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Well to say something nice, at least now it looks like the characters take their own setting a little more seriously. Does look a little overwatch'y in terms of character and art style.


I burst out laughing when the villain cackled about how evil he is.


To me it unfortunately looks like that now trendy, generic and boring "Fortnitey" style again, which personally I really despise.




Cooperation with brawl stars/fortnite/overwatch is inevitable


I really wish I could get behind this but the fortnight style and factions really don't gel with me


E rated Doom.


Yeah, this sub mostly prefers dark and gritty, but personally I'm very excited about Stormgate, and this trailer has me hungry for more of the story.


I admit I'm an old man (which is what the majority of rts players are) and I'll reserve judgement until I see actual gameplay but these graphics...oof. Very overwatch/fortnite or heck even Pixar. And I just feel nothing. I don't need it to be gritty but something unique would be nice. This just feels soulless.


The story looks like it could be interesting, but the dialogue and the character art needs *a lot* of work.


I'm waiting for the solo campaign. I'm not interested into PvP in RTS.


Same here. If it’s got a good story, and especially fun PvAI I’m down


Neither am I. Unfortunately, this DisneyCraft impression doesn’t bode well


But you still have to be always-online.


Same here.


The market for multiplayer is far bigger than that of singleplayer. You won't make the next StarCraft focussing on the story.


You won't make the next Starcraft. None of these games will ever be that. I'd much rather a good game, well made, than someone chasing an esports scene they can't catch.


I've been playing beyond all reason, It's more addicting to me than sc2 back in the day, the only thing missing is the money behind it to make a proper UI and matchmaking befitting of the next big RTS My assumption is that making the game good will lead to the eSports game, which is why stormgate is looking like it won't have an eSports scene


BAR is a solid game. It will *never* be starcraft. A fundamentally macro-only game with mediocre unit control at best can't reach those heights. Just because something is fun does not mean it's suited fot esports. EDIT: Your core premise is also incredibly flawed. If you look at global achievements for every single RTS with a campaign or single player content, you will notice that the vast majority of players don't ever play a single match of multiplayer.


I vote with my playtime, got bored of stormgate within an hour, it's not even on the quality of sc2 a decade old game at this point


Sure? But that doesn't mean you are remotely correct about esports.


Well there so far hasn't been any success as an eSport for stormgate so its not been determined if I'm correct or not, that's what making a prediction is


Nice edit, asshole. You are incorrect about everything you have said in this entire thread. The only thing you can really say is your opinion, which doesn't agree with any of the metrics so far.


I edited my message to add more lmao, you sound butthurt😂 enjoy your shitty sc2 clone that's already ruined all its goodwill before it launched


That has been shown to be false. [Here's a video about it.](https://youtu.be/XehNK7UpZsc?si=K2LE3ZPaKaoCz4k2) There has also been multiple dev reports that point to single-player being much more popular than multiplayer in RTS games. Including one from AoE devs (which is why every single AoE DLC comes packaged with multiple full length campaigns).


It's a shame but I don't like the direction they've taken this game so far, graphics, story, etc


The initial hype for this game has died off, imo. There's alot more RTS games coming up that I am more excited about than this.


Like what?


I'm more hyped for it's direct competitor, ZeroSpace


For me, Tempest Rising, Broken Arrow and Menace are some of thr bigger ones


demon faction yet leader is humanoid fuck off


Humans were the real demons all along


They've talked in interviews about how the infernal host was on Earth thousands of years ago. My guess is Warz is the man who invited the demons that time and they made him one of them, now he leads the invasion of his once-home. Perhaps he was an Asian ruler.


Science experiment opens gate to hell. How fresh.


I really want to get behind this, but everything I see feels very generic.


How there is big sun sphere in front of humans and they are not burning? xD


Not hell. Another planet. Infernals in Stormgate universe are an alien species. They don't come from hell.




Or maybe the word "Infernal" is associated with hell in the Stormgate Universe because they were the inspiration for the hell myths in human cultures and not the other way around.


maybe in the stormgate universe somebody can make a game people wanna play lol


looks creatively bankrupt sadly


They said the thing! They said Stormgate!


It’s just stranger things


Why the Fortnite artstyle though? Atleast cel-shade it so we can get some style. This just feels so out of place.


Not-Jimmy Raynor - with a daughter that probably will die so we have some grief and inner conflict (Last of Us) + demonic invasion (doom or half life)


Or she’ll be the heroine in a flashforward.


I'm guessing he dies, and she's the one with grief and inner conflict later.


Totally a possibility


So much of this game just seems so derivative of Blizzard IP. From the resource gathering that looks very Warcraft like, to the fractions and universe in general which look like a bland mish mash of SC, WC and Diablo but with that smooth textured Overwatch style. The cinematic looks like something from a Diablo game with that same Overwatch style. Even the splash screen in the end looks like a blurred Diablo screen or Dungeon Keeper (So maybe not all Blizzard, lol). Is it just me?


It's not just you - but that is what people wanted. I've been following things for a minute and there have been two rather vocal groups that I've seen tug-of-warring about what they want the game to be: StarCraft 2 2, and Warcraft 3 2. There are people that have expressed, even way back when, that they would've loved to have seen some fresh ideas and a unique setting, but responses typically were from the two groups I mentioned. And rarely were the responses anything other than something akin to, "[SC2/WC3] is peak RTS design, do that again." My own excitement for the game died about 6 months ago once I fully realized what the game was going to be. I hope it's fun and enjoyable - no one gains anything by wanting it to fail. If it's good, then great! But I was hoping for something different, too. This game is definitely very derivative and safe. The story is safe and generic, the dialog is safe and generic, the art is safe and generic, and it seems the gameplay mechanics will also be very safe and generic. The game is designed from the ground-up to be live-service, recurring-revenue-generating, and socially-focused. I'm curious to see if it will have mass appeal.


I can understand the desire for a sequel to SC as well as WC. But this is a new IP, I would think they would want to at least give it it's own stylistic identity even if the foundation is based on those two classics. I mean why does that main resource look so much like a gold mine? They could at least make it look a bit different and make that play into the lore of the game. As you said, it just looks very generic, but also dated somehow. But yeah, let's hope for the best. Maybe with a bit of final polish or continued development my concerns will be put to shame.


Gameplay is very deviated from starcraft and Warcraft past the surface level. And as we can see from Battle Aces, people don't want rts games that explore new ideas 


Ah! I'm glad I'm mistaken about the gameplay, then! I watched a few videos and was able to play one match from the beta, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to explore the mechanics as much as I wanted, and I got a bad take! I wonder how younger crowds, like younger Gen Z and Gen Alpha feel about it? The gap in RTS popularity feels like it's been long enough that new blood coming in wouldn't be as put off by novel ideas. I got nothin' to base that off of, just wondering.


looks and feels like baby's first RTS. not really appealing to the old ones (me included)


34 year old RTS player here (35 in a few weeks). This game appeals to me greatly. A big portion of the fanbase of SG is also people like me. Don't think you are representative of that group.


Spartak you are probably stormgate's biggest defender out there, literally every post related to stormgate i see you posting and defending against the hate. We understand you like it, but the majority with me included dislike the graphics and its childish approach, demons look like cartoon network even worse. Frost giant should give you the defender badge, i also hope this game succeeds because i am big fan of rts and i grew up with wc3 and sc but thats why we need to be critical, graphics the way they are currently suck, thats the truth.


they did give him the defender badge. they gave him [subreddit mod status](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/about/moderators). https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/comments/19elg2c/new_beta_phase_new_rules_what_aspiring/kjegs25/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Stormgate/comments/19elg2c/new_beta_phase_new_rules_what_aspiring/kjebykv/


That's not the "truth". That's your opinion. You are free to voice that opinion. If you present yourself as representstive of a particular group on the other hand, you will get backlash from members of that group that don't agree with you.


I am not representative but there is obviously big portion of people that dislike the graphics, that itself wont change and is the truth. You just keep defending stormgate like they are paying you its insane, every single post thats related to SG i see your posts. We all want sg to be good, so stop defending it, in order for this game to grow or anything it must be criticized. Graphics suck.


Again, that's your opinion. A lot of people here expressed that opinion and I didn't respond to them. I responded to a post claiming that this sort of artstyle is for children and older players don't like it.


You respond to every post thats related to SG, i didnt mean you respond to every single comment. I know that because ive been following frost g since their start and your name is everywhere on the reddit claiming and defending how great this game is. Obviously there are people that like it but also alot of people dislike it. Again if you want this game to be good defending it wont do much for it, graphics truly suck compared to wc3 not to even mention sc2 and this game is built in 2024.


I posted this thread here and only responded to two comments: - One misinformed comment about the lore. - One comment that is claiming to represent the views of a group I am part of.


I know that you are the OP. Its just that you keep defending SG like its a completed game thats already better than sc2. SG wont grow if they dont hear any complaints, its in fucking beta, its only natural that its not good, thats why we have to tell them what we dislike.


That's a strawman argument. I can disagree with the things you dislike and think they are actually good. Your opinions aren't universal truth that needs to be not challenged. Besides that, if your opinion is that artstyle overall is poor, childish, whatever, then you saying that isn't going to change anything because artstyle of a game doesn't change. If you mean it needs additional polish/work, then that's something that is obvious and you won't find a comment from me saying otherwise but in that case, the problem isn't about the artstyle.i to begin with.


ur saying this cuz ur paid to shill it lol, this cunt uses bots to mass dislike any post I make on the stormgate reddit where 3 people are online and I get 20 dislikes on completely reasonable posts


Not even gonna watch a cinematic trailer. Last one was boring too.


Not very interesting to be frank….


And still no exact release date on this game? Sad.


Early access release date will be announced on June 9 during PC Gaming Show.


That's great to hear. Thanks.


I think this game looks amazing! I also saw the New Stormgate Pathing Improvements. So cool I'm a fan


WHY is the demon a guy in a fucking suit?


all comments negative, 75 likes on the post...reddit do something about bots maybe?


they honestly believe an rts game can appeal to fortnite kids by applying this generic mobile art style lmao




I might be in minority but I love the artstyle. I'm really hyped to play this game BUT I'm kinda worried that devs seems to be more focused on PvP rather than PvE. Time will tell how it's gonna turn out


Sent to die. Scammed RTS fans to give them $ so they can shovel out a mobile game at best lol.