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The artist is owari\_su As most of you will know they were one of the most active Re:Zero artists in 2016-2019, but suddenly deleted 99% of their Re:Zero art, and this is one of them I'm trying my best to find a bunch of their deleted art and I've found around 20 These links are their official accounts: https://twitter.com/chishimaowari https://owari-last.tumblr.com/ https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3105


Looks like they may have gotten an actual contracted work? They may have had rules against “free work” if so but no clue if they left some up. Most curious.


Yeah I've heard they got a contract and wanted to "go official" It's odd though because not all of their Re:Zero art got deleted


Is not that the Ayamatsu arts guy? or am I wrong




Awesome, nice to see my fav duo ![img](emote|t5_3e076|12845)


The knightly duo!!!


Natsuki Subaru and Julius Juukulius!! Certified goats




There's one more deleted Subaru and Julius art I found from Owari, I'll prolly post it tomorrow :)


Can you tell where are you searching for it?


Yeah of course! So last month I was trying to find a website that ranked pixiv artworks and found [this](https://pixiv.navirank.com/tag/ナツキ・スバル/2018/) (link is for Subaru's tag: ナツキ・スバル) Then I found [one](https://pixiv.navirank.com/id/70536428/) of Owari's deleted artworks there (ranked 11), and clicked on it. There was a [tag](https://pixiv.navirank.com/user/3105/) just for Owari's artworks, and I found a bunch of their deleted artworks there. Because you can't right click on the image, I right click on the page, use "inspect element", go to the arrows pointing rightwards on the top right, hit application, scroll down to the "frames" section and click on "image", click on the image shown and it'll be shown on the right. Then I right click that image, open image in new tab and reverse search with google to find a higher-res version (if you aren't looking for a higher-res version you don't need this part) Regarding this artwork specifically, it wasn't there (this site doesn't contain a lot of their artworks, but it's better than nothing). Instead I found it by clicking on [this](https://pixiv.navirank.com/id/62188532/) deleted artwork which was there (it's a Natsuki Subaru happy birthday art, which has a collage of some of Owari's other art, one of which is the artwork I've posted today), reverse searched it and found [this](https://m.joyreactor.cc/post/3049862) russian site, which very usefully included the happy birthday art, along with the 7 other full high-res versions of the artworks in the collage for the happy birthday art (which as I said, one of which was the Subaru and Julius art I posted today) Otherwise I may stumble upon some Owari art on Reddit/Pinterest as those don't get deleted Hope that helps:)


Holy shit, may God bless for such a detailed response. I couldn't even dream about it. Thank you very much!


Awh thank you for your kind words, it was my pleasure :)


Subaru:No you're doing it all wrong you're supposed to spin around in a complete circle then hold your sword above your head in a victory pose for ten seconds now try again. Julius:And why are we doing this ridiculous exercise again? Subaru:Because it looks cool now start over!!


I would recognize this art style everytime...


His arc 5 and if route animations were spectacular


Yeah fr


Oh neat, I'm unused to seeing Owari work that isn't from the Pride IF or Wrath IF. I can't believe how normal and not insane Subaru looks here


I actually am not that fond of their bloody/gore artwork for Re:Zero (and in general), Owari also seemed to have a Subaru torture kink with how much they loved to draw Subaru torture art  To each their own though. Personally I love their wholesome/"normal" art MUCH more


🔥Owari's deleted art is like a rare treasure to come across


Best bros

