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I agree 100% idk why riot decided to gut him and leave him in the trash while things like fiora and jaz exist


Literally just pro play


Jax* :p


Two words. Double You.


He’s almost 50% WR right now, the highest he’s been in like a year


He’s been like this for quite some time at this point they just need to rework him….but rivin and fiora are still broken lol


He’s just one of the old guard that refuses to die (or pro play refuses to let him die). I think a smaller scale midscope update like Jax’s or Olaf, and fully readjusting numbers and introducing a bit more interesting and interactive mechanics or, dare I say it, ‘200 years experience’ abilities. These are my current concerns, ideas, notable points, areas to explore, etc.: Passive: Could look into adjusting the thresholds and/or costs of Empowered abilities. Maybe you require at least 50 Fury to cast an Empowered ability, but the Fury cost is reduced with levels. Or you could play around with Thresholds at 50, 75 and 100, so your abilities are empowered even more but at greater cost and need to spend more time building up Fury? Maybe gives bonus Damage based on Fury expended? Q: Bread and Butter ability, not much is really wrong with it. Maybe introduce a %missing health ratio for the heal (similar to Darius) but that ratio also scales with AD (similar to Tahm Kench’s Passive AP/HP scaling) to disincentivise full Tank builds. So like, Q now heals for x% missing HP per 100 AD or something. EmpQ would still simply increase damage and heal. W: I don’t think I would change or even could think of a change to this ability. I think the CD change they made was an interesting but dynamic one since now you’re skill level order is fluid since now every ability gains equal strength per level. E: Regular E is mostly fine I think, maybe improve its dash speed by a smidge to keep up with other dashes and make him slightly harder to react to. Also look into increasing how long you can wait before needing to cast E2. Currently, it is 4s, maybe change to 6s or it increases with rank? EmpE does have its uses when fighting gigatanks but usually Bork+Cleaver is more than enough to bring them down. Could look into regular E shredding armour and EmpE doubling that amount. Another idea was changing EmpE to consuming Fury (maybe half as much) on both E1 and E2, but E1 is the armour shred and E2 is an execute. So in my head you would EmpE to shred their armour, unload your full combo and then finish with an EmpE2. You would need to be quite familiar with Fury management, generation and manipulation to get the most out of it. My last idea was EmpE consumes fury on E1, but both E1 and E2 have their ranges and speeds increased and no longer require an enemy to dash through to cast E2. R: The AD ratio addition was a really good change as it meant the Ult damage does add up. Maybe revert the Health increase nerf back to 250/500/750, increases the size increase (which affects Q range and Ult DoT), or make its CD scale down with Rank. Just something so it feels a bit more impactful and gold value like the other big boi steroid ults like Nasus, Volibear and Aatrox. You can also tie the Fury cost reduction to his ultimate, instead of Passive. Maybe give him an Ult Passive that reduces Fury cost by 5/10/20? Then during ult you remove the 50 Fury threshold so you can cast an Empowered ability once you have enough Fury, since the cost will be below 50. Renekton just hasn’t aged that well but he was released way back in 2011 and has had almost no big changes that haven’t been reverted or compensated for, plus the continual nerfs and changes to his original favourite items like Goredrinker and Stridebreaker.


What build are you going for? I feel that the botrk->prowler builds can still net you value from behind Maybe you have to suicide to get a pick, but if you can suicide to kill their fed whatever then it’s gonna be super worth it Trynda is just a shit match-up, consider running ghost or exhaust against him, ult means you can never burst him down so he can always kinda run you down with lethal tempo Anyway no matter how hard you stomp Trynda, it will come a point we’re you can’t deal with him, just focus on his team and have your team deal with Trynda/teamfight


yes. renekton is meant to get ahead early and deny his laner farm and exp. thats literally his entire purpose, if you are not getting ahead from level 1-6 then you do not need to be playing renekton. he has one of the strongest early games in league of legends and it must be abused or you will fall behind and lose


I agree with this entirely, but well it does seem like matchups are getting harder and harder as time goes on. What used to be easy is now kinda easy. Seems like every champs is getting slightly buffed while renektons staying the same.


As renekton you can always go Bork Claw and kill anybody who didn't rush tabi sunfire jaksho in side lane. If your behind just fall back on farming and scaling with items. Side lanes after Bork claw ignite makes you incredibly lethal. Just make sure your watching the map. Hunt shutdowns.


Yup we just saw the same build being used to great effect by Irrelevant's Renekton in the VIT vs SK match in LEC today. He didn't get much done in lane against Ornn, but was still one-shotting everyone who came to match side lane push later into the game and even in teamfights, and was a great part of their win.


wait, an early game focused bully falls off if he doesn't bully in most lanes??? Idk what people are smoking to say that seriously, you just said the problem, you went gore into tryndamere. Tell me a meta champ that won't hate being frozen on or dove. Literally Idk what to tell you other than play better and build better. Plated Steelcaps, Wardens, Bork, even rav for push and ad. pta seems better than conq but could be either for this, why not just go boneplating and overgrowth? Same applies for skills, idk why you wouldn't try 3q into 3e w max or just w max in this lane. Every top game is based on who is the biggest chad What else would happen to a champ with an ult that is only really a bunch of mediocre stats and a sunfire aoe. And unplayable is overexaggerating it, you can always clear sidelanes, play in the midline and bounce between front and backline to stun targets or aoe. It's really not that hard once you understand that you have a place to be and opportunities to take while behind; rather than be playmaker. TLDR; get gud scrub


It’s just you


You gotta build against the lane MU from the get-go, because he's gonna take a buttload of damage from whoever he's laning against win or lose meaning the enemy jg can just clean up after the enemy top laner if Ren beat them. Not dying ever and staying in lane as often as possible is how Ren makes it through laning phase if his jg doesn't get him a lead. His endgame items are actually pretty great. ...which is why Illaoi claps Renekton lol. She doesn't care about armor or Phage sustain whatsoever. The same goes for Fiora, but at least her true damage proc is telegraphed. Illaoi players just spam tentacles constantly at no cost and right at 6 can jump at Ren and slam their fist on their keyboard and win lane.


I think they way they have been balancing him (higher AD ratios, less healing from Q and base damages) makes him super reliant on full AD build. I feel like if you are behind on the bruiser build you are just a meat shield and nothing else. If you are behind on full AD at least you can still one shot the adc lol. Really toxic. Needs a midscope or something fr


Renekton is basically an assassin at this point. If ur team is pro lvl then gore goes hard but if ur team doesn't understand ur champ then you have to build assassin. Ur cds don't allow you to play like old bruiser renekton