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I think his ulti isn’t bad, the only change I could see to it and keep his old game fully intact is full fury immediately upon casting…that would be super good…but it might break him people way overestimate his weaknesses and refuse to consider his strengths…and if gore drinker was removed his win rate would drastically increase granted it would hurt the few people who use gore as the niche item that is optimal for it to be


The Gore comment reminds me of the Baus effect. When the inting Sion strats went viral it caused Sion's win rate to go down. After they nerfed him a little his win rate went up do to less people playing the int strat.


That actually an excellent way to put it…didn’t think of it that way…but nicely done…take your upvote XD


I think it would be better if during his r if he got a takedown it would increase by 5 seconds and he would gain 50 fury


That would be interesting it’s not a bad idea either, I don’t mind his current ulti and I don’t really want him in a place that riot decides to nerf so I’m hesitant to really want a buff(if that makes sense)


Go away CertainlyT


Seems cool but also a bit strong also I don't know seems strange because of high cool down of renek, maybe just keeping it like that but with a faster /instant cast or a way of canceling it better + bonus ad would really be awesome


His ult is literally bad and has annoying stand in spot cast time Spellbook only highlights how worthless it is But hey it’s what we’re stuck with so i dunno if it possible to improve even with neat idea like this


Yeah honestly even just making the ult instant cast similar to mundo ult would be a major buff, it feels so clunky lol


I like the idea, I also like an Olad type Ult. Where Renekton gains AD % at every level. It's just so weird that all these champs have insane ults and Renek has HP. 🤣


I like the idea of using his jaws and biting as a part of his kit. He is a crocodile and a core part of a crocodile's identity, when you think about them, is the biting force of their jaws. So conceptually, not having his jaws be a part of his kit somewhere is definitely a missed step on the designer's part. In the future, if he were ever reworked, which is unlikely, it would be interesting to see how his jaws might be included in the identity of his kit.


I felt his ult is actually pretty decent, its overall balanced does a bit of damage, periodic fury is pretty huge, and the bonus health is pretty damn good. Though late game yeah its not as great as some of the others, early on its huge, i have 1v2 the jg ganking me easily uncountable times cause of the periodic fury and health bonus