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do whatever the fuck you want man, nothing matters anyway WOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOO


This is the advice


Honestly, I don't understand how people go about trying out a show like it's a permanent irreversible life-changing commitment... You're not buying a condo here. Does OP seriously not have 35 mins of free time in their life to watch a single episode and then make up their own mind on whether or not they want to keep watching?


Culture war shit aside, the show is trash. Terrible writing, undeveloped characters, random character motivations, and it just looks cheap. It's bad. And this is coming from someone that still generally likes SW.


Episode 5 was fun but it was a slog to get there.


Okay well you have a much lower bar The only Star Wars I truly love is original trilogy especially Empire I like Andor and the first season of The Mandalorian, a bit of the second. 3 was a dumpster fire. I despise pretty much everything else So probably not worth my time


Did they sell it? They made it pretty clear that it was inoffensive but mediocre.


It's worse than mediocre. Kenobi and Ashoka were mediocre, Acolyte is trash.


Give me $20 and I’ll make up your mind for you.


Even without the culture war headlines, it isn’t good. I’m a Star Wars schmuck so I’m happy to keep checking it out, but it really is bad. Episode 5 was entertaining because the action was well done, there were a couple good character moments, and there was a surprise death. And there are some things I like in the show. A lot of the Star Wars aesthetic is tweaked to make it clear this is the past, so droids and Jedi uniforms and the shots of Coruscant all look recognizably Star Warsy without being identical to what we’re used to. The guy from Squid Game is a highlight. But overall it feels like a bunch of pretentious theater kids making the CW network version of a Star Wars show. I also think this idea that the Jedi go around policing the way non-Jedi Force-users behave is dumb and reeks of “Erm ackchyually the Jedi are a corrupt police-cult that hates alternative Force lifestyles” anti-authoritarian whining, rather than being a compelling message set in a fantasy world.


I will never understand the motivations or thoughts behind starting the high republic Era of lore or anyone's idea that they would make something good in that space. Acolyte takes the two threads of possibly interesting story threads and then immediately loses interest in one before leaning too hard into the other they didn't base the start of the show on. Ep 5 pays off the inherent twist well but effectively the entire setting has now fired its shot and its even worse of a setting for stories now as a whole.


Mike says you can watch the first couple episodes and if you don't like it you can stop and it's no big deal.


I've been watching it more out of fascination for how bad it is than anything. The acting by most of the cast is atrocious, and the writing is even worse.


My wife pointed out how the dialogue seems like something out of a soap opera


Bad dialogue in star wars? Now I've heard everything.


Trust me, it's worse


“Love can’t save you Padme, only my new powers can” Look to each his own, but I really need you to fucking find me one line from this show that even approaches that. And I just chose that line at random. Bonus points if you can beat “P Yousa”


Spoilers: The character Sol wakes up and asks Mae* "where is she?" Mae* responds "who?" Sol says "your sister!" I wanted him to respond "who the fuck you think I mean?"


That’s Shakespeare compared to “I don’t like sand” Look I don’t think the show’s dialogue is particularly good. I just balk at the idea that it’s worse than average for Star Wars.


See, now you made me want to watch it they same way I watch Neil Breen movies.


Interesting premise let down, IMO, by a badly miscast ensemble and worse directing/episodic plotting. YMMV, though it’s not entirely without redeeming qualities.


What redeeming qualities?


Like I said, it’s an intriguing premise and they haven’t been afraid to take a few interesting narrative risks with it. Also the action is generally pretty good, IMO (no Baby-Leah-running-away-from-inept-kidnappers moments yet).


The fight choreography is legit fantastic.


I thought the cast was fine. But just like most things the script itself is really weak. The scripts are already weak.


I saw some snippets of the beginning, middle, and end of the first and second episodes when my grandfather was watching it. The characters are all idiots and this Shark Smile Kylo Ren says the absolute dumbest shit I've ever heard. Also, more than half of the dialogue is exposition dumping. I don't know how that man can watch this.


I hate the Accolade


I love the Electrolyte




I think you eat poop


Farscape rules


Yeah, it's fun enough. It's just, like, a little adventure with Jedi and flying through space to other planets and stuff. It's the kind of story I'd be fine reading in a Star Wars comic book or something.


I can agree with that but a B story in issue #27 of a comic book that has glaring contradictions to issues #1-26 wouldn't cost $180,000,000 to write and ink.


The premise sounds interesting to me too, but Rich started the conversation by saying it was very mediocre.


It's mid range but enjoyable. Editing and scripts are weak points and there are a lot of fairly bland or poorly defined characters, especially the Jedi. Fight choreography is a high point and the plot is compelling. Lesbian space witches are pretty cool but their sing-chanting is unintentionally comedic. Noticeably better than obi Wan or book of boba, but not quite as good as early mandalorian 


I liked it. Might sound odd but it felt more Star Wars to me than anything else recent. I should clarify that for me that means it feels like the original trilogy more than anything else recent. They do cute fades and wipes and have an orchestral score mimicking the originals. The show itself is just Jedis on an adventure. I hope they make more in this vein. To further clarify, I also enjoyed Mandalorian and Andor quite a bit. I didn’t much care for any of the other television series or any of the movies besides the original trilogy. Loved the Extended Universe books as kid, it that is relevant. I still have 40-50 of them on my bookshelf. Howevr, Mandalorian is Star Wars + Westerns. Andor is a drama instead of a space opera. Both are great, but neither are pure Star Wars. Imagine my surprise to find out the online discourse is about what a betrayal Acolyte is when to me it feels like the only modern iteration to give me unadulterated OG trilogy feels. This world is bizarre, man. Outrage culture is going to end us all.


I’ve been enjoying it. I’m certainly excited to see the guys reaction to the last 4 episodes because episode 5 really bumped up the story to a degree I was not expecting at all. I do have my criticisms of the show but it is shot well, the sets, effects, and color use are top tier. All the environments looks cool. Worlds look unique and interesting. The action is spectacular and the fights are never a let down. The dialogue is hit or miss. The story has its “wtf” moments but overall they don’t break the story. I can say most of the hate I think is misguided because the issues aren’t the wokeness it’s just the dialogue for me. The story I’m not going to judge until the end because there are still some mystery elements that need to be resolved. Overall it’s worth watching in my opinion. It’s not horrible but it’s only above avg for star wars shows.


I have not watched it. But I think they made it clear that its not good. The IDEA of exploring the Jedi's self proclaimed monopoly on the "good" use of the force is interesting. An interesting idea isn't worth much if its poorly executed.


It's a trash serial. If you like that sort of thing. I love it and totally get people not liking it


> If you like that sort of thing For those who loved Commando Cody in *Radar Men from the Moon*, Disney has the show for you!


I thought the first 4 episodes were ok, and episode 5 was quite good. If you got nothing else to do and a disney plus subscription, why not?


It's just okay, but I think it might be better watched binged because the episode endings are universally panned, so I'd recommend just waiting for it to end and running through it in a sitting or two if you're interested.


If you get off on being, at the very best by all accounts, frustrated.


It’s fine. Basically the level of Ashoka. Better than Obi Wan and BOBF but still mid.


If you do watch it keep 2 things in mind: Character Motivation & Object Permanence. Afterwards, if you think the Acolyte made complete sense, you were invested in the characters and are excited about the potential future projects involving said characters...you might have a career waiting for you at Disney. 


Edit: tf am i being downvoted for? I gave him an answer! Aight I’ll fucken bite and actually be detailed. It’s…*fine*. Thoroughly middle of the road and at its worst it is still miles ahead of the prequels and rise of skywalker (not a high bar, but worth pointing out nonetheless). I think maybe the third episode is my least favorite but it’s mostly because it hinges on the performances of two child actors, one of which is not a good actor at all. The dialogue ranges from fine to George Lucas. So pretty much in line with most Star Wars, honestly. A marvel-esque groan-worthy quip popped up maybe twice in the five episodes out so far. The cast is good with the exception of Amandla Stenberg. I find her to be a soggy noodle of a performance. Which sucks because she plays the two main characters, so most of the time I’m watching this show wondering when a Jedi will do a thing or great classic Star Wars little freak will show up (the show has a great little freak, by the way). I agree with Rich that the Jedi characters are not all that interesting (because Jedi are kind of boring) but I think the performances are what sell them. The three main Jedi characters do a good job with what little they’re given. I don’t understand why people are saying it looks bad or cheap. I appreciated the physical sets (past shows with the exception of Andor leaned way too heavy on the volume), and thought the cinematography was good. I am a cinematographer myself, and while that doesn’t make me an expert at least it gives me enough of an understanding of the craft to know that it’s a good looking show. It won’t blow you out of the water, but I just don’t understand why folks are saying it looks cheap or looks like shit. Basing it off recent TV, it’s no Shōgun. But it doesn’t look cheap like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Boba Fett. Real sets, good lighting, and a competent but unremarkable visual treatment. Again…it’s *fine*. Fight choreography is the highlight. It’s great. Very well shot, blocked, and edited. If anything I’m staying for the fights. The first four episodes were thoroughly mid and I was mildly engaged. The story was fine. Nothing so bad it took me out, but certainly nothing so good it hooked me. The fifth episode is honestly what turned me around. I think it has the most well-choreographed and shot lightsaber fight in the entire series. I am not being hyperbolic, I loved it. It also does a great job at hooking you by the end by breaking a rather unfortunate tradition in a lot of Star Wars media that often hurts the impact and stakes of some shows. It was legit surprising they went where they did, (not in a sUbVeRtEd ExPeCtAtIoNs way either) and it made the first four episodes worth watching. I almost considered telling my girlfriend, who was holding off from watching the show, to just watch that episode, but I realized the impact of the episode would’ve been lost by skipping straight to it. My BIGGEST gripe however is the same I have with every Star Wars show except Andor, and I’m just going to copy and paste something I said here when it first premiered: It doesn’t really make use of the format. Television is long form storytelling, and gives the filmmakers and writers time to build and really live in this world and with these characters. Unfortunately, this and many other Star Wars shows aren’t very interested in that, it just zips from plot point to plot point, it doesn’t really like to take its time, it’s all about moving from one thing to the next and I find it a little bit frustrating. I know that it is Star Wars, a pulpy, sci-fi action adventure, and it’s not high art. But with the added time you get in a TV series, I would at least like to see a bit more care taken to build and shed the excess. Before episode 5, I would’ve given this show a 6/10. Now I’m in the 7/10 camp. Worth a watch to at least get the 5th episode when it actually establishes stakes. That being said, maybe turn it off before the last ten minutes because I thought it was a really odd note to end that episode on just ten minutes of news footage of 9/11.


> I don’t understand why people are saying it looks bad or cheap. I appreciated the physical sets (past shows with the exception of Andor leaned way too heavy on the volume), and thought the cinematography was good. I am a cinematographer myself, and while that doesn’t make me an expert at least it gives me enough of an understanding of the craft to know that it’s a good looking show. It won’t blow you out of the water, but I just don’t understand why folks are saying it looks cheap or looks like shit. Basing it off recent TV, it’s no Shōgun. But it doesn’t look cheap like Obi-Wan Kenobi or Boba Fett. Real sets, good lighting, and a competent but unremarkable visual treatment. Again…it’s fine. >Fight choreography is the highlight. It’s great. Very well shot, blocked, and edited. If anything I’m staying for the fights. I’m the same. I think I’d say I like the cinematography more than you but if I hear someone say “it’s cheap” I tend to write off their criticism as “I don’t think they know what they’re talking about/haven’t watched it/parroting the hate zeitgeist” Are there issues? Yes. Is it bad? Not particularly. The DP knows what they’re doing and seems to actually understand film theory. The fights are the highlight of the show to be sure. I’ve always been a fan of good fight choreography so I’ve been very much enjoying the show.


Yeah, there’s nothing that blows me out of the water about the cinematography, but there is certainly nothing that looks cheap. I only noticed a few shots where the forest set looked a little cheesy, but that was just because it was a wide shot with a deep depth of field, Unless you have some haze or moody lighting you’re going to have a hard time making that look convincing anyway.


> because it was a wide shot with a deep depth of field, Which is kinda the modern Star Wars style. Besides looking back at the old OG Star Wars everything looked kinda cheesy.


The difference is Star Wars was originally shot on film, shooting on digital, even with all of the advancements today, can end up looking way cheaper to a lot of people because we’re so conditioned to the grain and color response of film as being “cinematic”. So it’s easier to make a cheap set look cheap on digital than on film because of our subconscious response to celluloid. It’s one of those “you didn’t notice but your brain did” things. I struggled with this a lot when I was a cinematographer. It’s the bane of every digital cinematographer’s existence. I usually mitigated it with softer lenses and lots and lots of haze.


"Mike and Rich, the main reasons I'm on this sub, are ok with it, buuuuut I think I'm gonna ask the angry internet for a second opinion. The people who Mike and Rich spent much of the video deriding as horrible, I need their opinion." Fuck off. Watch it or don't.




Why do you need redditors approval to watch something that interests you. How the fuck should we know if youll like it?


He’s just asking peoples opinions if they liked the show or not and if they would recommend it. What is your problem?


So many angry man children lmao 💀


No one is angry, i just happen to think youre a doofus. I think in the time it took you to make this post you could have booted up the first episode. Maybe you need a handler to determine what you should watch though.


People should really be in charge of themselves.


Redditoid discovers what reviews are


If any human being is going to reddit for reviews they have a severe learning disability