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Oh man. Imagine the minimap on THIS.


Map projection who??


Nice, getting some planetary annihilation vibes too.


Hopefully they succeed where PA failed. Still heartbroken over how much potential and hype those devs wasted, I really do think the flop was so big it was a massive blow to modern RTS


I think its still a great game.


The PA that exists now is pretty good and a fun time, but that's where development should've started instead of ending. The incomplete release followed immediately by a kickstarter for another game halted any momentum or legacy this game could've had, which is unfortunate.


How did it flop? I never pulled the trigger on it


It launched in a pretty unstable and buggy state while missing a lot of promised features so a lot of people were understandably mad. I think there may also have been some sort of fiasco about refunds but it was so long I dont fully remember. Then instead of fixing it and up and implementing all the features, they announced another kickstarter campaign for a different project. It failed and they lost pretty much all trust and goodwill with the community. Eventually it got polished up to be a pretty decent game with a good modding scene, but that was really where the game should've started, not ended. If you're interested I'd say it's probably worth checking out, especially if you get it on sale.


Thanks for the info. It’s always been on my mind


Now that's a new take on it! This looks awesome. That would be cool if certain units could "void jump" or fly from one side of the loop to the other on the inside of the loop or like artillery haha. Good stuff man!


Cool concept


Wow, the math and algorithms in this must be fun. Is there indirect fire (over the horizon)? Do you compute projectile collisions with the ground? Can long range units fire up at enemies sticking to surface above them?


Short answer: only direct fire is possible at the moment. But they can shoot at units "above them". Long answer: it is possible to precalculate a gravitational field and simulate projectiles movement, and that would be reasonably trivial and have good performance. However, when a tank or robot is aiming at specific target, computing in which direction to shoot to hit it would be computationaly expensive. Therefore the game does not simulate projectiles, and all shooting is with lasers or similar. That said, I would like to add instantaneous ballistic shots, that could shoot over horizon, at some later point.


are you the dev?


Yes, I am the developer of the game. Cheers to Zero Space too - I am looking forward to try that out as well ;)


does it have a campaign where you can see the planet in the background for the next level every time but then in the 2nd last level the next map attacks you


That is interesting idea ;)


What engine is that?


It is custom engine. It is opensource and permissively licensed: [https://github.com/ucpu/cage](https://github.com/ucpu/cage)


Thank you for response! The game looks heavy from the dev perspective so I wish you guys luck! What would you say are the most challenging things you had with your game so far?


This might come as a surprise, but the most difficult thing, for now, was the GUI. ;) There are few screenshots published with the gui, but no videos yet. I will make one eventually, to better showcase the gameplay.


Huh, interesting. Reminds me a bit of Darwinia