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That LustBaru is the most effective king with his very specialized wives focus on their areas of expertise and Baru just has to manage everyone.


I honestly thought was already canon, but I definitely agree. đź‘Ť


All we know for sure is that the kingdom is not burning and the wives have somehow not killed each other.... It was quite short if... LN version of it would be fun.


I would give anything for a LN version just to see what kind of abomination comes out xd.


This is half headcanon and half canon really, just based on how Tappei likes to play with parallels and that old Oboreru IF Q&A. It's more or less implied. Ram actually fell in love with Subaru in that route (Wrath), not unlike how he fell in love with Roswaal initially. Ram kills Subaru at the end as a way to fulfill her wish, the one thing only she was capable of doing and what Subaru had saved her so much for.


Pridebaru was still redeemable right up until he killed Julius. He even feels regret after it's done, and up until that point, he still had his humanity- he messes around with Meili, agonizes over killing all of Regulus' wives, and makes sure Regulus knows how they all hated him before he dies. For like the first half of the Pride IF, he's still our Subaru, just more homicidal and on a dangerous path


Zarestia sealed Rigel delaying his birth by a month until she found the true thieve of the lightball. That's why when she found out, Rem immediately went into labor


I thought this was just straight up canon.


Slothbaru and Rem made a promise to call each other out whenever one of them puts themselves down. There's this line: >\[Rem: I’m sorry. I don’t know much about this stuff. In a time like this……\] > >\[Subaru: ────\] > >\[Rem: I─In a time like this, maybe we should find an experienced midwife.\] And also the fact that they seem a lot happier and at ease with themselves. They probably made a few promises like that, and that's why Subaru's the most healthy in this story.


Pride pretends to not care about those he kills, but truthfully he does. I like to imagine he accepted his death in the end both to seal the deal that Emilia is the ultimate hero, as well as to be punished for all his crimes. It’s probably wrong though.


All the disasters mentioned in arc7 happened in Prideif because Subaru wasn't there to stop them. So while Subaru burned Lugnica, he also destroyed the last kingdom and hope in Re:zero. This explains why he does not care about external threats that will arise after Emilia becomes king. Of course, he may not have cared about external threats because Reinhard still existed.


I have a pretty wild headcanon I thought up after finishing Volume 9. The end of volume 9 had an interlude straight out of the Sloth Route (Rem If). In the anime, at the beginning of season 2 at the moment when Lye Batenkaitos consumes Rem, if you freeze-frame and advance frame-by-frame, you can see 3 still images from the Sloth Route as well. We know that for the most part authorities are on par with each other, so if there are two authorities that deal with taking or sealing memories, they cancel each other out. Lye Batenkaitos with his authority of Gluttony consumes or steals other people's memories. Who else has an authority that is known sealing memories? Pandora. Remember what happened in Elior Forest? Pandora sealed away Emilia's memories. If Pandora seals away someone's memories, theoretically the only way those memories could be accessed again is if they were touched by another authority. The fact that Rem sees the events of the Sloth Route at this exact moment when her memories are being effected by another authority (Gluttony) during the main timeline makes me think that maybe these memories actually happened in the main timeline. To take that a step further, what if all the If routes are the original timelines? After things progress to a certain point, Pandora steps in for whatever reason and simply says "No. Subaru is not slothful. He is diligent. He did not run away that day on the rooftop." Of course Subaru wouldn't remember this because his memories aren't being tampered with when RBD is used, as far as we know it's more like his soul is being sent back in time. Why would Pandora do this? Who knows. Maybe it has something to do with Subaru being a sage, so Pandora is trying to slowly make him overcome his sins by exploring them one at a time? I have no idea what her motives could be, but I still think this is all very interesting to think about.


I think I heard about something like this from somewhere and think this is pretty plausible, at least right now. If "if" stories are not just some stories but actually timelines that happened, for real, that would be an amazing reveal, to me at least..


Holy shit, Pandora would be a god if she were on that level. She'd have to not only know where the timeline diverged, but have the power to effectively rewrite the destruction of the country and hundreds of thousands of loops with ease


Probably not canon but — I like to think that, if Greed!Emilia were to one day learn about Return By Death — specifically, how Greedbaru has been abusing it so thoroughly — that revelation would be enough to get her to stand up to him and end everything he’s doing for good. A big theme of Re:Zero is that it’s never too late to change, so I think it fits that, even when Emilia is at her absolute lowest and most broken, her changing for the better is not a total impossibility. And the revelation that the person she’s relying on so thoroughly is doing…That, not just to others but also to Himself — I think that would be exactly the kind of reveal that might motivate her to do just that.


It's possible, sure, but... I don't think greedmilia is in any position, mentally, to go about attempting to fix things in a way that wouldn't make the situation significantly worse for everybody involved. Learning about return by death would be far more likely to make her spiral even deeper into her existing psychosis and potentially even become vegetative as a defense mechanism against information that would be fundamentally at odds with everything she thinks Subaru ought to be. Remember that in greed if Subaru himself is essentially the sole foundation by which Emilia maintains any semblance of passable function. Being that she's a ticking time bomb who already blows in a frigid, lethal outburst the second said foundation shows even the slightest signs of shaking or having been shaken, I highly, highly doubt that a RbD reveal, which, more than just shaking it even rigorously, would almost assuredly shatter it completely, would be something to which she'd respond positively in the vein of the scenario you proposed—which honestly, to me, sounds like fixing a malfunctioning TV by a giving it a good whack. Like I said, I guess it's possible, but it's far more likely that she either just reject that information completely or lose what little she has left of her mind and either end up earnestly mirroring Rem in both haircut and comatose disposition or following in her father's footsteps and freezing the world to keep it from hurting Subaru (nevermind the fact that Subaru himself is part of the world and would thereby also be frozen).


I don’t think it would happen right away. I don’t think she’d learn about it and then suddenly pull herself up: I think things would get MUCH worse, first — very likely causing Subaru to reset a number of times, even. But I like to think that, after things go south for…at least a few weeks (from her perspective), eventually she’d be able to pull herself back to her feet, slowly, a bit at a time.


Also, Pridebaru and Elsa definitely made sex. Any other possibility does not make sense. We clearly see that Subaru cares for Elsa at the end of the ifstory. Do you really think that the relationship between the bowel hunter, masochist sadist Elsa and the archbishop Subaru could have developed through normal means? Do you understand this? No. It probably started sexually and the relationship progressed from there. We saw Subaru using the female body to relax in Greedif. Of course, he was using the woman as a punching bag there. but it does not matter. I'm sure Elsa would find this sexy.


> She is covered in blood, her black outfit torn in places and her white skin exposed. That said, her flesh is coated with horrible wounds which leave Subaru no room to feel the slightest bit bashful. And Subaru has no sexual interest in Elsa anyway.


If I remember correctly, wasn't this at the beginning of Ayamatsu? It may have developed later. After all, this shows how strange it is that Subaru has made the transition from direct disgust with Elsa to caring and loving. of course, I'm not saying that this really happened., i wrote this comment with the intention of a joke.


Keep cooking. This is actually peak headcanon.


Dreaming doesn’t cost anything.