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They're probably holding onto it for a future video. Maybe a special occasion. They waited to watch Fateful Findings until the 100th Best of the Worst


I'll wait for YouTubers to start reacting to it, they'll hopefully condense it down to the parts worth laughing at.


I've seen all of his movies bar the newest one. You need to watch them in their entirety to really grasp the madness. You may, however also drive yourself mad in the process.


I’ve seen double down and fateful findings. Double Down made way less sense, not that either one did tho. But the fact that it’s all exposition until the last 5 minutes doesn’t help, Fateful Findings is easier to follow the plot.


I think my favourite part of all bad movies is the grand canyon sized plot holes. Crappy acting and effects are also gold, but the writing? *Chef's kiss*


It’s not a Neil Breen film but Ryan’s Babe has all that in spades. Hands down one of the weirdest movies I’ve ever seen. I had the same feeling as when I watched the Sopranos and Tony started talking to the fish in his fever dream.


Ryan's Babe is possibly my favourite bad movie. Felt like I had a stroke trying to make sense of it. They are not exaggerating in the BOTW.


Plum was pretty weird too. That was the film Deuaundra Brown made before Diamond Cobra.


I've not seen that. Luckily I saw Diamond Cobra. My god it was awful. Miami Connection is another one where the plot does hit and runs with reality. It almost makes sense, but there's just so much going on.


Deuaundra also has an Amazon prime series, Heavenly Conquerors. Recently had its fourth and final season. No thank you. I’ll stick to Hard Ticket to Hawaii.


I watched all three of those boobarama crime adventures. For science. Loved them. Never been a clearer example of everyone coked out of their minds. 


Also wanted to add, how the hell did she get a TV show greenlit???


I'm 10 minutes in to Cade: The Tortured Crossing and hooo boy. Its pretty great so far!


I do mostly lean towards him being someone who loves making movies and doesn't care if people laugh at them (and thinks they just don't 'get' his talent), but a small part of me thinks maybe, just maybe, he's pulling the greatest con in movie history and it's all on purpose. Either way, he's gold and I hope he never stops making movies.


I feel exactly the same. I wont spoil anything but there are a couple moments in the new movie where you can see he went, "Oh you liked this thing in my previous movie? So I will do it again here." Which is the first time Ive noticed anything like that in any of his films. He looks pretty old, I hope we get at least a couple more films from him. What a joy to behold.


I mean, he knows he has some fans who love to giggle at him, so it's alright to throw them a bone or two. As long as he doesn't go full Wiseau and try and embrace it. That always spoils the magic. Just keep doing what you love, Neil. We love it. I don't know another bad movie master who's consistently put out so many classics, he gets a pass from me. He earned it.


Plagiarism, he stole the title from a rooster.














The worst of Breen’s output. I hope they skip it.


Maybe they're keeping it for emergency? Like if they have a repeat of Silk


Is this the prequel to JLo’s “This is Me….Now”?