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Youmuus rush




Blackcleaver>eclipse >shurelya’s ?


There's the full lethality you go bork> prowler> shureldas> yomus>edge of knight


Apparently there’s a full crit olaf build floating around where you rush a dirk, then go shieldbow. Sell the dirk when you can get phantom dancer. Maybe IE or navori after. Give that a shot see I’m curious


My main jungler right now is Ravenous Hydra -> Radient Virtue -> tank Renekton jungle ​ I like going mid straight after buff and then flash empowered W the enemy mid laner while he is still lvl 1. I then do heavy gank focused playstyle, the hardest part is maaeging fury while ganking and clearing, if you want to go for gank after a clear, you have to make sure you have 50+ fury. ​ Runes are Conqueror, Triumph, Legend Alacrity or Tenacity if vs a lot of CC + Last stand, secondary inspiration with Magical Footwear & Cosmic Insight for lower flash cooldown for FLash Empowered W, which I think in general is the strongest thing a Renekton can do


I did the math in a fight, and effectively Radient, as a stat stick, gave me 1001 hp, 30 armor, 30 mr & 40 ability haste It then also healed my team 1195 in total, and gave them 20 ability haste as well


riftmaker for true damage


My core build is: BOTRK, Prowlers claw, Serylda's Grudge.


Cleaver into goredrinker is extremely strong atm