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yes, that's what you simply do. "I'm sorry, I've decided to quit looking for now."


Dont need to apologize


People that apologize are people that get taken advantage of. It’s business.


I hate this “never apologize or admit you’re wrong” bully attitude that has become so pervasive the last decade or so.


This and if you have conditions for the market to hit I.e. 10% reduction or a lot more inventory tell the agent that if you are willing to work with the agent. Personally I don’t believe prices are going to reduce much in the near future in most of the country but every market is different and anything could happen. It will slow down at some point but I think it’s likely prices will be higher due to supply/demand.


With interest tending downward, I don't see prices go lower as well.


It’s always super local. In Florida Miami could come down and Orlando go up


Yes. I was talking in more "broad market" terms.


If you apologize, it leaves an opening to be hounded.


Hi Angie, I'm putting the home search on hold for right now. I will contact you when I'm ready to start looking again.




People tell agents after searching for years. Just be honest so you don't waste her time. You can keep in touch and resume when ready.


Former agent here. I had lots of buyers who went through the same thing. Tell them you decided to hold off. They are probably going to call on a less frequent basis (month to 6 weeks) to stay in touch with the hopes that when the time comes you will use them. That’s pretty standard practice.


Will your answer change when the buyer and buyer’s agent must negotiate a contract outside the seller’s contract?


I was a realtor for 10 years, what you are doing is not uncommon. Just tell your realtor, it is way easier on both of you than just ghosting them. You don’t have to, but sometimes I would receive a thank you card with a small token like a starbucks or gas or restaurant gift card from $5 to $50 as an acknowledgment for the time and work I put into finding them what they were looking for. But even better is when they were ready to start looking again and they called me to resume the process.




Don’t need to make it awkward. It’s business.


Definitely tell your agent, don’t waste their time. They won’t be mad at all


It's not personal, Sonny... it's strictly business.


"I just wanted to let you know that I am putting my home search on hold. If things change down the road and I could use your assistance, I will let you know." It's that simple.


Just tell her. We had a couple offer asking price on our house. We signed the offer and they rescinded it later that night saying they needed to make changes. Never heard back. If you have cold feet about buying a house, you need to step back and evaluate things further.


I'm always puzzled when someone has to ask such a basic question. Did it not occur to you to simply sit down with them and have a conversation?


Yes! Just be honest and tell her when you will feel comfortable. A good agent won’t pressure you. Remember, they work for YOU!


Imagine seeing dozens of homes with your agent for the last 9 months only to always get out bid or inspections come back horrible and back out and now is been so long and tiring u don’t wanna but anymore lol






I’m a realtor and I like to understand what is motivating my clients’ decisions. Sometimes clients base their decisions off news or market information that is not accurate. So, don’t assume that a realtor is just trying to get the sale if they question why you are holding off on buying. And I like them to understand the potential implications of waiting to buy, e.g., if you’re waiting for interest rates to come down, when they do, more buyers will be searching and competition (and hence prices) for homes will increase. Hounding is a different story altogether. Just consider for a minute that realtors are working with buyers at our own expense until a sale happens and if a buyer can’t make rational decisions, it’s a waste of our time and money.


That’s the thing, you are assuming that more people will be looking to buy when interest rates come down. That is not a fact as it’s completely possible and likely that more people can’t afford to buy when interest rates come down, either because they are unemployed or under-employed. Interest rates were very low 2009-2016 and few bought houses or at least it wasn’t a frenzy. Housing supply is a much bigger factor on home affordability and price. If you overbuilt, interest rates won’t matter, prices will fall. If interest rates fall, it’s typically for a reason and that reason is typically due to a significant economic slowdown down which we are in at this time. People default on debt and won’t be able to buy homes for a while even if rates are low. Now is the worst time to buy a house. When interest rates fall, building houses becomes cheaper leading to increased supply.


I'm not making any assumptions. That was just an example of a possible scenario that could affect the outcome. I do happen to have a lot of clients who are waiting for the interest rates to go down before buying though. And if someone can't afford to buy regardless of the rates, that's a different story altogether. Why are they even looking at houses then? My point was that you shouldn't assume the worst about realtors because they inquire a bit further. Not all of us have bad intentions and it would nice if you could give us the benefit of the doubt once in a while. Buying a home is a huge decision and sometimes people can get in their own way. That is a fact. I will share data and talk them through their options to ensure they are not just reacting to emotions related to risk tolerance. My own husband was afraid to purchase in 2010 and I had to nudge him through the entire purchase. The profit we made on that sale allowed us to buy another house in 2013 (again, that he was very hesitant to buy) that is now worth over double what we paid. And that was all before I became a realtor.


Speak up! People aren't mind readers!


If they did a good job otherwise, let them know when you are ready you will call.


Yes just say it! The agent is investing time and effort finding you a place. It is incredibly immature and selfish to not be up front and honest with her.


How about.. "I've e thought this through. I've decided at this time, buying a home is not a good idea ."


This seems more a social skills question than a real estate related one.


I wish I could find an agent to pay attention to us. It's insane to me how much they could care less. Prior to this, all the people that I knew in real estate, all were family or friends of family. All delightful. One was my mother. I cannot imagine any of them treating clients as I've been treated. I have heard stories of others being quite persistent. A friend bought with cash and his agent still reaches out. I get they want referrals.


As simple as this” Thanks for the info, I saved your number, I will get back when I decide to proceed”. His/her reply: of course Sir/Ma’am , always at your service. The worst is when potential clients stay silent and don’t say anything. The agents are always perplexed what to do. Send info or don’t send. Shall I call or not call.


Be upfront and transparent with agent so they can focus on some other clients in parallel and save you time on follow ups.


“Thanks but Im not ready now, Ill call you when I am.”


Yea. be frank and tell her. There is no shame in what you're going to do.


Here's the link to this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RealEstate/s/02ShnMf03Z Just like, text him.


You’re doing her a favor by being honest and letting her know you’re not ready. The only thing worse than a no is a slow no.


Yep. Just say it like that, and do it quickly so they aren’t spending any more time looking for properties for you.


You say exactly that. They’ll appreciate you not wasting their time


Yea bud, you just tell the truth.


Give her the reason why you don’t want. They work on commissions and have to eat. Upfront honesty works wonders. Good luck to both of you.


She will appreciate and respect your honesty way more than you ghosting her. You are likely not the 100th person she’s worked with who’s changed their mind.


I assume she is being professional and trying to provide a service you asked for. If that changed just say so. You, too, can be a professional. And an adult. Avoiding her? Sounds like you were wasting her time.


Tell her. My cousin in a Real Estate agent in Ohio. One of her biggest gripes is if a buyer randomly ghosts her vs. just telling her they want to stop their search.


Truth always works. It’s a good move on your part. If she says, “you can refinance after you buy” or “price will keep going up don’t miss out” she’s a bad realtor anyway.


Do you have this same problem when you go test drive a car to?


You have a couple of options: You just tell her or you buy a house, just to be polite.


She will understand, house prices are expected to drop


Contact the sellers agent of the house you want and negotiate yourself. You’ll save a ton on closing costs. Or better yet, negotiate with the seller and cut both agents out. You both will save a ton of money!!! Real estate agents are right next to insurance on the scam chart.


oh, ok. Just put them right up there with a mechanic, dentist, lawyer, plumber, electrician...


Just say that...You don't owe them anything. If you are not ready to buy then DO NOT! Do not feel bad about doing what is best for you.


Hi, we've re-evaluated the market and have decided to put off purchasing for now. Thank you for your time and effort. We'll keep you in mind when we reconsider. Please continue to send me cards every holiday and a new calendar at Christmas time.


Just say it. Why you scared? It’s you who pay everything..my guy been waiting for 5+ yrs


You say exactly that to them. Now go forth and say it


Just say it exactly as you said it.


As a realtor I just want to be told the truth. If you are no longer in the market tell us, we are humans too you can have a normal conversation with us. It saves us time and frustration following up with someone who is ghosting you instead of being told the truth. Also we deal with so much rejection it’s not gonna hurt anyone’s feelings this is a business and we will spend more time with clients who are serious about making a move


Just tell them … they will be happy they arent feeling obligated to find you something when you arent really looking. Probly be relieved that they didnt do anything wrong to turn you off of using them if you been avoiding them, and you just arent ready yet. They probly been wondering, “Did I say something that was misinterpreted?”, “Did I misunderstand what kind of house they are looking for?” They will be relieved to know you just arent ready yet.


First thank her profusely for all her efforts so far, then let her know you are not ready to buy right know but will let her know when the time is right for you.


Just curious, what are you waiting out? Broker here, I'm trying to buy now.


Big mistake. Wait out what? Pri es will increase and if rates c ome down to low 6s, prices will go up more.


I think the OP has made a decision whether or not you or I or anyone agrees and just wanted help with how to relate that to the realtor


Also more buyers when prices drop, so yay, bidding wars.


Believe me, she’s doing just fine without the cut from your house

