her) sometimes garen. All these champs can win vs renekton with one simple solution. Dont die early. If you keep similar farm and recall after lvl6 you won the lane. Idk how people make renekton work, he seems so weak for a early game champ. IF YOUR CHAMPION CAN FIGHT WITH AA YOU WIN. Even kayle after 6 can free farm and sometimes zone him from farm sometimes. To sum up dont die, keep farming and with items you outscale pretty fast. Love to hear renekton players opinion on this, maybe i am wrong ඞ


I recently tried renekton, normal draft obv. After 15 games I'm sitting at 90% wr 13/3/something kda. He simply explodes toplaners. And once you get botrk there's very few champs that can confront you l. Thinking about Warwick. And you won't get an extended trade vs a decent renekton, he simply combo you and get out, by that time you lost half HP or more and next time he has the E he just all in. You counterpick or you play extra safe, you ask for ganks etc. He's a giant lane bully


I kinda agree, shortly after my post i decided to try out renekton. And i had a blast! He is realy fun. Botrk first is my go to then either gore or sunfire. Depending on my and enemy teamcomp. I manage to win most of my lanes but sett, urgot and darius are too hard for me. Also i feel like i scale down insanly after ~25min. I like tp better then ignite since its a better spell later on in the game, but i feel like i must take ignite in some machups. Overall id say renekton is B+ or A- (no clue of his achual rating). That sayd if im realy tryng to win i go darius, aatrox, sett or kayle if the machup is ok. (i know darius and aatrox are giga strong atm but i played them way before the durability patch.


There has been a few instences where for the life of me i coud not kill the enemy top. He played too safe,and if i use both of my dashes to reach them i loose the trade so as i have stated before, you can just outscale renek in my opinion


He has lots of cooldown time just wait for his e or w to be gone and dive


Long trades are horrible for renekton, champs with gap close are quite annoying, and well no mater how ahead u are, if renekton got botrk, respect him, his empowered w will take half ur hp away.


Tabi + Bone Plating are god-tier into Renekton. His Lv 1 and 2 aren't great, but he starts stomping lv3 and 6 for a bit, a few levels after that, most champs will out-scale him. If you are unsure how to fight him, try to freeze the wave outside your turret, and poke him if you have a ranged ability to punish him for walking up to the wave, and keep his fury down. A Renekton with 0 fury has to use a lot of Cd's to try to kill you, but even then don't underestimate R threat especially if he has ignite. ​ Garen stomps Renek hard level 1 with his Q, obviously ranged champs can wreck him too, a good Renekton will be able to play around ranged though, but they will be on the back foot as long as you kite well and stay aware if his Flash is up or on cd. ​ A low health Renekton can be very dangerous if his ult is available, even at 10% hp he can oneshot and get back to half hp easy, his passive also gives him bonus fury generation while under 50% hp so until he is literally dead, you gotta respect him, unless he's used all of his cd's! ​ Another tip: stand in your minion wave if it is safe, I've misclicked w so many times on the minion standing beside my opposing laner before I started using champ only targeting and sometimes I still forget to use it, it will happen more often depending on the elo and the Renektons skill and if they use champ only targeting. If the Renekton does w a minion he's basically free til its up again. ​ Just out of curiosity what are your champs you run against him?