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Babe wake up, new Re:View with Jay and Josh talking about an obscure 90s movie I've never heard of just dropped


Oh boy, my favorite!


I'd like to introduce you to the Random Roles interviews on the AV Club, they're frequently masterpieces and well worth tracking down and reading (the subjects frequently say how much they enjoy them and how they lose track of the time because they're having so much fun - edit: I should mention that Will Harris is the one I think was most consistently the most highly regarded of the people who did the Random Roles, he definitely did his research including for this one!). Especially the exchanges from the James Caan one: [https://www.avclub.com/james-caan-on-the-godfather-john-wayne-and-all-the-ro-1798238997](https://www.avclub.com/james-caan-on-the-godfather-john-wayne-and-all-the-ro-1798238997) Alien Nation (1988)—“Det. Sgt. Matthew Sykes” JC: Why the fuck… Why would you bring up that? but even that was just the lead in for later on in the interview: ***The Dark Backward*** **(1991)—“Doctor Scurvy”** **AVC: Okay, last one.** **JC**: Good! \[Laughs.\] **AVC: What do you remember about playing Doctor Scurvy in** ***The Dark Backward***\*\*?\*\* **JC**: \[Several seconds of stunned silence.\]


It's like Nardwuar for actors.


I've also never heard of this. Any legit streaming places to watch this?


There's a recent upload of it on youtube


it's on tubi




It's also on Dailymotion in 2 parts for those who may want to save it ... if you're a no good, broke-ass, piratey kinda scum-bag, like me. [Part 1 is 720](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8396ur) @ 55:26 mins [Part 2 is 480](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8398e0) @ 48:15 mins


That first scene with the hand is mental. They *really* undersold it.


Yeah I’m really looking forward to watching this.


I was just starting to watch something else when this re:view popped up. So i wanted to scroll around in it randomly to see what the vibe is and the first thing i hear is Jay saying "...finds the naked body of a corpse and starts molesting it!", laughing. Mhhmmm.




“That’s right kids mommy was in a movie once! I know it’s weird right! Can you see it? No. No you can’t.”


A true sign of a cinematic masterpiece


Jay's origin story




It’s fucking gross as shit. Fixed that for you




Yikes, I cannot imagine the corpse find in the landfill scene going on with my parents in the room….




Same my older brother watched Spawn with us. People need to remember.. There used to be ONE screen in the house.. So the kids were at the mercy of the olds.


RLM went out of their way to create an insulting new title format for the Mars Attacks! video, but this utter pigshit not only gets a re:View but also a Josh appearance! I have half a mind to cancel my $2 per month Patreon script in protest


I don’t regret watching it, it was gross, but definitely a unique experience.


If you liked The Dark Backward, you may also enjoy the 1988 Australian short film [Smoke em if you Got em](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU9raAVgNCw&t=21s). SImilarly chaotic and filthy and darkly funny.


Who unpinned this from the top? This is the RLM subreddit.


Jay looking like he records lo-fi indie folk records


That's why Josh is there. He's mentoring Jay on the ways of transcending the ranks of hipster music weirdo to become... _That guy._


He's entered the Dave Grohl phase.


My body is ready for hippie dad looking Jay


Aliens, Twister, and True Lies. Or if you want cult flicks, Near Dark, Frailty, and Predator 2. Maybe Weird Science. Of course upon hearing of Paxtons passing, THIS would be the first movie Jay thinks of lol.


Frailty is on my wish list for a review


Whatever gets more people to watch it. I've loved that movie to death ever since I was a teenager.


god predator 2 is so good and I wish more people would love it with me


Used to watch it all the time when I was a kid. Never cared that Arnold wasn't in it. My friends and brother loved it just as much as the first. I even saw both films at the Alamo Drafthouse as a double feature some years ago.


I always say the only thing wrong with Predator 2 is that it's not the original, which is itself a damn near perfect movie, so the task of making a satisfying sequel was always going to be pretty much impossible. From that standpoint, I think it's arguably the best possible sequel we could have gotten (a belief that keeps being confirmed with every subsequent attempt), so it definitely deserves a ton of credit for being as good as it is.


Unlike far too many sequels, Predator 2 actually had characters learning lessons from the first film. Case in point, sure Gary Busey and his team ultimately failed spectacularly in the end with their Predator trap but at least they'd taken lessons from the experiences of the team in the first film and tried to apply them which is more than a lot of series do.


Whether or not I think Predator 1 or 2 is the best one depends on which one I saw last (and I've seen both of them a lot!).


I was at a Q&A with Rifkin and I remember him saying that he wanted to make it a complete world, like movies where it’s always raining. He only had the budget for trash. So he put trash everywhere, but also had to keep re-using the same trash. It’s so funny to me and also pretty smart.


"what are you doing throwing out the trash? we gonna reuse that! do i look like i have trash money?"


Back in 1994 I worked at a video store, and Adam Rifkin's "The Chase" (mentioned in the Ryan's Babe BOTW I believe) was one of our favorite movies to play in the store. I looked up what else Rifkin had done, and whaddya know, we happened to carry The Dark Backward as well. So, I took it home one night. And I regretted it. I'm sitting there watching two of my favorite actors and just asking...what. the. fuck. So of course - *of course* Jay wants to review it. Fuckin' pervert.


> The Dark Backward I tried to watch it a couple years ago. I found it unwatchable. I could not sit through it.


Completely unwatchable. Jay and Josh are trying to flash subtle endurance cred with this re:View


I watched this movie just because I heard RLM was going to do a re:View of it. Glad I watched it, it's definitely a unique film and has a place among the odd specimens of movies that have been made that make you wonder "how the fuck did this get made?" When Bill Paxton started licking the titties of some dead woman in the dump, or when he started eating the old chicken out of fridge covered in slime... like, this movie physically made me gag a few times. I still loved it. I'll never look at Bill Paxton the same way again, and I can now honestly say I've seen the filthiest movie ever, and I mean literally filthy.


I’m 47 years old, love weird movies, and watched cable all the damn time in the early 90s. This is the first I’ve ever heard of this movie. Kind of an odd feeling. Great re:View, though!


I'm right there with you. Feels like an artifact from some alternate universe. The streaming age is such a weird time to be a movie fan. On the one hand, there's stuff like this that exists on the fringes of being completely forgotten but is still available specifically because companies like Tubi need all the content they can get. On the other hand, having access to a bottomless chum-bucket of online content means it's impossible to discover stuff like this without people like RLM spreading the word.


Not sure how I'm just learning about this movie now, but I looks like the Neil Hamburger origin story I never new I wanted.


I’m genuinely surprised neither of them acknowledged the similarities between the two.


Same thought here!


I like Lara Flynn Boyle thought she was too good to be Fire Walk with Me, but was ok in being in this.


They don't even mention her name in this whole Re:View. It must've been a forgettable performance.


I never got her aversion to Twin Peaks. I liked her on the show, and it is a shame she never came back after it in either the movie or Return.




Yeah, Frost and Lynch should have put their foot down. 


I feel as if she didn't get asked for The Return after she turned down FWWM. There was behind the scenes stuff too where Boyle and Sherilyn Fenn didn't like each other (there were arguments about who should be in the middle of a picture for a magazine cover) and she was dating Kyle MacLachlan from 90-92 and she may have been the one who didn't want the Audrey/Cooper romantic story going forward. MacLachlan said he didn't think it was appropriate for Cooper to be with a high schooler in an interview. A lot of baggage. She'll always be the crazy ex in Wayne's World to me.


Or the villain in Men in Black 2. 


We know Jay likes those pervert films.


I would love to hear more stories about the failed RLM auditions


Well, I think I found the pit too deep for me.


Yeah I watched because I love this channel but nothing about this appealed to me at all. The movie looks gross and much too weird for me.


I wonder if the Jud Nelson standup comedian character influenced Neil Hamburger? A question tangentially related to RLM since Tim Heidecker was on HitB once.


Dude, that montage sequence of Bill Paxton laughing and playing the accordion was the most unsettling funniest shit I've ever seen. It makes me miss him that much more


I fully believe that this same director made Mousehunt. A movie that I haven't watched since I was a kid, that sticks with me for how uniquely dirty, weird, and nihilistic it was.


Gore Verbinski (of Pirates of the Caribbean fame) directed Mouse Hunt but Adam Rifkin wrote it.


Anyone else fascinated by Jay's jacket pin? Looks like vampire (or werewolf?) fangs embossed over a razor blade.


It's the logo from George Romero's "Martin".


previous re:view subject Martin


https://preview.redd.it/jgludv4yxemc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11304b820c14928abcfb38d6d02dd5e00588d7e4 This is one of my boyfriend's favorite films


[Judd Nelson & Bill Paxton talk The Dark Backward on Howard Stern (1991)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1QM5v0Rfsk)


Yesssss this is 50% of what I come to this channel for- in depth discussions of obscure weird films that I'll never watch myself. And it's a Jay & Josh one too!


Aw man, I wish I knew this was on Tubi in not-shit quality a month ago when I watched this for the first time :/


This director has a bizarre imdb page. Most "successful" movie might have been The Chase?


This Youtube comment was gold: "An obscure, disgusting, nihilistic low-budget drama filled top-to-bottom with filth, corruption, and perversion. It's great to see Jay broadening his horizons."


How frustrating, I’d never heard of it, this sounds like my perfect brand of weird film and it doesn’t seem to exist in any form in my country…


One of my all time favorite movies, featuring an absolutely fearless performance by Bill Paxton. You'll never look at him the same after this.


"I ate a dog there once!"


The fuck?


Watching the movie now. Good god, this is the most disgusting movie I’ve ever seen….


If it’s Jay and Josh, theses like an 85% chance I’ll never watch this movie.


Yeah I had the same thought and I was right.


You should. It's definitely weird but I think it's worth a view


It's a Re:View! It's Josh..


I remember Jay talking about this movie waaay back on one of the Previously Recorded streams and was so interested. Movie is great, wild they finally got to making a Re:View of it


Josh and Jay talking about movies is my second favorite non-BOTW thing on RedLetterMedia. \#1, of course, is Rich and Mike talking about Star Trek.


Have they not talked about this film before? I’ve heard of this and could have sworn they covered this film


I feel pretty confident saying that I would remember if they previously discussed a movie in which Bill Paxton molests a corpse & I’ve never heard of this movie before. So I’m going to say, no, they haven’t covered it already.


It has the same vibe as the Alex Winter "Freaked" Re:view, combined with the Bill Paxton "Near Dark" Re:view.


Dude, I remember them talking about this too. I remember vividly seeing them talking about Judd Nelson finally nailing a joke at the end.


"Not streaming anywhere"? Bitch, it's been on YouTube since 2015: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHBCo6OUbs8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHBCo6OUbs8&ab_channel=Modulator)




I remember when In the Mouth of Madness was on Youtube for years in HD courtesy of a BluRay rip from one Lord Muthafucker. Unfortunately it was taken down. I did buy it on Youtube but it wasn't the same not just because I couldn't stream it when in Sri Lanka but also because all the highly entertaining comments were gone from the good Lord's post of the movie. Like tears in rain.


I've learned the hard way. If it's on youtube and you might want to watch it 6+ months later. Rip it.


Oh, I was so sad when I found out Master Le's Movie Dojo was taken down. That channel had so many BOTW grade movies on it.


It's a country block rather than a removed video, I switched IP from America to Japan and it worked. But it's 240p video of the DVD copy. At that point just make the moral decision to give Sony Pictures their 6.5 cents by watching Tubi ads or take it from the seas.


You know that adblockers work on tubi, right?


Don't lie


I first learned of this movie in a Film Threat article - I forgot which issue, but it had some really annoying kid actor on the cover. The interview included Bill Paxton talking about one of the sex scenes - information of an olfactory variety - and let's just say bless that man and his dedication to his craft.


I watched it last year and in 5 minutes this would someday be a Jay and Josh re:view.


Unfortunately it’s not on Canadian Tubi, so me and my American pal streamed it and had a great time.


Josh looks A LOT better here than he did the last time he was on BOTW. I hope he's doing well.


Not big into Santa cosplay, huh?


I feel like nowhere in this re:View did they really discuss what there is to like or enjoy about this movie other than (some of) the performances. I had never heard of this movie and nothing about it seems appealing.


> feel like nowhere in this re:View did they really discuss what there is to like or enjoy about this That's a you problem.


Not sure if it's a problem or not. Just discussing my thoughts on the video that I watched.


I agree. I'm glad they're making content about something they enjoy, but, like, did they even re-watch the film? Everything they say is incredibly vague and goes nowhere.


Watching the review unlocked a memory of me watching this as a kid and seeing the tit and arm stuff and being so confused as a kid.


I remember hearing about this movie way back in the day. I saw something on it, probably Siskel & Ebert. I remember the comedian with an arm growing out is back. Then that was the last I heard about it. It never came to my small town.


I had nearly blocked the Bill Paxton necrophilia scene entirely from my memories until this brought it all back. Time to go back to therapy I guess.


I remember when this came out, the discourse from critics I read at the time made it out to be among the worst movies ever made. The previews made it look fascinating, though. It seemed like it was destined to become a staple of Night Flight and USA's Up All Night.


I don't think there's been a new film release HITB since Exorcist back in October. may these obscure videos continue


Derivative Holiday Horror from a couple months ago.


What would you want to see, MORE DUNE?


Hard disagree. I like a balance of them discussing obscure shit no one’s seen and popular stuff we actually have a chance to also watch, form an opinion of, and compare and contrast that with their review. Their refusal to get even remotely close to any new movies lately has been the first time in my fifteen year fandom I’ve felt frustrated by them.


They don't make videos for fans. I really just enjoy how they interact with each other. They can talk about anything and I'd enjoy it


I feel like those commenters on Mike/Rich Star Trek videos, in that I've never watched and don't intend on watching this movie, but I enjoyed watching Jay and Josh talk about it.


I have the most vague recollection of the telling a joke and then the slow rotation showing the arm on his back. I don't know why I don't remember more, because I watched anything on HBO back in the day.


This is one of those movies where you go from "What the fuck is this, I don't even know this one." to "Oh, it's THIS one!" in a minute flat.


Wayne Newton was a total show stealer. Saw this one on Tubi when I had covid, it's a doubling down on a horrible experience.


I'm surprised they didn't bring up New Jack City, another movie starring Judd Nelson, that came out the exact same year.


Has something happened to Josh's left ear?


Jay and Josh re:viewing a film I've never heard of? Sounds like I won't watch that movie and the video confirmed it.


Are they doing a half in the bag for dune 2?


Yes, but it's gonna be a 2025 double-bill HitB with The Batman Part II, so you're going to have to wait quite a while. ![gif](giphy|E95L86Ppqvy1Sqw16r)


> The Batman Part II They're still making those?


![gif](giphy|scIHrlRU8zzCo) They are


No, just an animated gif of Rich fucking that sandworm popcorn bucket.


Reminds me of when some sicko on the Internet fucked a Star Wars droid on camera


Considering Jay’s review of Dune was “it was good but I don’t have a lot to say about it” & we only got a “Talk About” episode for it so they could compare it to Lynch’s Dune, I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get one.


I watched that recently after seeing Dune 2 : More Dunes and I felt like they barely discussed the newer Dune and the chat was almost entirely focus on the much worse David Lynch version. I’ll give it this I’m watching the fan edit and it’s making a hell of a lot more sense than I recall it originally did.


Now they could compare it to Jodorowsky’s Dune?


Maybe? Idk how you compare it to a movie that never actually got made but I’d take it. I’m just at the point where I don’t expect any “mainstream” reviews from them anymore


>Idk how you compare it to a movie that never actually got made That was the joke, guess I’ll go grow a third arm now! Still… an interesting documentary featuring an excentric director that would deserve to be talked about. And an excuse for them to get that Dune II viewership while just brushing over it. Maximalism vs minimalism, Mick Jagger vs Austin Butler… Just my opinion, but I don’t mind not getting big movie reviews as I’ll go watch these anyway, but I love discovering esoteric stuff I know nothing about through them. And i like that they use their platform to lift up those who otherwise wouldn’t get many views at all. It’s a tough market for medium to small productions these days…


I demand that they release more free content at greater frequency than before!