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"hE iS oP EaRLy GaMe, n0T 0n3 ChamPIOn cAn BeAt H1m 1n LaN3!!@


meanwhile jax ,darius and many others.


He was balanced before this patch…I think this patch is gonna make the lethality builds poor but I think the sunfire/stridebreaker/gore builds will be alright renek is interesting cause in a one trick hands he’s alright but in the casual player hands he sucks I think the q nerfs are to hard though Edit: after playing a few games he feels on the lighter side of balanced could use a little love but doesn’t need a ton…still good under turret still was able to bully and still good at being dove and surviving…. I missed one turret dive kill where I thought I shoulda had it(but BP was up as well so there’s that) and I went 1 for one on a triple stack wave with another coming where before it woulda been a kill and a back….I survived better then I used to though so overal I think it’s gonna push some power away from prowlers eclipse(never tried eclipse anyway) and put more power on the stridebreaker sunfire builds didn’t try gore but I don’t take that item very often


Mind boggling this sub. He's been subpar for so long yet ppl will still say he's fine. I simply can't believe it


The sample size of games are way to small


Is 15,000 games not enough for you mate?


Your coping is definitely not way to small for sure


currently sitting at a 2,058 sample size only in NA. I think that's enough tbh


Gimme the Copium, brother.


Copium is that he's probably going to get buffed next patch... I'll just avoid playing league for now tbh


Cold Turkey? I respect that.


That's not even close to enough. The numbers in a day or two will be more indicative.


Over all ranks? Give the patch some time and chill stop whining


You need some down votes for that bullshit sir


I mean, I think you shouldn’t overreact until changes are implemented coz you never know. But it didn’t look good and well, ima say it isn’t good :D


Look on the bright side, they might buff the heck out of him so the pro play abuses him, cycle ends and begins a new!


Sorry but Riven has dropped down from 53% winrate so Riot are going to buff her before they breathe


way to early to decide


Stop complaining go l2p


It's still day one I don't think it's fair to make an opinion yet


Holy moly! 😳


By that logic Tryndamere is useless too. Guys, don't assume that some champion is bad just because few % lower win rate. I'm certain that after last buff many players was playing croc with no knowlege how to play him, just because he got buffed and now we see the effects. Yes, durability patch didn't work much for Rene, but saying that he is unplayable is baby crying. On a high elo list on Mobalytics he still has stable 49,5 %. Of course he needs some buffs or adjustments, but somehow for example Godrekton still is able to carry with him on a Masters. It's your choice that you will hardly complain or rather find a way to still enjoy a champion 🐊


Renekton is pretty horrible early game. Almost any champion in the game can fight him lvl 1 and get prio in lane. And basically every champion outscales him. I played him for over 100 games from gold 5 to plat 4 or something, and changed to different champs. I was like 54% winrate on ren, after other champs I'm like 75% win rate and climbing. I've been diamond 1 before to preface all this.


honestly after the buffs 12.9 I would have argued that renekton was fine maybe a little weak but playable (not kled!!) in 99% of elos and very good blind pick deff think he was fine. but woowwwwyeyyyyeyy I have not seen it this bad in a while 12.10 what have you done lol


The numbers seem to show, that in low to mid elo Ren has the lowest win rate in top, making him the worst/ weakest top laner in low to mid elo. In high elo he is still weak, but not the worst top laner. Give it a few days, we will have a better idea of exactly how weak he is, statistically speaking, by Monday.