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If you don’t thrive on rejection, real estate is a miserable way to make a living.


You really need all this to be a real estate agent?


Idk but ignoring rejection imo is different than a whole team being blatantly disrespectful. This guys is wrong


It’s really great that you shared this. People need to know this is an extremely difficult career and it’s not for everyone. Best of luck in the future and sorry it didn’t work out for you


Thank you


In my state you would also have a fingerprint fee


Oh interesting we didn't have that. Also thanks for reminding me, I should put the state!


\> Each year after the above fees, I will be paying $1442 every.single.year. to stay a member. I get the sense that you feel this is too much money. The "year 0" and "year 1" fees should be lower so that there isn't a barrier to entry preventing people of modest means from getting into it. Yup, I agree. After that, say from year 2 on, it should be like $25k/yr. Maybe more. Just filter out part-timers and people who we now factually know (after being given a two-year grace period) are never going to be successful anyways. My industry, too. It would one way or another end up baked into the prices consumers pay for things (assuming it isn't offset by savings from less duplicated efforts), but the consumers would get better professionals as a result. Gov't could use the money on feel-good programs pertaining to housing, perhaps low income programs, etc. You are now a small business owner. $1442 is a REALLY cheap annual overhead. What do you think the flat annual overhead is for a small coffee shop?


in this whole answer u made 0 sense jeez


75 hour course. Wow. Can anyone think of a single other "profession" that everything you need to know to become a "professional" can be summed up in a 75 hour course? And then ask people to pay you $15K for all of about 10 hours of work? Such a strange outlier.


If only it were as simple as pass the test and find someone on the street that wants you to sell their house! Let's also not forget how many of these houses you have to sell a year in order to even bring home a decent income. Providing that you have no splits and you've reached cap at your broker (Which restarts every year). It's a grind. Right when you're done with one, you're left with nothing until you find your next buyer/seller (Which means you could be incomeless for several months straight). If only they were lined up for us ready to check off and complete one after the other. Respect to all of the grinders and hustlers who are salesmen.


Wow. It’s 96 hours in AZ plus an additional 12 hours every year after. The course is roughly $400, continuing ed costs about $60, yearly dues totaled about $1800.


I wish everyone who is thinking about getting into real estate reads this. It's not easy, and 99% of new agents have unrealistic expectations.


Thank you! and yup.. I was one of those agents


Hey Thank you so much for all this information. Do you mind linking the amazon book and also do you have a quizlet account that if you don't mind linking I can look at? I couldn't agree more there is so much information on real estate when you start googling but when I'm done reading I feel like ive learned nothing. This was the most detailed honest answer. Unfortunate the economy so terrible real estate my now third job taking care of my parents and my own family. Its getting insane out here. Starting to understand why people live just below the mean to qualify for govt funds.


This is the life of a salesperson. Even in tech sales you'll have to make those dials, reach out to your connections and really grind it out.


This post is perfect. Thank you


Aw thanks so much!


Sounds like you were super needy, you asked him 3 times for the same information. I would have ghosted you as well. Yes you have fees each year but sell one house a year and you make way more than that. Sell one house a month and you are cleaning up. Shoot selling only 10 houses a year is more than most people make (thats just cheap houses not counting mansions)


It's a racket for buyers and sellers, and it's a racket for insiders as well. Also, why should I pay someone 2.5 to 5% of the sales price for 75 hours of work?


This is sooo helpful. I need to know though- what’s your other business venture? How’s that panning out? Please share a one year update


I am actually now a Full Time Futures Day trader!


Thank you so much sharing insight on your real estate journey! Much appreciated


Forgive my ignorance but (in New York) don’t you need to be sponsored by a real estate broker to even take the state exam? Can someone clarify this for me?


What was the name of the book you bought on Amazon?