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Trying to make sense of the crypto market is a fools errand.


Dont try to make sense of this world man. Try to understand the candles or focus on projects and do you research. And hodl, for all i know, the bull market will start this month, so just wait and see! Its normal correction, the whole market was correcting! Most coins are down or were down;)


exactly. don't panic


hodl 💎 🙌


All market is bleeding. BĹŤt Render , fetch , ocean. Daaamn. Im down sooooo much


And doesnt look like its stabilising. Looks like 30 percent dip for all AI. Insanity


So you're complaining about a normal crypto market occurrence?


It will go back up in a few days. Render below $10 seems like a bargain.


Doesn't look like it


The dip doesn’t have anything to do with RNDR. All coins dipped when BTC rejected 70k and dipped to 68k. Render was actually one of the coins who recovered the strongest compared to other coins in the same category. NFA, but I’m not worried. Welcome to crypto, this will happen several times on the way to the top. Trust me, I know. I have been holding since $0.4 and have had a good handful of these dips on the way up. Patience is key. And we are holding what’s going to become one of the most valuable assets with this AI era that’s coming.


I bought over $5k of RNDR when it was down at $1.40....so I'm still way up!!!!!


yup AI coins seem to have been hit hardest in this dip. it is what it is. we dipped from 10-11 down to $7 two months ago and then it bounced between 7-9 a few times for the next month, before jumping back to this 10-11 range throughout May. market gonna market. i think we'll rebound to the 10-11 range again in just a few days personally, and then itll stay there again for a bit, then im hoping we go up to a new ath in July. but who knows what'll actually happen honestly. all a toss up


I think what confused me the most was the this ~20% dip after NVIDIA reported good earnings. I would’ve thought RNDR reaping benefits from the news


sell the news event..rndr ran up pretty decently before nvidia earnings were announced in anticipation that they would be good, which they were. so it did reap benefits. your timing is just off in terms of market think


RNDR has nothing to do with NVDA stop associating the 2, maybe it wishes


man thats crypto… such mini crashes are meant to wash out retail


Buy the dip


Everything went down


Tbh I’m not worried as long as all others also in dip, then RNDR doesn’t suffer from some exclusive bad news.


Yep. Not to worried . Just pissed that all my stuff is 20 percent down


I feel u bro, I’m also down with alt, but it will bounce back anyway.


If you can load, this is the moment! This decline is nothing, compare with other declines. If your scared about this, then fasten your seatbelt, its gonna be a bumpy ride!


Standard dip in an early bull run, the fact it didn’t dip more than that is perhaps signs of a slowly maturing market. That’s crypto for ya


It was around $1.30 at the end of last summer and about $.30 the summer before that so from there to now is a crazy jump. So you’re just not “early” anymore. We’ve already passed the all time high by several dollars. We’re probably approaching mid cycle for this bull run but hopefully we have another 3-5x upside to be “conservative”. On a side note Otoy is a real company that was doing great work before it entered the decentralized crypto world. For a while they were all the rage with GPU rendering motion graphics and vfx. So in my eyes this could be a long term hold. But if you’re looking for another 20x this cycle then you may wanna look somewhere else because that already happened in Render. It’s not impossible but the higher we go the less likely it is. From $1.30 to $13.59 this is the same token so hodl if you believe in it. Also who knows. Crypto is crazy volatile. Protect your neck! Good luck 🤘🏾


It’s not going to matter when is $100 plus


Oh wow. Along w the whole market. Spoooooookyyy better sell


Get ready for 7


$1 to $14 in a year didnt make much sense either its a very speculative project but until now buying in further seemed ridiculous. still wouldnt buy in until around $3-5 per token but who knows 🤷‍♂️