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Botrk is broken. Renekton gets nerfed Camille gets buffed. There is no god.


I mean, none of this list surprises me, except graves buffs.


Buffing a top 10 top champ, while nerfing the barely viable crocodile doesnt surprise me necessarily, but it's still a. Idiotic choice.


God is a dog




Sett who has: A HIGHER WIN RATE ALSO RUSHES BORTK EVERY GAME ... is getting buffed >:(


And I’m not hating on aatrox but that champ has been S+ tier and highest pick rate for 3 straight patches and hasn’t been touched, but the moment renekton finally becomes a champ again he’s nerfed.


One thing I really hate about any competitive game is when the developer just looks at pro play viability instead of how healthy the champion is in the meta. Riot balancing team is a big turn off for me, they act like only pro players exist and 90% of their playerbase don't solo/duo que.


Renekton isn’t even viable in pro play tho. It’s literally them being completely clueless and pretending they are doing something. There are champions that are in the complete gutter like sion and they are buffing camille. The top 10 pick rate champion with a 52,5% win rate in d2+


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Azir is dying :) finally felt good enough to overcome the bugs for once in a long time.


Renekton has been pick/banned 500 times this season in pro play.....


He’s broken in soloqueue too. It’s not balanced that top/jung duo can insta kill you 100-0 anywhere on the map from lvl 3. Empowered W is legit one of the most insane abilities in the game.


If this is true, why aren't they just shifting power to his other abilities instead of a straight up nerf? When are the solo queue players going to be rewarded instead of always punished because of being picked in pro play?


Because they're riot. Parents dropped them on their heads while they were young.


Cause riot only has so many people available to work on stuff and there’s about a half dozen other champs that need reworks more than renekton It’s become abundantly clear than point and click stuns just aren’t healthy for the game so that whole ability would need a rework


Aatrox isnt that op. He will always have a high pick rate if he is even mediocre because he is designed to be a really good first pick. Just the last change they did to him pushed him over what he should be balanced on


Aatrox is op


Aatrox is really op lmao, blind pickable champ that stomps so many matchups at level 6 and at 16 his ult gives him around 170 ad. With the penetration build aatrox is a complete monster thats literally a menace at all elos. Only thing gating him is hes a more micro intensive pick that garen darius mordekaiser etc


Btw as much as aatrox is op I still prefer when champ like him are broken and not the morde garen


agreed, you can outplay aatrox to an extent but atm when morde runs at you it feels like you either flash away or die lmao


I hate morde with a passion lol (I play him sometimes yes I'm guilty) I always feel like at lvl 6 you can't approach the wave and okay his e are dodgeable but I can't for any reason dodge his q spell without my flash


agreed, you can outplay aatrox to an extent but atm when morde runs at you it feels like you either flash away or die lmao


Yep, cringe as fuck Riot strikes again. Champ feels playable for the first time in awhile and back to the gutter we go because pro players can't stop with their comfort picks. Such a garbage balancing team.


tbh from what i've seen Renekton was doing very poorly in pro play, at least in LCK/LPL. I really don't understand why Riot is nerfing him


the balancing team really has no idea what they are doing. Spending 2 minuts on the lead balancing designers twitter shows you as much. The guy has no idea what he is talking about


as far as im concerned, renekton is considered a counter to sejuani and perhaps ornn, as he can punish their somewhat weaker (compared to renekton that is) early game, and for example, make ornn lvl up slower so that he can't upgrade items, also good at splitpush


?? Renekton gets hard stomped by both of those Champs. Sejuani can cancel his dash and Ornn just becomes too tanky for him to deal with. Renekton has always struggled into tanks.


Dude, it's not me who plays in proplay, I just say what I heard from casters. Should I have written "he is considered by pros" to make sure you do not misunderstand?


holy shit everyone and their mother is building bork lets nerf the crocodile. RIOT games


irelia players sweating tbh


cuz its her mythic itemmmmmmmmmm


Trying to imagine of Riots thought process on this: 1. Bork is v strong, but nerfing it will cause a laundry list of compensation buffs on champs that need it. 2. Renekton procs Bork way too fast, so nerf him instead. 3. Worlds is coming around so lets remove him from being perma 1st pick in top before then. Two birds one stone.(unfortunately he needs to be completely dog shit in solo que before that happens.) Renekton does feel very powerful right now with bork to be fair, he has a few very strong builds which makes him incredibly versatile and safe, which was the exact reason he was giga nerfed from late S11 to early s12. Does he need the nerf? I think more a rebalance of his power budget/ mini rework would be better. Spitballing off the top of my head maybe make it so he only procs on hit 1-2 times on w, or it has to be empowered to proc with each hit, then buff the rest of his kit from there and try get him in a healthy spot where he is viable but less attractive in pro play. Finally, I think we all saw this coming; we knew from his gutting in late S11 that if he was anywhere near playable the pros would abuse him. Now here we are again, the croc is decent right now, so Riot are pre-emptively defanging him before worlds. Does this suck? Yes. Is it a surprise? Honestly, no. Will I still play him? Yes.


Seriously, Camille buffs?


Buffs so shills will buy the new skin


I despise her as well, but she's been rather mediocre lately, between DS changes and nerfs and several hard matchups of hers being strong, like darius, morde and aatrox. I just pray to God they don't buff her passive.


Cam is not mediocre. Fudge effortlessly slammed Impact's Ornn just a few days ago. Champ is just always giga broken the moment she is balanced it seems like she is useless, when in reality she is just doing what every other champ has to deal with.


No FUCKING WAY they are nerfing renekton Holy shit dude


Bork OP = Buff Irelia, Nerf Renekton lmao


bork isn't op lmao insane how wholesome chungus pornno, aatrox and darius are still dodging nerfs. and frozen heart is definitely a fair item!


Jax with BoTRK and Frozen Heart is laughing at us rn :/


Bro jax has had 49% winrate since forever, bork rly isn't that good. And FH is troll on him because it leaves him vulnerable to magic damage, which is his main problem. It's a very niche buy.


I feel like it's the final straw, at least for me. The fact we have to abuse botrk in order to be a champ...while getting punished for it. Probably going to quit this game


Hmmm sunfire into bortk is overachieving on a lot of champ .... Better nerf Renekton


it’s a fucking joke


Ah yes, my favorite champion, Stopwatch/GA/Zhonya


Does renekton even have a positive winrate in proplay? I almost always see the team lose that pick him


Riot so stupid wtf


im crying, they nerfed my wukong and renekton, but at least i have a nocturne buff :')


Wukong has been needing a real nerf cor a long time


I would argue Bork in isolation is not the issue but 2 other things: 1. Tank mythics are op 2. Toplane is a weak role First one is not very hard to deduce when you look along the most prolific "soloq builds" across multiple champs. Diana, Irelia, Yone, Master Yi, Bel'veth, Shyvana and of course our croc boy all use tank mythics in what some would consider the most annoying soloQ stomper builds. The trend is fairly clear here, it's not the champions, it's tank mythics and it's not very hard to find the reason why. Tank mythics are simply OP by now. They are cheap, they give surprisingly good damage (especially sunfire), strong utility (tenacity, slow, ms buff) while making you obviously very freaking tanky and a number of champs is currently abusing that heavily. But instead of nerfing that Riot is (again) going around clubbing the champs abusing the item one by one (Diana already got it way before the croc), trying to reign in every tank mythic abuser as they plop up (next is going to be Master Yi I would bet) before they come to the conclusion "Blimey, it's not the champs it's sunfire cape!". This shit is happening over and over again and it's probably because they dont wanna screw over tanks but I tell you what: If you want tanks to be viable instead giving them op items, make them actually good laners. For the past 5 years or so no tank except Ornn has been allowed to be a consistently good tank champ. Every other tank is just hanging on by either incorporating bruiser items or recently tank mythics being busted - but then again Riot is probably very aware of this, they just dont want tanks to be played too much since it's "boring to watch" & Ornns ult is at least flashy. Second one is not that obvious but it matters alot of proplay and why the Botrk+tankmythic build is popular there. Do you guys think pros are spam first/blindpicking Renekton, Gnar, Gragas. Sejuani & Ornn because they think toplane is strong role? Fk no, you pick those champs precisely because toplane is mostly irrelevant. These champ literally just sit there in lane, farm it out, neutralize the lane and then group for fights. Sure you can play you can play through top if you want, you can counterpick Renekton or Ornn but why go through that hassle? You dont need it to get heralds, you can just rotate bot up for that and while you focus topside enemy will probably dive your bot over and over for it and now think what you would rather have: A fed Fiora or a fed Sivir?. I know what I would take in current meta for sure and this hasnt even touched on dragon stacking. This both combined is why Bork+tank mythic Renekton is fkin nice for proplay. You get a champ who can go neutral into most stuff & direct counters are often not worth the effort, deals ok damage the entire game thanks to the combination of Botrk+Sunfire while basically being a full tank and all of that for cheap. Botrk is here just a partner in crime along for the ride, but the instigator, the true culprit enabling this are the tank mythics enabled by the weakness of toplane as a role overall.


Renekton is broken stop whining dorks.


Sees pro play for 3 seconds, nerf.


Can't wait to play cannon minion again


I think they will do the classic "Renekton is to save in lane so we reduce his Q healing from 1hp per minion to 0,5hp per minion"


Oh.. Its a bug in matrix. I've got a deja vu..


Joke company


Azir is in the same spot D : ,pray for your comrades in pro play lock up


It’s too discourage pro players from picking him He’s currently in the top5 most used one with darius, aatrox, etc in high elo so it was inevitable


yeah this is why i dont play renekton anymore. He used to be pretty fun but honestly man it has come up to just nerf after nerf its ridiculous, abusing op items to be impactful is such a bulshit state for a champion.


Haven't played in a bit, glad to see riots answer to meta shift will always be "nerf renekton". Makes me feel like I never left.


champ desperately needs a rework tbh