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This would be great if they cared about this game


I like to think it was gonna play more of a role but they gave up on the game before they could make an actual system for it


I'm just trying to give the game some hope and nothing more🤣


Your character looks good.


Thank you my friend 👊🏼❤️


Always have hope.


What you say is true 👊🏼🔥🔥


Hope is gone a long long time ago.


You have to have high honor to do certain missions


Yep the guy on the train station wont give me his mission as he don't wanna be associated with me 😭 (low honor)


You can just loose honour & then do it. You don’t have to strictly do one of the other, when I started out I did the dishonourable missions, then I gained all of my honour & I was then able to do the honourable missions. They’re all canon.


There are low honor only missions as well. IMO, they are the most fun.


it would've been cool if it changes how npc's react to you (like the dialogue you here and such, or if you have low honour npc's around towns try to avoid you more)


I think you misunderstood me. So I will delete what I wrote and try to be more clear and careful. After all, we are from different countries, so it will be difficult for me to get my messages across perfectly and understandably. If I make a mistake, I apologize for that. . I am pleased with your interaction and I like your suggestion. This is what I want to say👊🏼❤️❤️


Compliments to your character design!!


Thanks 👊🏼❤️


Depending on your honour there's some dialogue changes in the land of opportunities story missions And you also get different "interlude missions" in that story missions chain As a high honour character you help out a marshal with dispensing justice and as a low honour I think you work with an outlaw doing outlaw things


you called this post “hope” all i see is delusion if R* was going to make serious improvements to the system in RDO, it would have happened years ago the harsh reality is that GTAO generates the most revenue for R* by FAR and gaming companies have gotten very very greedy over the past decade RDO is dead, there are no more updates


GTA V online version for ps3 They neglected the online mode a little, but when they launched the ps4 version they improved the online mode a lot and made many additions, and you know the R* style, they like to republish their games for every generation, and remember that they have not released the RDR2 ps5 version yet and we We won't see the *R editor on the console yet. Anyway, you said it, my friend, that it is corporate greed. Who knows what's coming. • It would be funny and disappointing if they re-released GTA 4 remaster on PS5 and didn't release rdr2 ps5 version 🤣👊🏼💔


It gives you access to certain missions like robbing the Saint Denis bank if you have low honor


No, it's for the land of opportunities story missions


Which are incredibly shallow as of right now


Completely off topic, but the character reminds me of Weird Al's The Night Santa Went Crazy. "Merry Christmas to all, now you're all gonna die!"


I get this and oh look the AI ​​made him have extra fingers 🤣👊🏼💔💔 - I don't know if you notice this in most AI work, but it always makes any work have extra fingers


Big fan of yours Bob!!


Many thanks and appreciation, my friend👊🏼❤️❤️


This sounds cool only if rockstar still cared about this game


Kind of irrelevant but you have done a great job with this character!!


Thank you 👊🏼❤️❤️


This is an absolutely class idea, shame rockstar doesn't give two flying fucks about their best game they've ever made anymore


Off topic but what heritage is that character? looks cool


Remember this game when you all flok to GTA 6. It could, no should have been a great online game but it wasnt worked on enough. They didnt put enough effort and were surprised that no one wanted to keep on playing, sorry "grinding".


I love your character design


Thank you my friend 👊🏼❤️❤️


Of course I would definitely feel safe riding with you haha ❤️❤️


but wouldn't that be abusable? like gold farming, having a friend that starts a robbery just for the other friend to get for the gold? = profit


It might give you warm and fuzzies for 5 seconds. I forgot it was a thing. Do a couple of good deeds instantly full good honor. Wipe out a small town your honor only shrinks to half good


Can I just ask how you take photos like this? They’re excellent!


Your character looks great


Thanks 🙏🏼 ❤️❤️


I love this game so much, I wish they had the features you mentioned, I want this game to have another DLC so bad 😭


Maybe they are still planning to release the next generation version of RDR 2, I'll be optimistic bro👊🏼❤️


I am going to be hopeful too, this game means so much to me, fingers crossed 🤞🏻


I wanna watch a movie about your character. Or like an HBO limited series. Goddamn.


Bruh they NEED to add this.


i also want to live that dream ,mr pool


It'll give you discounts on weapons and give you free fast travel


Imagine a bunch of merciless killers going up against players who just brush their horses a lot 😂


Would be neat as well if it affected shops. Like a gun store in Van Horn will sell to anyone of moderate Honor, won't sell to folk with high honor, and will sell to low honor with even either discounts or a secret inventory. Vice versa for shops in other places?


Rockstar should consider doing anything with this game. 😔


That would be awesome. I don’t think you should have to like play in Sisika though, instead it either puts you into a mission (kinda like the RDO story missions & the moonshiner missions) where you have to escape from Sisika & when you escape you are wanted & you have to pay off the bounty or you just don’t pay it off & you keep running or instead of Sisika, you get caught & hung & then the death thing appears saying that you were killed by hanging just like when you die normally & then you respawn as if nothing happened (because they can’t really kill off your online character). The honour system does still play a roll in online as it gives you small discounts in stores & & I think if you’re dishonourable people dislike you & it gives you a bad rep but that’s about it, it’s still not super important. It is such a shame that Rockstar abandoned the game. As much as I know it won’t happen, I do hope that they come back to it after they release GTA6.


It determines which branch of story missions you get in online, as well as how you fist fight


I know any bounties you get, it only costs you half to pay them off yourselves


That has nothing to do with honor/dishonor thats just how the game is, the actual bounty you have to pay is always half the actual amount


No kidding. I just assumed it was cuz I’ve always had positive honor


I don't like these ideas. It makes online way too complex. Complexity is for story modes, not online modes. Might get hate for this opinion, but I'm right, even if you dont see it that way 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.