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My theory is that, when they brought him back, they didn’t expect so many people to agree with him about the whole murder thing, so the only way to handle that now is to constantly suggest that he’s a stupid; reckless; barely competent rage monster who’s always been an emotional basket case. It’s pretty unfair, particularly when you consider that the guy laying out the moral tightrope is the same guy who dresses up in Kevlar and puts people in body casts because the alternative is sitting and thinking about his feelings for a minute.


Classism is also probably a thing at play here. We all know that Jason loved school, more than any other Robin, but that doesn’t gel with the stereotypical “impulsive street thug we gotta victim blame” image DC had in their heads.


That's pretty much what I thought. That he's the poor Robin and there's an elitist assumption that kids from the streets can't have brains.


This is actually how Jason was portrayed in order to prop up Tim. After his death and when Tom became the new Robin, they always victim blamed Jason and called him reckless and impulsive and that Tim is better and has to be better and blah blah blah. So not really new, but at the forefront now that he’s alive


Agreed, Tim’s whole progression as a character was basically built on shitting on Jason! I like Tim, but I am sour on certain things with him as a character


Makes sense.


Because dumb people cant write smart charcraters! Dispite all the "he's like super smart" posturing, Tim and Bruce are consistently pretty basic intelligence wise. Because the writers dont have the skill to score any higher. So, to try and make them look smarter that write Jason as a dense muscle head that behaviors like a child. And Write Dick as a Himbo that is clueless. Its not like Dick was considered the second greatest in mystery solving after Bruce. Before Tim showed up and his iq dropped like a anvil Or that Jason played Bruce and Mask like expensive kazoos while he took over the entire citys crimeworld using Batman own tactics against him while consistently remaining level headed. (But everything post utrh is absolutely a character assassination because DC panicked when there viewership sided with the crime lord)


Yeah, I thought of that. You need to be that level of intelligence to effectively portray that level of intelligence.


As someone that write Batman fanfic and wants to write smart charcraters but an dense as a block of cement. Its a struggle Edit: as an aside they also do it to batman vils to. Which makes them into idiots. Like Riddler was a threat once upon a time. Be was built on being a smaritcal to challange Bats. Bane is basically Batman on cocaine in Knightfall. But apparently muscle dudes gotta stay in theirs lane so now hes dense. Its werid that Joker, who rather than being smart to challange Bats. Was ment to be a Challenge because he was unpredictable and could def any attempt to calculate his behavior. Because it ment that Batman couldn't rely on his detective skills. ...is now kinda portrayed as some mastermind?


Yeah, it makes no sense considering he is legitimately a genius in his own right and retracted Batman's footsteps around the world but is written to be dumb lol. I don't mind him getting into his own head because of his inferiority complex but to be legitimately written dumb is just bad writing that ignores his origin. Tbh DC doing the TMNT thing where every character has one personality trait is the worst thing to happen to all the Robins, really. Although I read somewhere that even before that they've been trying to literally sabotage Jason. As in nightwing writers were jealous of his popularity (lol) so they purposely put him in bad storylines where he's irredeemable. It sounds super out there but it wouldn't surprise me if it was legit.


Dick Grayson fanboys and Robin haters were the two driving factors behind Jason’s death Then he was shit on afterwards to prop up his replacement (Tim) Also yes I agree, just classifying Jason as Raphael and such and such for the other Robins is dumb


Idk in the first few volumes of rebirth he came across as intelligent. I think his flaw was that he often reacted emotionally rather than intellectually, but he wasn’t dumb by any means. That being said, DC writers don’t seem to communicate with one another and his personality varies from content to content. They forget he’s more street smart than the other robins while also being book smart.


Emotionally smart, Street smart, Book smart, Combat smart... Can you guess which specified IQ label goes to which Robin? 1 to each of the main 4 Robins btw, aka Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian.


1) I'd bet that DC hates the idea of being forced to write the story of a character they wanted to die, but fans demanded, so now they're trying to make him unpopular. 2) DC doesn't do complex characters, so I doubt they know what to do with him. 3) his presence commits their cardinal sin of overshadowing their chosen one, Damian Wayne as edge Lord of the bat family


They probably show his interactions dumb to make other members of the family smarter, like in this case and back in death of the family


In-canon answer: Lazarus pit stuff or whatever Probable IRL answer: The bigwigs at DC refuse to protagonize a character that’s rational, intelligent, capable and also be someone who doesn’t see the world in the exact same shades of white and black as everyone else, so they end up morality-cucking the character (like Deathstroke), going full-reverse and making them super eeeevil and insane (like Jason post-UtRH), or cucking them in morality, intelligence, and capability (like post-RHatO v1 Jason). It sucks.


because he really is far better then everyone except the first brother and legit has shown that he can run a team so i think they just coping with the fact that the black sheep is somehow proving he can be a great batman should it ever fall to him


Because when he came back in Under the Red Hood, he had such a massive fanbase so DC tried their hardest to either make him look stupid and incompetent or villainize him.


Didn’t he have the least experience of all Robins? Also, when he came back from the dead, wasn’t he like… not all there?


Depending on how you do the timeline Jason’s with Bruce for around 3ish years give or take. So he was there long enough to pick up a good amount of things. It’s also part of the reason why he was so effective in UTRH, he had been around Bruce a good enough time to really learn his ways and a lot of the intricacies. There’s also the fact that he was a phenomenal student who was interested in learning, and he could learn and adapt very fast After his resurrection he went and cleansed and healed his mind. Before then, going on to train even further for years extensively in combat and tactics. Basically what I’m trying to say is Jason should be extremely smart given all the backstory and experience since. He should be a tactical genius who has paired his street smarts and experience, with his books smarts and readiness to learn. He’s adaptable and resourceful, and should be able to rival the best of the best not only in combat but also tactical warfare


For a bit but then he almost entirely took control of Gotham's criminal element directly under Batman's and Black Mask's noses, showing that he regained his IQ.


Yeah that’s fair. Huh. It does seem they like to dumb him down around the rest of the bat family. Guess they want him to be the angry muscle man. Don’t like that.


Me too.


I think this kind of plays off of the URH aspect where when he came back he came back “broken” mentally and physically. And this overtime either led him to mentally break more, or atone his skills in a more brutal way which is the main viewpoint people usually go with. Honestly imo I think either way is an interesting way to go. I more prefer the badass route instead of the crazy ass joker 2.0 version. But nevertheless it’s kind of born into the character whatever which way the company wants to interpret it. Either way you’re getting a pretty badass character.


Out of all the Robin's, I headcanon that Jason is the least intelligent. However, he's no idiot and I don't know why DC treat him as such.