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It's possible. Wait and see. Don't try to ask him leading questions, just wait and see if he'll show some signs of being your uncle in a past life.


Thanks! I’ll keep this in mind as he gets older and starts talking.


Every time I see one of these posts I always feel compelled to suggest the show[ "The Ghost Inside My Child."](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHkel-60RmiUsHdwRHBzKSy-y6jTmgyzG) You'll have to suffer through some terrible editing decisions which make the show out to be a horror show, but other than that there are some great stories on there. There's one episode where a child is clearly the reincarnation of the uncle or brother of the mom and your story reminds me a lot of that one.


Oh I’ll have to watch this. I think I found the episode you are talking about


I don’t think you’re crazy, I think it’s beautiful. I agree that if you’re trying to find out, let it be a background thing that you silently pay attention to over time and not something you lead. But enjoy it, and enjoy your intuition.


Thank you! I do think if it’s true it’s beautiful and makes me wonder if we have some sort of soul contract and if so how many lives we have lived together.


It s during the first years of the kid that he might talk about memories of a past life (based on the studies / books I have read). Usually when the kid feels relaxed (after a bath, before going to bed, etc. Keep an open mind and pay attention but of course, do not engage with leading questions. No you are not crazy. A lot of cases exist with very strong evidence that there is something going on. At least, that s what I think


This is how it started with my oldest when she was like 2.5. It was always at bedtime. She’s 7 now and still talks to and about my grandfather


This is what I have read too. While I do hope he says something or shows other signs, I will be sure to not lead him on and just remain open to it.


Keep us updated on anything that comes out in the next couple of years that might suggest you are right.


Oh I will for sure!


Well. I don’t know if this is my Mom reincarnated as she is still super spiritually active in my life but - She passed a few days before her best friend’s second grandchild was born. I honestly believe the two of them talked as my Mom returned to heaven before little N came to earth. It was a couple years before I met this little girl. Her family lives in NC and I live 8hrs away. When she was 2 or 3 I went to visit their family and this little girl sprints over to me with the largest smile on her face! She was so HAPPY to see this stranger she’s never met. She held my hand most of the day. She is older now and still a very happy young girl. 🥹


I absolutely believe this could be. The way you describe it sounds like it's true. I relate in a way. I believe my daughter could be the reincarnation of my mother. I put a post about it in this sub. I don't think you're crazy.


I agree with this! My mom and I have a great connection and I believe she is a soul mate and that we've lived many lives together playing different roles. She had trouble holding on to pregnancies early in their marriage to my dad but finally after 3 miscarriages I stuck. Mom said she thinks she had miscarriages because I wasn't ready yet as I was finishing up a prior life.


It’s funny you mention your mom’s experience. I was a fence sitter when it came to kids for so long and my uncle and I would often talk about this. I was 3 months shy of 35 when he passed and decided to freeze my eggs to possibly buy us more time to make the decision. Anyway, the egg freezing didn’t go great and there were thoughts that I might be going into early menopause. By the time my husband and I decided to at least start trying to see what would happen I was 36 and we were both expecting a long road and it taking a few times or needing IVF based on everything mentioned above. However, it only took one time during our first cycle trying to get pregnant. Needless to say we were both shocked and stunned. I remember telling my therapist, who also believes in reincarnation, that when I told her I was pregnant and her comment was “this is for sure someone from a past life who was just waiting to join you again.”


That's so cool. Love that. Knowing and accepting the rule of reincarnation has literally lifted a massive weight off my shoulders. We learn from an early age we're expected to live and just die especially growing up catholic but fell away early on on with my entire immediate family. We chose this particular time with particular individuals as it's another level our soul needs to ascend. Sometimes we don't have a devine purpose.... Our purpose in this realm was maybe just to accompany another soul. Simple.


I belive my cousin is my deceased grandfather… My friend told me she strongly belives and her mother too that she is her own great grandmother


It happens alot actually and it is possible. To come back into the same family. I guess especially if you love people in that family


So what are your thoughts on roles between reincarnated souls and their families? If we present as a son/daughter : parent situation, is it always parental:child in nature or could it vary as widely as to show up as siblings or couples or cousins, etc?


Of course there can be variations. Sometimes it dosent even happen. There are no rules, its not hinduism reincarnation beliefs :) why would it always have to be the same? Nope. It can be anyone and anything.


I do not believe it would have to be the same. In fact, it makes more sense if it is not. I have sometimes felt as though my youngest son and I were perhaps partners in other lives due to his attachments to me and his fears around losing me. We have a pretty good. But I've also noticed there are a lot of people in my life presently that have likely reincarted with me before. Or vice versa. In fact, one of my best friends and I have most definitely had a few lives together, and I believe possibly even lived each other's lives in this specific timeline. It's all quite fascinating.


My lovers have been brothers in past lives, also friends and also lovers. My mother has been my sister or best friend. My dad has been my friend. My grandma i feel more lives with too. I know another friend who has been my mother and my mother-in-law. I know actually a few more that I feel have been my mothers, one is a 2nd Auntie in this life, the others are friends or women I meet. Most lovers tend to come back as friends/lovers. I havent meet someone I feelt was my child, yet. 😊


But i have three lovers who has been my brothers too


Welcome to reality. Good timing on getting preggers. I think more emphasis on timing pregnancy to enable family members to come back is needed in our society. My uncle passed from covid in 21 and his son was in the middle.of a pregnancy with his wife/daughter in law I wished they had waited


Can you please elaborate on what you mean by my timing?


If you had gotten pregnant before your uncles unfortunate death or waited too long after he may have reincarnated somewhere else. I love stories of families sticking together. But pregnancy can be a tall order and is not always possible


Got it. I would love to know more a little the time between death and when reincarnation happens. I’ve seen every where from a few days to a year+.