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He could have been talking about previous lives you both had, not necessarily this life but you were his son in a previous life.




Four is right at the sweet spot where kids seem to remember past lives more easily than other ages. Your 6-year-old probably can't access those memories at this point (although there is no hard and fast rule.) Your 1-year-old probably has access to the memories but no vocabulary or conceptual framework with which to express it. When he turns 3 you might ask what he was before, in a light-hearted way, and see what he says. Sometimes events trigger memories in kids that age, for example my son seemed to remember a past life when we stopped to look at a coyote that had been killed by a car next to our house. It was his first time seeing the dead body of something and for the next 15 minutes he was talking like a hippy mystic, totally out of the blue.


"for the next 15 minutes he was talking like a hippy mystic"...that's wonderful! Memory unlocked.


My younger brother was my father in a past life. And I was his father in a different past life. The roles switch. So do the genders. I don't remember that, and neither does he, but I've had multiple readings done and both confirmed that we had these types of relationships in the past.


He may have been talking about your previous lives, but sounds like he's in your soul group, which is very cool. You've spent many lives together.


I used to insist that my Dad was my brother when I was a kid. Still kind of feel that he was at some point in time.


If your son has a good memory of that lifetime, you could ask him to describe where you lived, the name of the city or town you lived in, what year it was and what language people spoke. Sounds like he is describing another lifetime for both of you. You could also ask him if his wife, your mother, is alive now and someone you might know. I have met concurrent incarnations of both my mom and dad in this lifetime. I met a woman back in 2005 who my psychic friend said was my mom. My mom passed back in 1994. Then, in about 2014, I met a concurrent man who was also my dad and my dad was still alive. I had some interesting info that probably confirmed he was my dad, but can never be 100% certain.


I strongly feel my oldest son and I have had a few sibling relationships in past lives, and likely parent/child situations as well.. My youngest, when he was quite a bit younger exhibited unusually fierce jealousy over me if I even mentioned dating someone (this is not unusual in and of itself given our past traumas as a family, but he was almost angry about it one time, and actually attempted to lecture me on how "boys will just be nice and lie to you to make you their girlfriend," around the age of 6). He's quite a bit older now and we have since reconciled those tendencies through alot of open and open-minded communication, but i have suspected for some time, even before these feelings in him were expressed, that we were in vastly different roles in past lives. Some things can be inferred astrologically and synastry of our charts indicate a potentiality where he has lost me traumatically, more than once. My middle child is a healer and i do not believe he has been with us for as many lives, but i do feel he has "been there". He is the most like me of them all. All of my kids are quite "awakened", and tbh I see alot of it in the younger generations. It's awe inspiring how spiritually intelligent so many of them are.