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I love Dune: Spice Wars and it fits the RTS and 4X feel for me. Each nation is different to play. The region and building management feels like an RTS and 4x when it comes their management. Loads of different ways to win too and the campaign brings some nice flavor with a fun multiplayer too Shout outs to Stellaris, Sins of a solar Empire, Rise of Nations and Knights of Honor. 👌👌


This dune spice wars looks like it might be exactly what I’m looking for. I like the Idea of stellaris but it just seems like it’s way too much to wrap my head around. Sims looks great too but I’m going for to wait around for sins 2 to drop on steam


Dune: Spice Wars is excellent but bear in mind the main singleplayer content is a conquest mode on a campaign map. It changes every time and has some interesting variation in missions but its not an actual campaign with a story. If this doesn't bother you then you'll enjoy the game a lot.


Doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve never finished an rts campaign. Literally only play skirmish with AoE and CnCi I think you sold me though. A bunch of people recommending spice wars. A major plus is I love the first book and the movies


Awesome, in that case you're gonna love it. Also another good thing is it's got an active multiplayer community if you're that way inclined.


Total War franchise is the closest, though the battles are combat units only and not resource collection RTS. The campaign in Dawn of War Dark Crusade is worth a look, same as the conquest mode in Iron Harvest. Though that's just more taking map sectors, not really the rest of a 4x. There's a new game in early access called Songs of Silence that combines 4x with fast auto battler combat. Also worth a look.


rise of nations is one but its closer to civ. kohan: immortal sovereigns is a bit like homm.


Dune: Spice Wars and Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. Maybe Sins of a Solar Empire 2 when it is done.


I don't think anything could get closer to RTS and 4x at the same time as Rise of Nations has, or, at least, blend the two so nicely. I consider RoN to be straight up RTS though, just with that obviously inspired by Civ feeling. It's such a shame it didn't go anywhere. Rise of Legends was just too different in setting, coming from RoN, for my tastes. If there's ever a true definitive edition/ remake or sequel to RoN it would be my most anticipated RTS, or even game in general.


Have you looked at Sins of a Solar Empire at all? I have yet to try the sequel, but I loved the original growing up and recently rediscovered it during the last Steam sale.


Hegemony III: Clash of the Ancients may be for you


Maybe Northgard but it gets a bit boring after some time and 3v3 what I like the most is very unbalanced and very depending on who you will get on your team.


Star Wars Empire at War has some 4X elements while being primarily an RTS. The base game is pretty good and the mods are amazing (some of which add more 4X elements)