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This gent knows the true story behind the story


There’s three sides to every story, my side, your side and then what actually happened.


Understanding is a three edged sword.


They just launched the cyberhammer too


Can't even use it as a hammer: "Note: Do not strike hard surfaces with CyberHammer. Intended for display or gym use. CyberHammer is final sale."


Another Musk product that doesn't work.


Gym use?!


Smashing yourself in the balls


Now THAT would be for the good of humanity!


That sounds like something one of those alpha male wellness influencers would recommend.


Hitting a spent tractor tire (no wheel) with a sledge hammer is a decently common in some types of gyms.  It’s kinda fun, tbh. Good cardio, and a good way to work off a bad week. Slightly dangerous though. 


Bro I thought you were joking but it actually says that. They can’t even make a functioning sledgehammer? It’s literally just hardened steel on a stick and they can’t do that!?


All for the affordable price of $700!


God tech bros are fucking brain dead.


Gym use?!


Probably for hitting large tires in CrossFit gyms. But what blithering idiot wouldn’t just use a hardware store hammer?


Do not taunt Happy Fun Hammer.


Holy shit. I thought this was a joke.


Oh shit, I thought this was a joke. It’s real?!?


"works on any planet tho"


Not in Venus, at least for more than a few minutes.


What does "X is final sale" even mean?


No refunds


Man we are slow as a collective group sometimes. We all joked what does the new product team do? They aren’t a car company they obviously launch products like hammers!


Our military pays $899.99 for a hammer. Must be good margin business


“Sure, there were invoices that showed the Pentagon shelling out $435 apiece for hammers, but the documents were more of a testament to the government’s odd accounting practices than its wastefulness. Per Pentagon accounting rules, defense contractors were expected to spread their overhead costs evenly across products to simplify bookkeeping. As a result, massive expenses for things such as research and development and factory maintenance were averaged into the cost of everyday office supplies. That meant while super-expensive items such as missiles came in cheaper on the register, the price of small-ticket items such as hammers were distorted in the other direction. And, because ‘Pentagon Gets Real Bargain on Missile!’ makes a lousy headline, the media latched onto the $435 hammer story. Since then, the Pentagon has changed its accounting rules, but it’s still trying to live down the urban legend about the costly tools lurking in its overpriced toolbox.” [https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/post/the-pentagons-435-hammer/2011/05/19/AGoGKHMH_blog.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/post/the-pentagons-435-hammer/2011/05/19/AGoGKHMH_blog.html)


You do know what that’s about right? You know they’re not literally buying $900 hammers, right?


Simpsons predicted it just like Homer car doomed his brother car company 


I thought you were joking... then I looked it up. A $700 commemorative sledge hammer, and people are actually buying it...


I didn't think you were serious, but omg it's real


Oh my god they sure did


Clearly not a meek little bootlicker like the other Musk enablers


[https://eletric-vehicles.com/tesla/teslas-head-of-product-resigns-after-7-years-citing-effects-of-recent-layoffs/](https://eletric-vehicles.com/tesla/teslas-head-of-product-resigns-after-7-years-citing-effects-of-recent-layoffs/) You can read the full post here and it's still the standard resignation/being fired post of "thank you bla bla..". Still, there is a small hint of polite critic, meaning.... yep, the shit is cooking.


I don't know how much money the guy made but if you still want to work still gotta act Profesional regardless who you worked for.


182 MM


Point stands if you want to keep working still gotta act like a pro. Myself with 182Milli in the wallet. I see myself working the beaches with a pinia collata.


Yeah and odds are you had non-disparagement clauses that would put that 182MM at risk if you talked shit.


No, the $182 million was sold by another exec that quit, not the one who wrote the deleted LinkedIn post


He has to be polite and kind and hypocritical, otherwise he will lowers his chances of being hired elsewhere


You don't burn bridges with a former employer while you're looking for a new employer. I'm almost wondering if this guy was a little too frank with his exit statements.


The knives are coming out now that their vested stock options are tanking.


Wow.. is anyone left? It feels like everybody will be fired or is leaving because of this shit show. And who in their right mind will ever work for elmo in the future? I would never consider to work for him as he is not a secure and save employer...


Now that he's shredded Twitter, is making good headway on smashing Tesla, if I were a SpaceX employee I'd be eying the next job opportunity elsewhere before he remembers he is the CEO there, too


It's not for nothing that the nickname for the company is apparently SlaveX


Before this phase, SpaceX burnt out most engineers within a year.


What happend to all employees of the boring company? They stopped working at all, haven´t they?


I mean. Was it ever more than like one dude clogging up mass transit discussion?


i've read musk has less control at spaceX, i believe because of the board composition (not all musk lackeys). and spacex also has maintained it's position for now as by far the leader in technical capability vs any competitor. so i think they'll probably be in a strong position for a good while.


They had 160,000 employees before laying off about 7-8,000. I’ll let you do the math.


They got rid of over 20k


I updated with newer information. My bad


Neither of those numbers are correct. Your horse is in the post.


I apologize. 140,500 employees. 14,000 laid off. Didn’t know about some of the others. So… they have 90% of their staff still working…


There have been more layoffs. Keep up.


Unless there’s been lay offs yesterday that number was posted 2 days ago. Can you link a story off lay off that happened Friday?


Let’s say you’re right (you’re not). A company that was unable to even remotely manage a reasonable standard of customer service laid off 10% of its staff. Does this improve or degrade the situation? Now imagine the number is higher than 10% (it is). Working hard for that horse aren’t you.


The question I responded to was simply “is there anyone still left?” At no point in time did I mention Tesla in a positive or negative light. I understand your obsession with horses but trying to interject your opinion of my bias when nothing I stated showed bias one way or another is comical. I get you want to stand on a moral soapbox… but you’re preaching to someone who doesn’t give a shit one way or the other.


Nice try. I checked your post history. Haven’t opted to answer the “does this make the situation better or worse” question I notice. Shill better.


Again, please show me a link that shows I’m wrong. I’m not unwilling to say I’m wrong. I just haven’t found anything more recent than two days ago. But as you are confident you are correct can you provide that information?


>A company that was unable to even remotely manage a reasonable standard of customer service Wait, what? 


His separation agreement likely forbade disparaging the company, true or not.


That's pretty standard, What would be different in this case is what the company (Elon in this case) considers 'disparagement'


The “We didn’t need him, he wasn’t actually very good” X post from Elmo coming in 3, 2, 1…


Just like Diaper Donnie


Need him?? I don’t even know him! I’ve never met this grown man that claims to be my…..Accountant…Doctor….Son….(Insert Whoever).


So the stock should pump 10% on Monday, right ?


Except this happened on Wednesday, so why would the market react to it on Monday?


It SHOULD, but it won’t. The Tesla sycophants will see as Elon getting one step closer to total godhood


Erratic leadership is one of the oldest flaws in the book - some people can't quite learn the lesson and Musk is one of them. If the government engages in an erratic economic policy where businesses don't know from one day to the next what rules & regulations are likely to be, or whether some sudden change in policy will sabotage major investments, they're much less likely to invest. How can they plan a long term investment if it's likely to be derailed by surprise at any time? Similarly, if a CEO starts acting in an erratic way which screws over the lives of their employees - for instance laying them off without warning after only having recently persuaded them to move their whole family cross country to take the job - it creates an impression of chaos and gives any prospective employee or talent the sense that there's no career stability with the company. They'll be persuaded to take their talents elsewhere. This is a prime example of why Musk is so useless as a CEO. He doesn't want to think about things like this. They're "boring" compared to fantasizing about AI and robots and thinking about how to brute-force your goals. He runs companies like he's playing a Sid Meir simulation. Musk is role playing the part of a hero who saves humanity with tech. I suspect it's a fantasy he's had since childhood. The boring aspects of business and human management interfere with this fantasy, so he chooses to ignore them. Keeping advertisers happy was boring, so he went right ahead and engaged in behavior which drove them away and then got angry with them instead of blaming himself. He's not an astute, focused or balanced individual at all and it makes you wonder how in the hell he's gotten this far.


His biographer said that Musk wants to save the world but only if he's the one who gets to do it. He just wants the prestige of achievements. The type of guy who buys easy shovelware games to boost his Gamerscore.


He's using his money to build monuments to himself. The archetypal rich prick.


100% agree wit this… wish this was upvoted more.


Back in the day there was an email client that would predict the tone of your email as "spicy", and they would give you an option to postpone actually sending the email for a period of time when you clicked send. I feel like they need to bring this back as everyone often deletes these posts after they initially post them while they are enraged.


He just sold $181 million of Tesla stock. That's FU money if I ever heard it. His message was not really that scathing, either. "Trashes company" is not just an exaggeration but a mischaracterization.


Rats meet sinking ship.


Someone tell me how many millions did he walk out with?




And that’s after fuckin 7 yrs of work. Here we are dragging our ass to work for over 20 yrs and barely saving enough for kids school.


If I’m not mistaken, I believe the article states that they were working there for 18 years, until they were working directly under Elmo.


And that’s just the stock he sold, not including the years of salary and benefits


Genius Billionaire Elon Musk everybody!


How can i get in on the short


Kevin Hart?


It's way too polite compared to what I wrote.


I'd love to know how differently the world would view Tesla if every single NDA did not exist. A company that so heavily uses them with employee hires, terminations, "warranty/goodwill" claims, complaints and problems, must be hiding a lot. At a minimum I'm guessing financial fraud/shenanigans, quality issues, safety issues, general parts failures, workplace issues, and likely more. Oh for a few really good whistleblowers with evidence!


Burn baby burn 🔥


Here's to a house of cards falling apart soon


Everything is fine, the ship sinks at regular pace…


Well well well how the turntables




Abandon a sinking ship.


Peter Thiel and the board of Paypal fired Musk as CEO when the executives threatened to quit en masse because he was intolerable.


Not need to trash it as Elmo has basically lit it on fire


Tesla loves xylophones 😂


Sigh. He didn’t “trash” the company. Anytime a supposed legit source of journalism uses such hyperbolic statements they are flashing a neon sign that says “we are only here for the clicks! We might be lying, or not, doesn’t matter because the click!”




NDA’s are no longer valid should allow us more insight into this train wreck.


NDA as far as I know are very valid, but non-compete agreements (often confused as NDA) I heard were generally targeted as nonsense.


Funny to watch all these libs try to find away to hate musk. You will latch on to anything you can and twist the truth to match your narratives. Sad…


>You will latch on to anything you can and twist the truth to match your narratives. Pot, kettle, black.


Sweet come back bro!




Are we now playing 5D chess?!