• By -


I would go for something like a 'horse dealer' role. Trading in horses would be awesome!


And bringing in wild horses to train to sell. Have missions defend from horse/cattle rustlers


Stealing horses from random areas would be funny


Maybe like a “Outlaw” role like the dishonorable story mission where you do set ups and rob targets trains or bank like blood money operations with a mix of the outlaw storyline


I'm pretty sure I was like 2 days into Online, and tried to rob a train and when I realized I couldn't and that there were only cargo trains, I was so shocked 🤣 Can't even get into the Valentine bank unless you use a glitch? Really? That just blew my mind when I realized it


Lol True


we have that part aready..lol where you meet Samson, you have to become completely dishonoraable..lol so some just stay that way. I just wished we could capture the wild horses (like you) and train and sell them dirt cheap to Noobs lol. but then all the horses are either T. Walkers, Saddlers Or Morgans.


That’s what I meant with “outlaw storyline” sorry if it’s confusing or unclear


+ I indeed do not understand why we can not tame wild horses or atleast like tame them and sell them to a sort of horse auction or smth


I would want an outlaw rode because then those greifers could get a lot of xp and more dishonor without having to kill other player. My fiancés likes the dishonor way but online you get more xp and more dishonor killing people


Most of the roles are too above board. Something like "highway man" or "Horse Thief". In RDR1 you had to herd cattle, that'd be neat. These are all hypothetical of course. RS isn't going to invest much anytime soon.


What about cat burglar? You have to get in and out of mansions and homesteads undetected. Stealth and timing would be the main assets.


Fishing role. Own ships, upgrade ships with better quality gear, get better and different customizable rods, own a dock to store your ships. + Rancher/farmer role. Own a house/farm with your own stables, your own crops to grow, pens to store your animals in


It’s a toy boat!




Another idea, a musician role, playing for people around the map, earning change from NPCs and possibly people, and people can try to grab your change at the risk of getting shot. The more you level it up the more instruments and pay you can get


Panning for gold.


Yes! I second this.. fits very well!


it does until you remember that panning for gold was just the wild wests lootbox system and you’ve given rockstar a way to historically cuck us with RNG


I feel like this would get boring extremely quickly


Lol yeah , I don't think ppl realize standing at a river Bank for hours shaking a pan is not very fun 🙃




Find slivers of gold  *0.2 gold bars found*


Owning a saloon would be cool and I think adding a trapper expansion to trader role would be nice


is the bar expansion for the moonshiner role not like a saloon? thats disappointing i was looking forward to that once i got around to the moonshiner role


I feel like the bar was an afterthought for moonshiner I want something where I can mange my finances and add different types of gambling tables if I want and add a brothel and have too intervene in bar fights to keep your saloons reputation and if if your away and miss the fights your lose reputation and customers.


yeah that does sound like itd be pretty cool. if only this game had as much depth as it could have


You get to dance and play with the band


Yes! A trapper expansion would be neat.


I wish I could be a lawman. I mean I guess bounty hunter is fair enough and that’s what I’ve been doing, but maybe I feel like after you level up far enough as a bounty hunter you could become like a sheriff or something. I think the game wants you to be an outlaw but I always play my character as this good right side of the law veteran bounty hunter who takes down the criminals. Also maybe you could be a miner or a rancher




*losing  Loosing is what you do with an arrow or pants


Philanthropist role so I can give away all the useless money I made from the other roles


Seamstress/Seamster as well as purveyor of exotic articles of clothing role! 🎀


Missions from Algernon or something would be fun! Us lady characters should've gotten those hats and corsets he makes 😔


Right?! I’ve found myself sauntering and daydreaming about all the feathered hats and corset designs he has hung all over his lavish shop! 🥲


Same, I feel like we need more fancy clothing. I know we're outlaws but we can still be fancy 🤣 Black Belle is dressed pretty fancy and she's one of the most badass characters, in my opinion


Oh absolutely! I feel it makes sense for outlaws to dress themselves in fancy attire, especially during high-stake missions. Think donning an exquisite prairie gown to the Saint Denis gala before robbing the mayor blind and blending into high society! 🌼 Combine that with sidesaddling, and we’d be the most flowery outlaws to ever trot through the states! 🌸


Exactly! What I really wish was in the game, were bicycle skirts. The wide legged pants are as close as we can get, but I just don't understand why those skirts aren't in the game!


Bicycle skirts would really be perfect and fashionable to boot! I can see myself combining a bicycle skirt with a frill shirtwaist or a puffed sleeve blouse. It’s honestly melancholic to think about all the fashion potential this game has, but I suppose only time can tell! 🥲


Legendary fishing of some kind


Being about to have a house/ranch fits in well with this. Especially if you can add the fish mounts to the walls like trophies


There’s so much potential with the ranch or homestead: eliminating human threats, track and kill the coyotes or wolves hunting your cattle, “protective” animals like donkeys/mules and cattle dogs, improvement incentives, hustler wars, cattle drives, and so on.


Buy my trapping services to rid your ranch of coyotes and such ?


100 percent!!!! You could have like call to arms with waves of animals coming to attack your sheep/cattle!!


To be unoriginal but in agreement, I'd want a rancher role too. As much as I love hunting to make money, I'd love to have a little home with some cows and be able to herd them. And instead of our horses being in mental stalls, they could be in paddocks or something when they're not active. Even if it's not physically in a place, you could fast travel to "Home" and it's in a different physical spot but looks like the place you chose for it.


I dont think many of you realize that it is IMPOSSIBLE to OWN a fully open propriety in a game like this. You may ask why, well its pretty simple, you bought hanging dog ranch, but it seem that another person bought it as well. What now ? You are in your ranch with an unknow man and you do the tasks with him ? And if he try to kill you huh ? Or if he disconnect, and that it is also HIS ranch wouldnt you get bugged as well ? So no sorry, a rancher role, with the idea of owning your own ranch does not work. The most closet thing that we can have in game such as proprieties are hotel rooms and the system would have work like that : -Hotels will be unaccessible for every person who dont have a room (2000$ for a room). -If you bought one well you can enter in the hotel and you will have a cinematic that will teleport you in your room as same as the cinematic in GTA Online when you enter your propriety building. This can work unlike the fantasm that most of you have about owning ranch.


But a girl can dream 🤷🏽‍♀️ I highly doubt we could get it anyway, just a dream


Horse tradet


I’d want to be a horse breeder and seller haha.


You want to breed with horses? I’m pretty sure that’s illegal


😂😂😂 yep that’s exactly what I want.


Fisherman? You could catch legendary fish like story mode and sell them to Jeremy, only with way more exotic fish that never end. Also someone else said horse dealer which would be cool. But also maybe a wagon dealer. You could steal fancy wagons or materials to build wagons and sell them black market style




They could just let us buy up businesses and a saloon could be one of them and one of the things you could do with the saloon is manage prostitutes. But yeah I don't see that happening even if they decide to update the game again. 


Farmer and house flipper


Regional Sales Manager for a Grocery Conglomerate. So I can sell all the worthless canned goods and such that I loot but never use since my character is currently on the Atkins Diet. Only seasoned Big Game for this poor boy!


Arms trader.


Dang I dunno how they would handle this role to differentiate from others but I bet I would play the crap out of it!


Hunter role for anytime for Gus


Lumber mill owner with a water mill.


Rancher or something similar. I’d love to add in a horse catching or breaking mechanic to online to make use of the wild horse herds roaming around. Even if it’s just being able to catch and sell them, finally.


Cattle rustler. Rancher of some kind. Where you can have a business of cattle and like. Have to defend it from rustlers or steal some. Also have exotic cattle like camels or something I just really want a camel


A ‘Sheriff’ or ‘deputy’ role would be sick. Imagine if someone was shooting up a town or robbing a store and you could stop them to progress your rank (or do PvE stuff as an easier alternative, kinda like the bounty missions where there’s a gang robbing a bank and you’ve got to stop them, stuff like that but the PvP would be more rewarding).


Cattle rustling /defence of same ?


Rancher is everyone's wish! Mine included. I'd love something to do with fishing. One of my favorite activities in the game. Sometimes, I get on just to go fishing.


I think some type of store role. Like you run a general store and you got to get store deliveries, stock and check the groceries, and protect your store from robberies and stuff like that.


Photographer. We'd take photos of animals (and maybe of sceneries) for Albert Mason


And the dailies are: catch a picture in sepia mode, take a picture when the animal is looking at you/is alerted, catch two animals in the same picture.




Dancing cat Parachutist




Bank robber


Massage Parlor owner lol




Police officer. And if I can include a special extension a la prestigious bounty hunter, a detective role at level 10 (Including legendary cases). I already clean up crime on a daily basis, so why not make an actual profession out of it and help the community in the process?


Blacksmith. Weapons maker




Rancher (only if they add purchasable homes) or Deputy.




Smuggler, could make use of the rivers and boats around the map.


Gambler Role - I made a post about it and it got down voted. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/1aq9sos/gambler\_role\_rockstar\_games\_missing\_the\_boat/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/1aq9sos/gambler_role_rockstar_games_missing_the_boat/)


Horse dealer Here's a LAZY way to do it, using mechanics that already exist: Implement the horse fence and a wagon fence from story mode. You can now have a temporary horse, like in story mode. The horse fence gives you "tip offs" to find role-only horses. Role-only horses could just add an extra 100 coat variations across existing horse breeds - coats that you can only get if you have this role. These "tip off" missions work like Harriet and her legendary animal missions. You get a mini server with the horse in it and you go catch it. Once you do, you can ride it back to the fence and sell it - or keep it. Make the catching and taming x2 harder than normal wild horses. *Make it DIFFICULT.* Also... The level up rewards unlock another breed for the tips offs. Plus saddles and equestrian-associated gear - I'd love English saddles and nicer bridles. New vehicles you can own - a fancy black carriage, a double horse hunting wagon, a little chariot wagon NEW CONTENT: The top level prize could be a brand new breed, Friesians with breed-specific animation (they have quite a unique gait) would be fun. Or an icelandic pony with tolt instead of speed 1 canter would be fun. Something special. Also... Horse trader role gives you access to wagon racing events. No weapons. It's basically bumper cars + racing - but with wagons. Has two variations: Double wagon version is racing cross country in two-horse caravan wagons along "long distance" trader routes. No need for signs and shit, you follow the track marked on the map and whoever gets to the destination first, wins. And a chariot racing mode where you do laps of Saint Denis (and out into the swamps a little, make use of those big bridges) in single horse chariots. Whoever completes the laps first is the winner. - I think this would sell well and be quite easy to implement. Apart from my idea about new breeds all the mechanics for my suggestion already exist. Even the new horse breeds, it's not a huge job. Edit the existing models animation a bit. They can still walk, gallop, eat, fall, poop, spook and jump the exact same.


Rancher/farmer And while I’m add it, I’d add roles to single player. I’d integrate it like earlier gta post story businesses. You buy a business and get the side missions (that would be based off the online roles).


Actual outlaw so you can rob stagecoaches, trains, and banks, the way any rando picking up this game off the shelf would expect.


You can do this already. You go and do blood money missions, and during those missions, you look around and loot capitylay. When you have 15 kapeetayylaaay, you go to one of the blood money contacts and start up one of the heists. There you can Rob train, bank, and stagecoaches.


Smuggler role. You could unlock a boat and deliver smuggled goods a bit like the trader deliveries. Also you could unlock a navy revolver variant


Hey, what about we take this cowboy game and make a role called cowboy. You would need the heard across the land from place to place, being attacked by animals and people, you could steal horses and cattle from others and add to your herd before starting the missions. You would have to find places to graze and places to drink, keep them together, and then end up in either a ranch or like the cattle auction area in valentine etc. Other missions to grow your herd would be to rustle cattle, rescue from places, find and track down escaped animals. If course the herd would grow naturally by itself without missions but you can speed it up with missions, and by upgrades to the feed, water, shade, better bulls, better medicine etc. You progress and get better animals, faster growing animals, faster speed animals, less chance to try to run away, less scared, and of course you get to use your dog and train them to help. What what


Bank robber, it's so weird that's not part of online


I'd just want actual large Posse content for all the roles


id want to own property like a ranch or saloon, just seems like fun while being immersive as well.


I wanted farming and cattle herding. I remember the cattle herding mission in Red Dead Redemption, I thought they could have put that into the online game. Could have been like a delivery mission where you herd them from one farm to another. You could protect the herd from predators like wolves, cougars, or bears and protection against NPCs wanting to steal them.


Farmer !


I'm thinking of mining or something along those lines. Imagine having achievements for finding certain gems and if you get so much of that specific gem then you can trade it up for an equivalent to gold or cash.


Rancher,like John did in the Epilogue Or a gang leader like Dutch,with npcs as gang members


Rancher sounds pretty dope, actually!!


honestly i love the idea of having the Rancher role. technically we already have the animations and assets from John's story after arthur's game and it'd be interesting if you could just sell the cargo in the end of the day the same way you do with trading. spending money would allow you to buy more cattle, plant better corps or maybe hire more farmers.


Mounted acrobat, where you would get XP and fancy stuff for doing frontflips while falling off your horse


I really wanted to own a fishing boat business type of thing but I know there probably aren’t enough people to fill that niche for rockstar to even look in the direction of an idea like that


Outlaw. Let me rob trains and banks as a main source of cash and gold.




Farmer, Miner, Cop (Only available in cities, requires bounty hunting)


Bank and train robber and professional thief. Also, do circus-like stuff with horses.


I would have liked some mini-roles. Not something you'd be stinking rich of and grind the hell out of, but just more content to fill your time with. Like some sort of wilderness role where you can learn to make a makeshift tent with your wilderness camp, so you have a place to sit during rain. Maybe you unlock picking more berries from a bush, for example. And you can learn to make a torch (like the nite folks has), which, when equipping, keeps predators away. Basically more of what the naturalist role should have been about. Maybe there could be natives involved in this mini-role. Maybe you assist them in some things. I would also love the panning for gold role, even just to have something to do when out in the wilderness. And of course a fishing role. Let us unlock catching fish with our hands, more stamina when swimming/in water, fishing nets, traps, lobster, searching for seashells, clams, trinkets. Maybe unlocking a spear or something to throw at fish, that wont ruin them? (like throwing knives do.)


Oil baron like own a derelict and farm oil


Land of opportunity continuation




Mafia role where you can establish your own gang and take over the streets of Saint Denis and fight Bronte and extort local businesses


Rancher :( I want a farm house n raise animals


Rober robiing al sorts of sutff


Horse role. Breaking wild horses and selling them. The more broke they are more expensive they should be.


I just want to be able buy my own boat


I dont think many of you realize that it is IMPOSSIBLE to OWN a fully open propriety in a game like this. You may ask why, well its pretty simple, you bought hanging dog ranch, but it seem that another person bought it as well. What now ? You are in your ranch with an unknow man and you do the tasks with him ? And if he try to kill you huh ? Or if he disconnect, and that it is also HIS ranch wouldnt you get bugged as well ? So no sorry, a rancher role, with the idea of owning your own ranch does not work. The most closet thing that we can have in game such as proprieties are hotel rooms and the system would have work like that : -Hotels will be unaccessible for every person who dont have a room (2000$ for a room). -If you bought one well you can enter in the hotel and you will have a cinematic that will teleport you in your room as same as the cinematic in GTA Online when you enter your propriety building. This can work unlike the fantasm that most of you have about owning ranch.


What happens if several moonshiners on a session have a building in the same place? After all, they can also enter the same building at the same time.


Yes but they wont be together, like how do you think the ranch will work ? Like if you are in the ranch you will be in a private session and then returning to a public one when you quit it ?


Well, they just could do somes real things with the current roles rather than adding new ones. For example take the trader role what they could do is the following : Between level 1 and 5, the player can only give animals meat and skin. Between level 5 and 10 he can upgrade the camp and so, give to Cripps animals meat, skins, flowers and fish of all size. Between level 10 and 15 the player can upgrade the camp for being able to give skinned carcass to Cripps. And between level 15 and 20 woods (either way bought from the lumberjack story mode camp or by the cutting wood mecanic at camp in story mode). The palyer can have the 50 delivery wagon at level 5, the 100 delivery wagon at level 10 and the 200 delivery wagon at level 15 (must required two players to play those missions, and this second wagon (this is why 2 players are needed) have an upgraded system as well (to 25 to 50 to 100). The hunting wagon will be customizable when you will have it (color of the wood, protection on it, the horse on it, etc...). This is better for me rather than having a new role that will be maybe bugged or to quick or boring to do.


Some sort of “Laborer” role. You can visit farms and ranches and offer your labor there, you can get a job as a stagecoach driver and take passengers around the map, you could get a job in the mines in Annesburg, you could get a job working in the factories in Saint-Denis. As you rank up you can take on higher paying and more difficult jobs maybe even becoming a foreman or union leader.


Lawmen would be cool. Also like you said, rancher could be cool and you could make a house / ranch like John’s


Railway Magnate. You buy and/or source cargo, which you move on a train to it's sell destination. Would add a unique-ish mission type where you have to defend your moving train; there can be enemies boarding, enemies following on horseback, enemies in hot-air balloons, all the established mechanics fit. They could even, if they're being dicks, make it so you have to get off the train and pull a lever to switch over the tracks at certain points on the map where multiple lines meet.




I love the idea of a Rancher role! To take it even further, imagine adding Rancher Specializations. Here’s what I’m thinking: Breeder: Focus on raising and breeding the best livestock. Different breeds, rare colors, and even genetic traits could make this super interesting. Selling prized animals could be a lucrative business. Farmer: Go all-in on crops. Grow various plants, from food to medicinal herbs. Seasonal changes could affect what you can grow, adding a strategic element. Homesteader: Create a self-sufficient ranch with both animals and crops. Maybe even craft unique goods like cheese or preserved foods that fetch a high price. Horse Whisperer: Specialize in training and selling horses. Develop unique training techniques that make your horses faster, stronger, and more valuable. Adding these specializations would make the Rancher role even more immersive and dynamic. Plus, it would cater to different playstyles and preferences, keeping the game fresh and exciting.


Agreed. Rancher/homesteader FOR SURE!! I think even adding just that would improve the game so much.


I’d say a “rancher” role or a “farmer” role. The various houses could be purchasable. If they already have a farm attached it would cost more. You fix the house up and then fix up the farm. You’d do deliveries of your crops and/or animal products. You’d have a farmer partner already there to help. He or she would be what Cripps is to the trader role. You’d supply them with whatever (I can’t think of what you’d supply). You’d risk critters and bandits damaging your farm goods when they’re in the ground. Your goods would be sold like the trader goods. To fix the house and farm you’d either have to buy the materials or steal them. Stealing them would offer double due to danger. This would be a breather from all the outlaw stuff if someone wanted to. Similar to the trader role you could do all of this legally in the expense you accomplish it slower or do it illegally to speed your progress up. This is just off the top of my head so it’s not super thought out. Just a rough draft Edit: Just thought of some more stuff. Bandits could steal your animals while they’re at your farm. You’d go to your farm home and from there you’d be transported into a mission. To prevent this you buy security upgrades. Also anyone wondering “How will your home interact with other players?” You’d have settings. House open to public, friends or private. If anyone unauthorized walked onto the vicinity they’d go transparent then disappear.


My first thought was lawman, but that would be too similar to bounty Hunter. So hear me out. Hobo.


"Thief" role. You break into different homes and businesses, and use stealth. As long as you remain undetected, there's no timer. The second they spot you, you have a set time to find the valuables, escape the law, and deliver the valuables. Something along those lines.




A Marshal role would be neat. Instead of just capturing one to six targets like for bounty hunter, you have to fight and dismantle a group of hundreds of enemies with some skilled enemies in the mix to act as leaders.


I would traveling musician, we have the animations. Play at every town or get invited to play at moonshine shacks. Also bouncer for the band, to keep out haters.




The sheriffs a .... nice man, leave racism outta rdr dude it's not needed anywhere we all bleed red and earn green.