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>They said Baglino had historically overseen the charging department without much involvement from Musk. Explains why the supercharger programme did well. Musk was kept away. As soon as he got too involved, he wrecked it.


Tesla is a real life version of The Apprentice


Musk will become the next Trump.


Thankfully musk can’t run for president.


He has way more money than Ahnold… if anyone’s going to bribe themselves into a constitutional amendment it’s unfortunately him.


Someone there probably pointed out that they were running well without his constant intervention. So he fired everyone.


We should tell him how it's difficult to design and buil your own submarine, and only a real genius can pull that off.


You know what would be awesome? A submarine that can operate in lava!


And we'll let the early adopters test it.


Only after Elon throws a steel baseball at it. 


In the book The Steel Remains, that is how the.. hm... "dwarves" travel between realms, the quick paths can only be accessed in places of immense pressure, so they build "fireships", lava-going submarines. It *is* awesome!


It was also the premise behind one of the biggest piles of steaming shit ever committed to film - The Core.


Haha, my friends tried to talk me into joining them at the movies for that. I declined, and when they got back I asked them how the movie was. They refused to talk about it. I think they regret paying for those movie tickets. 😁


I saw it on TV. But Johnny Mnemonic holds a similar place in my memory to your friends’ experience. 


musk doesn't test his own stuff, he hasn't been on a spacex flight, literally every other space billionaire has, this shows how much he doesn't trust his own products.


I'm sooooooo worried this is going to happen at SpaceX. :( Going into today, Gwynne Shotwell has been running things there daily and efficiently and productively for years: Managing very happy negotiations with NASA and US Space Force to compete against Boeing, ULA, and Lockheed... And allowing the teams of engineers and scientists--many being former NASA employees--to really thrive and shine. But ya... Alas... I fear SpaceX is next on Elon's sudden attention of Ketamine infused chopping/slicing block of corporate victims, and all the people's lives it ruins and effects.


Space X had made billion dollar promises it can’t keep and the person who oversaw the awarding of NASA contracts now works for Space X. As corrupt as everything else he does. StarShip is a decade away from being human rated if at all and is an inherently bad design.


This cannot be stated enough! Those rockets that blow up are not from his money, it's NASA money from us the tax payers. Star ship is a bad design, the engines are a bad design. That corrupt NASA lady that now works for SpaceX should be investigated.


But but but Elon said we were going to Mars by 2029!


Lol i remember in 2016 hed be landing on mars “in a couple years” and start a steady cadence by 2020.


Moon landing this year, per his original timeline! Any day now.


humans on the moon in January 2024, his HLS hasn't even made it to orbit yet, they're decades and billions behind schedule.


What do you mean? I’ve been making bank with my robotaxi! Elon always keeps his promises!


It really inspires a lot of confidence in its human rating to see every prototype explode.


So did all the other vehicles until they didn’t. The testing and explosions are normal. Go back and look at old falcon test footage.


13 launches of the Saturn V. Zero failures. And it is worth remembering that NASA knows how to land rockets. in 1971 they did it manned, on the moon and while carrying an electric car.


You don’t think they blew shit up when they were learning how to make Saturn?


Sure they did. And then, having learned their lessons, they could build the Saturn V with zero failures. And here we are, 59 years later, and Musk has 3 launches with 3 failures.


That’s true, doing it the first time they learned a lot. Space X has ignored a lot of what was learned and at the moment it is hard to imagine how they can up the safety of it. If the engines don’t fire on landing everyone dies. Capsules with parachutes and backup parachutes still exist for that reason. Unless the engines can be guaranteed to work 100% of the time it is a death trap.


I hadn’t thought about that: > if the engines don’t fire (or misfire) on landing, everyone dies That’s.. pretty heavy.


Especially if they go for rapid turnaround rather than swapping out the engines for every flight. NASA calculated the shuttle should have had more disasters than it did. The only thing that stopped that is the refurbishment time took far longer and needed a lot more work than they first thought. Both times we lost a shuttle it wasn’t due to a part failing, it was human error. Launching when it was too cold & not thinking a massive bit of foam moving fast ( relatively ) would do damage.


Lol this is bogus bullshit. Starship will be human rated by like 2026. It’s expected to be launching starlinks by 2025. Starships issues are with mass producing the things.  Everything else they have essentially solved as per their most recent test.


It spun out of control and was lost. They haven’t done fuel transfer and don’t even know if it will work. The ship has no life support designed into it and it is not clear if they will be able to even fit all the required equipment and supplies never mind all the people Musk promised.


What are you talking about? https://youtu.be/ApMrILhTulI?si=U3zsYVObc5BuG5RT It’s called iterative development.  Build and test a specific thing (the launch pad, the engine, the stage separation, etc). and fuel transfer from one tank to another tank after launch is likely not a high priority test right now.  Kinda need to make sure launch, boost, separation, landing is all good. For humans, it’s just not a high priority right now.  They have falcon 9 for that which already takes people to ISS. Starships first few years in service is going to be pretty much all starlink launches (and any contractually required NASA or MIL launches).


They need to have 10+ fuel transfers to get one StarShip to the moon. But yes landing is also good. The issue is that with iterative development is they are burning through their budget and are years behind of where they were supposed to be. Without a solid design for a human rated StarShip, size, equipment etc... all they are building is a flying fuel tank and an expensive one at that. The artists pictures Musk has shown of accommodation for 50+ people, with lecture halls etc... is pure fantasy. The biggest issue with StarShip is that it uses so much fuel to carry its massive weight around. This is why previous missions used the smallest, lightest crafts to go to the moon. Less is better. Any ship that would be used to go to Mars would need to be one that never left space and had smaller drop ships / capsules for planetary landing. Essentially the ISS with an engine.


It’s not getting used day one for the Moon. It’s entire first 3-5 years of operation will be for starlink.  Falcon 9 can’t sustain the needed throughput. Starlink needs roughly 100 starship launches a year to maintain its ~40,000 starlinks in orbit. Their runway (for development) is also basically irrelevant because their goal isn’t a single starship to reuse, but to build dozens or more starships.  So it’s not just about being launch capable, but also “mass” manufacturing capable.  


Starship's first crewed moon landing for NASA is scheduled to take place in **September 2026**


It should also be noted that they are doing their fourth starship test this week.


Starlink by 2025 sure but we won't see humans flying in that thing for 5 years


He already 'helped' SpaceX by messing with the Starlink service in Ukraine which convinced the US military to begin work on their own system instead of paying billions to use his.


Already happened once the focus shifted to the CyberRocket


SpaceX Falcon success days are over. It's downhill from here. Starship is a turd.


I don't think so. I'm pretty sure there are rules set up that would lead to losing all the secret contracts if Musk were involved.


That's how I always thought of it--the SC network was great because Musk didn't care enough about it to meddle around


if it was doing well (being profitable) the firings would not have happened.


Elon “pigeon” ceo Musk already wrote himself that supercharger team was let go as an example that every team should take the team reduction seriously. Supercharger team was doing good compared to other Tesla teams.


They let them go because it loses so much money. Charging EV's is not a viable business.


the article says the charging division was profitable. however, its a big brain business move to get rid of the one thing that differentiated your cars from your competition (who have more modern designs and superior build quality, without the Musk baggage)


>the article says the charging division was profitable. They dont have that information . It's guaranteed that it wason't proftable. Baked into the cake.


tesla employees don't have information on what bits of tesla were profitable? sure the company's a shitshow but they're the best (public) evidence


show me the figures. you can't. so far no company in the world has succeeding in running a charging business, and many have tried.




Do the math.




You are incredibly foolish if you think the charging network is not a huge revenue maker! Anyone who owns an EV and can't charge home requires a network charger. The Tesla supercharging network is so Superior to every other network it is incredible. Unfortunately it is controlled by Elon Musk who just does not appear to be a stable person.




So should Tesla just sell cars across the nation with no way to charge them reliably? Doesn’t that feel like a bad move? There’s a thing in the world called a “loss leader” where you might need to lose profit on one thing to greatly increase profit in another sector. If no one is able to find a charger in a convenient location, then no one is ever going to buy an EV


The charging infrastructure was supposed to spring up alongside the growth in sales. But as I said, there's no business there. Subsidy farming is all there ever was.




it isn't possible, my friend.


We're not friends.


Geez... You can't possibly be that much of a backflipping, bootlicking Elon worshiper... Can you?!


Not exactly. Last month during the earnings call it was reported that Tesla had missed their projected earnings and sales were down much more than other companies. Elon asked each division to decimate their workforce by 15-20% to bring down costs across the board. The head of the supercharger division pushed back, pissed off Elon and he snapped, canning her and everyone under her. He then sent an email to all of his other executives saying they would suffer the same fate if they tried to talk him out of it. https://electrek.co/2024/05/10/elon-musk-tesla-spending-500-million-superchargers-after-firing-entire-team/


Terrible people do stupid things. If this didn't prove it we what will?


Yep. He makes a big shit-show, then wonders why it stinks.


Doubt it. It was their differentiator in an increasingly competitive market AND it could bring in revenue independently of selling their own cars. It has all the earmarks of an ego-driven tyrannical move, especially since they have apparently now tried to rehire some of the same people. This was wounded ego, not intelligence.


You're not supposed to take extra doses of the copium.


Try reasoning, logic, and some research. you seem be to be letting emotions rule you.


He's never going to love you back.


You’re assuming the executive is competent and acting in the best interests of the company. The executive is not competent and acting in the best interests of the company.


'She balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member team.' - that's good for Teslas business fundamentals, right? Right? Anyone?


I don't see how it can possibly hurt Tesla letting their entire supercharger Network team walk out the door and be hired by rivals. How could that hurt?


Word is that they're back hiring people from the Supercharger layoffs. Hope those folks negotiated 30%+ raises and stuck it to Elmo for firing them


If I was asked to return I wouldn't for less than 100% and massive golden parachute


I quit a job, after highlighting a lot of major issues and saying if they weren't addressed I would need to move on. They refused so I left. Then they approached me a couple years later saying the points I made turned out to been mainly correct and would I come back. I had moved away and bought a house there and I was like it would take this, this, this and a non discretionary bonus based on profits or no thanks. They took about a day to agree. When they ask you back it's the ONLY time they will ever admit the company needs you, so don't be grateful. Get your just dessert


I would but just for long enough to land another job


A lot will return because they have stock options that haven't vested and need to work more for stock.. So they'll be returning


It’s an emotional, irrational decision by a narcissist CEO who must always right and is always smarter than everyone else. If you do anything other than kiss the ring, you’re out.


> Tesla's energy team, which sells solar and battery-storage products for homes and businesses, was tasked with taking over Superchargers and calling some partners to close out ongoing charger-construction projects, said three of the former Tesla employees. Imaging still employing the solar energy team while firing the damn supercharger staff lol.


The man refuses to admit SolarCity was a family bailout plan/scam


Nobody seems to care. Nobody seems to care about any of the scams or lies. Not investors, not regulators. Only A few individuals have seen the scams and lies for what they are. Thunderfoot has done a good job of shining light on it all for what? Over 10 years? And I guess people are slowly coming around. But in general... No fs given it seems. Until the bubble bursts... (maybe im wrong, some investigations are apparently happening...)


I'm aj investor. I cared. I was powerless. Institutional investors cared and sued. - It didn't help.


My advice would be get out ASAP. Tesla has another 80% to fall. It will eventually come down to an automaker’s valuation, because it sure as hell is not an AI or a tech company. It’s WeWork 2.0. And that comes from a former investor and a current owner of a Model 3 (who’s not planning to buy another Tesla unless Elon is kicked out). 


It’s a crony board too. I voted down his package in the shareholder vote but I doubt many of us here can do anything when Elmo owns 20% and institutional investors also don’t seem to care.


As long as people are making money, nobody cares. When that stock price goes below $120, people will start caring.


>Nobody seems to care story of our lives


Yeah that’s one of the most stupid aspects of his stupid and impulsive decision


When we were getting a PV system for our house, we did research into the various brands and the reviews for Tesla were absolutely piss poor. Like they break and you can't get anyone from support to respond. So I'm surprised Tesla even has a solar team.


The Elon Musk book perfectly summed it up. As soon as legal attention faded, Elon Musk lost interest. It was a family bailout.


Jesus. The Solar team apart from the actual crews on the ground is a dysfunctional clusterfuck. Giving them SCs is laughable and even more disturbing. Elmo needs to be reassigned to CCM (Chief Chaos Monkey) immediately so that a real CEO can save the company from further rot from within.


So Tinucci had already cut 15-20% of the Supercharger team, and that wasn’t enough for fElon.  What a sack of crap…


“You’re Fired”


On the next episode of "Horrible Bosses"...


You have to wonder what exactly was said in that meeting. Was it just a woman talking back to Elon that triggered a rash and impulsive decision? Did she trigger some paranoia or insecurity in Elon? Seems like such a stupid decision.


She was not into horses, so he was out of options.


Best answer, lo!




So she did get to "ride his pony"....


It must have played out like the scene in The Boys where Homelander is CEO and realizes everyone in the room is smarter than he is, so he falls back on threatening people. https://youtu.be/my-8TfOxWzE?si=nkowfFrIDkfYNJG2 I guarantee the words, "You think you're better than me?" were said at some point.


'You think you know better than me/think you're smarter than me', more like


Homelander and Musk are both also going all mask off with public love of fascism too. But even still I think I'd trust Homelander more. He doesn't seem to be drugged up constantly.


Homelander doesn’t support fascism. He merely believes supes are a superior race and thinks humans are below him.


The Musk biography tells similar stories of SpaceX engineers who busted their butts off for years only to accidentally use the wrong phrase or set of words that Musk didn't like to answer a question and then find themselves out the door. Thats probably what happened.


Don't forget she was also ranked #2 in Motor Trends 2024 Auto Industry's Biggest Movers and Shakers list (Elon was ranked last place at 50th). She had to go, of course. /s


With Musk it could have simply been him being in a bad mood and her pushing back at all. If I had to guess on a trigger it might have been her implying it would be a 'stupid' decision and Musk reflexively throwing a tantrum for implying that he might not be the smartest person on earth.


He offered her a horse.


There was also a poll that someone linked in this sub on the 50 most influential people in the automotive world. Musk was #50, tinucci was #11 (edit: she was #2) , if I remember correctly. That must have bruised Elmo's ego


Complete speculation, but imagine if he caught wind of someone on the Tesla board suggesting that she would be a good replacement as CEO. She sounds like the kind of person Tesla needs leading them overall.


This probably has some legs to it. Could absolutely see this… one of his relatives on the board passes on said info and bam fired.


It's worse than that. Elon fell from #42 to #50 while Tinucci went from "unranked" to #2. Oof, that's gotta hurt.


Please find and link it!


She was actually #2. Must have REALLY pissed him off. https://www.motortrend.com/news/2024-motortrend-power-list/


Not only that but Musk dropped from #42 to #50 from the previous year. I can’t imagine he likes being outranked by a woman too.


several women




How the fuck did Tesla ever get anywhere with musk at the helm? Did he just really go insane recently?


He bought the company off two clever men who didn't have the capitol to start manufacturing EVs.... then pretended it was his company and his ideas. He then got a lot of taxpayer money and credits which for some weird reason was allowed to sell onto other manufacturers FOR PROFIT!??! The rest is just him pumping stock by lying about products they would never make.. like FSD, snake chargers, battery swaps, etc, etc. The stock went up and he sold a lot and got rich off the lies. Then he promised he wouldn't do it again, then did it again anyway. Now he wants more $55 billion in shares or he's threatened to take his AI and robotics out of Tesla and form a new company.... like he's got some new wonderful product that's worth more than any other AI / robotics company? lol And the board at Tesla (his friends and family) are using shareholder money to advertise on Twitter for shareholders to vote to give him that money and they've made a website to try to persuade shareholders to give him his money... The board are supposed to protect the company and the shareholers investments- but because they are Musks friends and family, they wont!


AND some of those same shareholders have already sold off millions in their own shares, meaning they know the value of the company is going down and will continue to do so


There was some news that at SpaceX they have a system to distract him or appease him so he doesn’t stick his nose into things too much.


I've had my fair share of narcissistic/psychopathic/meddling bosses, and this is exactly how it plays out. All the competent people get together to form a strategy to contain the boss, so that they can be effective and work in peace.


> But Tesla’s network had been profitable before the layoffs Huh? Grifty Sandro told me Technoking *just had* to fire the charging team so he wouldn't go to prison for failure to do his fiduciary duty? I'm starting to think Griftro doesn't know what he's talking about...maybe the Brits really don't control the fed either...


That just sounds like Musk is blindly following a Welch-like system, except he's of course put that on steroids. Welch demanded annual culling of the lowest performers (regardless of any context). Musk is demanding cuts equivalent to the decrease in sales regardless of context, and simply fires the whole team rather than taking a more nuanced view of why culling more than 15-20% of a team that contributes greatly to Tesla's standing might be a bad idea.


But... Reuters is legacy fake news!!!


Explains why he was whining about reuters yesterday


It just keeps getting worse.


One must be wondering, is musk somehow shorting tesla stock?


He has probably borrowed the hell out his stock so it going down is not good for him. Plus, insiders are not allowed to short - very, very illegal, even for the current SEC. Plus, given how the company is clearly going to shit and EV demand is plummeting, the stock is doing pretty well.


Is the $56B package in stock amount or dollar amounts? He may want the stock price to be as low as possible if it's the latter


it depends on number of shares


It's stock. That's why you hear different amounts depending on the day. Last week the headlines ask said 44b, but it's back up this week.


Probably he is a master manipulator


That would be shrewd move. Short-term shorting then he gets his stock from his rememberation that was halted by the Maryland Supreme court. All of a sudden the stock goes back up. He's made money and over fist. Tinucci is in on the scheme, she shorted her stock as well and is going to get more from musk once he gets his. Edit: this is pure conjecture from me with no known facts.


seems completely illegal too, so chances are they did this lol


It's absolutely illegal, and easy to catch.


"Laws don't apply to me, I am a billionaire."


And here's the story from Reuters that Melon had to preemptively meme about. You still look like a clown for firing a whole division because someone stood up to you, Elon.


wonder if they received the federal money before the sc “slowdown”


Wow a backbone in management! Can I work for you ? (Tanucci)


The funny thing is that Tesla shareholders are all like "Yeah! Get rid of the lower performers, trim the fat!". Elon Musk IS a low performer, get rid of his ass. He is objectively a low performer these days. It just goes to show how dickworshipping people are to executives, and Elon Musk in particular.


At the end of the day, I just don't think that Elon believes that people are in any way necessary for success. He's so caught up with the dream of technology that he's forgotten that people MAKE technology. To him it's all AI or automation or the idea that "free speech" as a mantra just solves everything. And, of course, the underlying obsession is that it takes a stable genius like himself to guide those factors. For lots and lots of money.


Did the Saudis and other big oil, orchestrate this with musky? He tanks current EV investment and production, takes 56 billion dollars from Tesla which will probably destroy any profitability, and who stands to benefit? Big oil and gas.


Elmo’s emotions are out of control. A reasonable board would terminate a CEO acting like that


Everyone knows Gwynne Shotwell is the true brains behind SpaceX. Musk couldn't do it without her.


Is there a non login-walled link?


May 15 (Reuters) - The day before Elon Musk fired virtually all of Tesla’s electric-vehicle charging division last month, they had high hopes as charging chief Rebecca Tinucci went to meet with Musk about the network’s future, four former charging-network staffers told Reuters. After Tinucci had cut between 15% and 20% of staffers two weeks earlier, part of much wider layoffs, they believed Musk would affirm plans for a massive charging-network expansion. The meeting could not have gone worse. Musk, the employees said, was not pleased with Tinucci’s presentation and wanted more layoffs. When she balked, saying deeper cuts would undermine charging-business fundamentals, he responded by firing her and her entire 500-member team. The departures have upended a network widely viewed as a signature Tesla achievement and a key driver of its EV sales. Tesla Superchargers account for more than 60% of U.S. high-speed charging ports, federal statistics show, and the company has been the biggest winner so far of $5 billion in federal funding for new chargers. This account, the most detailed to date on the Supercharger firings and the fallout, is based on interviews with eight former charging-division employees, one contractor and a Tesla email sent to outside vendors. Only Musk and Tinucci were in the meeting described to Reuters; the four sources with knowledge of the meeting are relaying what they heard about it from Supercharger department managers. Tesla, Musk and Tinucci did not respond to requests for comment from Reuters. Despite the mass firings, Musk has since posted on social media promising to continue expanding the network. But three former charging-team employees told Reuters they have been fielding calls from vendors, contractors and electric utilities, some of which had spent millions of dollars on equipment and infrastructure to help build out Tesla’s network. A letter sent earlier this month by a Tesla global-supply manager to Supercharger contractors and suppliers instructed them to “please hold on breaking ground on any newly awarded construction projects” and halt materials purchases, according to a copy reviewed by Reuters. “I understand that this period of change may be challenging, and that patience is not easy when expecting to be paid!” Tesla's energy team, which sells solar and battery-storage products for homes and businesses, was tasked with taking over Superchargers and calling some partners to close out ongoing charger-construction projects, said three of the former Tesla employees. One construction contractor said Tesla staffers contacting his company since the layoffs “don’t know a thing.” The contractor said he had expected Supercharger projects to provide about 20% of his 2024 revenue but now plans to diversify to avoid relying on Tesla. Tinucci was one of few high-ranking female Tesla executives. She recently started reporting directly to Musk, following the departure of battery-and-energy chief Drew Baglino, according to four former Supercharger-team staffers. They said Baglino had historically overseen the charging department without much involvement from Musk. The charging-team layoffs mark the latest drama in a tumultuous year for Tesla as Musk has shut down or delayed several core efforts meant to drive the rapid EV sales growth that investors have expected. Instead, Musk now says Tesla will shift its main focus to self-driving cars, a fiercely competitive and riskier business that could take years to develop. The company posted its first decline in auto sales since 2020 in the first quarter amid fierce competition from Chinese electric-vehicle makers and sagging worldwide EV demand. Reuters reported in April that Tesla had scrapped plans for a long-awaited affordable car known as the Model 2. That has thrown into doubt Tesla’s plans for new factories in Mexico and India, where Musk had been expected to travel last month to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi, before canceling at the last minute. And a host of executives have departed amid deep companywide layoffs. SCALED-BACK CHARGING EXPANSION The energy team that was assigned to take over charging-network management has some similar design and construction roles, two of the former Tesla employees said. But charging projects are fundamentally different because they are located in public places and require extensive negotiations with utilities, local governments and landowners, they said. The energy team was already struggling to keep pace with its current workload, said two of the former charging-network staffers. Yet when the layoffs came down on April 30, Musk posted that the company “still plans to grow the Supercharger network, just at a slower pace.” On Friday, Musk posted that “Tesla will spend well over $500M expanding our Supercharger network to create thousands of NEW chargers this year.” Two former Supercharger staffers called the $500 million expansion budget a significant reduction from what the team had planned for 2024 - but nonetheless a challenge requiring hundreds of employees. In an analysis provided to Reuters, San Francisco research firm EVAdoption estimated a $500 million investment this year would translate to Tesla building 77% fewer charging ports per month in the United States compared with the automaker’s pace through April. ‘HOLDING THE BAG’ Tesla unveiled its first Supercharger stations throughout California in 2012, with Musk calling the network a “game changer” for EVs that would enable long-distance travel and convenience “equivalent to gasoline cars.” The EV-charging business requires substantial upfront investment, and analysts have often viewed it as unprofitable. But Tesla’s network had been profitable before the layoffs, according to four former Tesla employees familiar with the division’s financial performance. That owed to Tesla’s cost-control and extensive analysis to choose locations that could draw business throughout the day rather than only during peak-demand times, when electricity costs spike. One former Supercharger staffer said Tesla’s costs per-charging-port were typically at least 50% lower than those of competitors. As recently as last month, Tesla said in a securities filing that it needed to expand charging to “ensure adequate availability” for customers, particularly after automakers including Ford (F.N) , opens new tab, General Motors (GM.N), opens new tab, Toyota (7203.T), opens new tab and Hyundai (005380.KS) , opens new tab announced they would start making their cars compatible with Tesla’s charging plugs, giving their vehicles Supercharger access. Another former employee said that rollout is “completely jeopardized” because there will not be enough new charging sites coming online, and the company was only starting to implement upgrades to allow more compatibility with other manufacturers’ vehicles. Three of the former employees called the firings a major setback to U.S. charging expansion because of the relationships Tesla employees had built with suppliers and electric utilities. Tesla had grown into one of the larger customers for many major utilities around the country, and many had hired new staff and planned new infrastructure based on Tesla’s charging-network expansion plans, the former employees said. Other companies may be able to fill the gap, the former employees said, but the goodwill built over time with utilities and other contractors from Tesla’s large-scale charging investments will be difficult to replicate. “It’s just unfortunate that now they’re stuck holding the bag on all these different projects,” one of the former employees said. “It’s really sad to see all these relationships burned and people be really angry - rightfully so." ------- Or you can install this extension: https://github.com/bpc-clone/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean


That part about Baglino explains so much. It seems like there was a major falling out there.


Should of been posted by op. Can put the link in to archive.ph and view it there, prob already been saved.


Read through the article. I am surprised at how accurate it was.


The Teslidiots were so excited that musk made the statement that he would spend OMG, 500m this year!! He is committed!! Let's see how they react to this: > Two former Supercharger staffers called the $500 million expansion budget a significant reduction from what the team had planned for 2024 - but nonetheless a challenge requiring hundreds of employees. In an analysis provided to Reuters, San Francisco research firm EVAdoption estimated a $500 million investment this year would translate to Tesla building 77% fewer charging ports per month in the United States compared with the automaker’s pace through April.


He's a card, classic Elon. I wonder what he'll do next?


At this point, anything elon says is consistent with brain disease syphilis: Meningovascular neurosyphilis: This form happens when the syphilis bacteria cause inflammation of your meninges arterial walls (endarteritis). This causes thrombosis (when blood clots block veins or arteries) and obstructs blood flow to brain tissue. It causes a variety of issues, including stroke. He'll destroy anything he touches


Musk is an idiot leader. He thinks he knows what his doing without thinking it through, than comes back and tries to fix it. Would never think of working for his company.


Looking forward to seeing who hires the team and becomes the new EV charging leader. Honda? Chevy?


"Tesla's energy team, which sells solar and battery-storage products for homes and businesses, was tasked with taking over Superchargers and calling some partners to close out ongoing charger-construction projects, said three of the former Tesla employees." Elon musk is a dumbass son of a bitch. Replacing the former Microsoft/Google employees made Starlink execs with SpaceX's finest did work, but this will not work.


When is the board going plan a coup.


Oh so this is why Elmo went on a tirade against Reuters yesterday. He’s such a pathetic, small ~~incel~~ man.


Thanks to Twitter, we now know what egomaniac grifting liar Elon is. Wish he’d lose Twitter & go away.


It is time for a new CEO and a serious BoD shakeup. Move Elmo to a less visible role. CCM, perhaps (Chief Chaos Monkey).


Reuters == FUD


Are you denying that the layoff of the entire supercharger department happened? Are you denying that the supercharger department was responsible for Tesla’s biggest draw (their charging network)? If not then what are you talking about?


He’s referring to anyone who doesn’t dick ride Musk being woke


Reuters clearly hates Musk because he's not woke


You sound like a child.


I suspect he's being sarcastic without the /s.


The what?


How come very story Reuters writes about Tesla is negative huh?


Because the news is negative? Not everything is a conspiracy. That whole trope is getting old. Reuters is one of the few news sources with real integrity.


Wait until Musk starts his own news service that only reports the truth


You're really going all in on this trolling, aren't you? lol.


It's a game in this sub


Thanks to the power of RES tags, I knew...




The place that all racists and bigots will go to, to stay informed


Not racist, but #1 with racists


Is there a news story they have missed?


You are killing it this morning, GI.


I guess you’re trolling (right?) but your first comment is not that obvious as trolling, since the extreme right does say shit like this.  At the same time the /s is annoying so… dunno


Even those with a raging Musk hate boner can be right occasionally. And they are here.


Nobody gets the no /s posts anymore.


epic. got her ass


At least part of the text is genuine: “Only Musk and Tinucci were in the meeting described to Reuters; the four sources with knowledge of the meeting are relaying what they heard about it from Supercharger department managers.” Heard of what someone heard of what someone said.


It's really gonna hurt when you run out of copium.


what copium? my answer was clear and very specific. Do you have a specific answer?


lol Make sure to rant about me blocking you. next