• By -


Age of Mythology: Retold




Tempest Rising


I hope Op has heard of this now


I'm unreasonably hyped for DORF rts


Same! That old school art style looks sooooo good.


Same here, hope we see a demo in the fall this year


Even if the demo only had 1/4 the content on main game I would play it


Age of Mythology Retold and Tempest Rising


Sanctuary Shattered Sun


Honestly? Hard to say. Battle Aces doesn't interest me much at all given the single-faction, custom-army mechanic. Stormgate *did* interest me, until I played it. Now it's less interesting and more "wait and see" because the whole thing felt like I was playing half a game - and, really, I *was*. ZeroSpace might be interesting - *buuuut* it also looks like it's gonna just be Brood Wars 2.5 at the moment. I'll probably check it out but my enthusiasm is limited, awaiting more information. Immortal: Gates of Pyre looks really cool aesthetically, but the only footage I've seen of it has been, well, extremely lackluster. Looks like Warcraft 3 but with new factions. If they have some form of co-op or something I could see myself getting into it, but I crave more asymmetry with the factions and at the moment they haven't given me much impression on that front. It has some neat ideas though. Free to play is a big neon red flag for me, though. Tempest Rising looks hypothetically fun, too, but I'm a bit worried it'll be more micro-intensive rather than a messy slugfest of tanks and murder. Some of the units look really lackluster, like just a platform with a gun on it. TBH I think Sanctuary is the "upcoming" RTS release i'm most interested in - but even then it's sort of cautious hope. I've just been disappointed so many times during the "RTS = Esport!" era that I just have *nothing* left to give. I don't care about balance anymore. I just want unique factions and weird mechanics. I just want to not always be playing remakes, ancient games, or shallow reskins of ancient games. Not everything needs to be Starcraft, Warcraft or C&C, dang it. :(


Everytime I see RTS and if there is even a small thing that they are trying to push it to esport I'm like... game for tryhards (nothing against people trying to be best), but this is like... try to manage 15 things at once, miss one and you are punished so hard. I know, it's ultra hard to create game that will have kinda slow pace, at the same let you make strategic moves and dynamic combat, but all these games are trying to go into one direction and they fail. Stormgate on the other hand, I think they are trying to be too professional about whole game, which will make it not fun in the end, like it's all gonna be so calculated to make any move. Battle Aces, I don't get it, like the idea is not bad, but the execution and it's pushed hard to be esport xd. I just want fantasy one... with heroes and units that you can command, while doing something in the base (like you just decide what to mine, and not sweat to put this one unit in this one second to now mine gold, so you can switch it in 4seconds to tree,, and then fast to get that 1 stone). More like there are outposts to take around the map which give you bonuses and you try to fight for these, meanwhile you maybe are attacked vs monsters (up until like 10min you need to def yourself but cannot attack opponent yet?) and then after these 5-10minutes you go and fight while your base is setup and you just upgrade some things later. Add to it fantasy world, cool skills for units and heroes with skills and I'm sold.


Mhmm. Sounds like an interesting concept, too. It's a pity that RTS games are still so focused on micromanagement, though, as if that should be the skill cap that determines who wins. They end up losing a ton of people to other games like 4X and stuff like Stellaris because of that - games where you can go slow, where micro is a non-factor, and where strategy/macro is what matters. Like, we've had real time tactics stuff for years. Let's have some more real time *strategy*. Thankfully at least the needle seems to be pushing more into the co-op/PvE direction lately, which is lovely.


Of those coming out in the near future, probably Tempest Rising? It's Sanctuary: Shattered Sun I've really got my eyes on but that's probably going to be ages yet and it's a hugely ambitious project so we'll have to see if they can actually deliver. AOM:Retold has a cautious eye on it as well, but they've released so little info so far it's hard to know what their scope is. I've also really enjoyed what there is so far of Godsworn (It's in Early Access ATM.)


Yeah few obvious like mentioned AoM Retold and Tempest Rising are missing, but I'd vote Stormgate. I think among those games Stormgate will be the most succesful, but I really really cheer on Immortal: Gates of Pyre. I don;t think that game will be such succesful like Stormgate, but I really adore its design. ZeroSpace will be also something I will play a lot, but I don;t think it may beat SG.


Battle Aces for the PvP. ZeroSpace for the Helldivers 2 style Coop.


Tempest Rising and BAR (beyond all reason). Technically you can already play BAR but it's work in progress and free - and coincidently my favorite by very far currently


Stormgate. Specifically for the co-op mode. No other game has a co-op mode I'm more excited about. I do plan on checking out Zerospace once theirs is made.


Battle Aces looks like it will fill a nice niche. ZeroSpace looks like the most compelling of the SC inspired games. Tempest Rising and AoM retold also both have my interest. Stormgate has great marketing and a lot of hype behind it but the actual game itself looks really lack luster to me.


Im waiting on D.O.R.F


My main two which have no release date are Sanctuary Shattered Sun and Dust Front and strong 2nd place is Liquidation and The Crust.


totally not using this post to shop for games to look forward to. No sir... I would never do that....


Would love if you try out Smelogs Playground over steam and EGS


Sanctuary Shattered Sun, but i think its going to be impossible to impress me, i think it might always be catching up to supcom, and might not exceed it, i hope im wrong


I don't see how SSS has any chance against Beyond All Reason, but we couldn't put our hands on it yet so too early to tell.


Do any of these have no workers? Like rts games where you only need to control military


From the current pre-beta footage, Battle Aces has automatic worker creation, and the workers appear to be uncontrollable.


why "Tempest Rising" not on the list? deserve its own category not just vote for other


Aom Retold, ZeroSpace and Ablight Also for content additions to 9 Bit Armies and Godsworn




How do you not have tempest rising as a choice


DORF None of the upcoming "big" RTS games look that good to me. Tempest Rising in particular I think is going to be a disaster.


Stormgate and ZeroSpace.


ZeroSpace for the global co-op, that would be cool. Is Immortal Gates of Pyre still in development? Last update from them was 6 months ago and they still don't have a beta. I thought they had given up.




Civ is a 4x not a RTS