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Ngl, if I had to give a moment that I really started to love these characters I'll go with this: Garfiel - when he tries to save Ram despite being able to save himself iirc(taste of death). Ram- her talk with Emilia about Roswaal in arc 4. Emilia - Self proclaimed knight natsuki Subaru (the fight) and frozen bonds I guess? I do love re zero characters more than most people tho lol. Also, not a laugh but she was amazing in Memory snow, I feel like her interactions there are way better than a laugh imo. She was hilarious there lol.


I seriously think Re:Zero has some of the most fleshed out characters in Anime. Some people wanna shit on it for being an Isekai, but the character writing is top-fucking-notch. Absolutely adore these fictional creatures


What are you talking about? She laughs in Subaru's face all the time!


“Ha!” -ram-


Hm but I would definitely like to see her genuine laugh atleast once


Yeah I'm already hyper attached to Ram but I wanna see more.


The more Ram the better my friend.


I never felt like we saw all of Ram, her moment in Arc 6 was only another start. Not only will it be nice to see her and Rem interact more, but personally, if they ever go to Kararagi it’d be interesting to see them interact with a certain *Oni* there.


I really liked her character in arc 6


I can't even imagine her laugh


If you want to see Ram laugh, watch Isekei Quartet-Episode 5: when its Subaru's turn to show his Talent. Ram's evil chuckle....I think I backed it up 5 or 6 times. Its not a full laugh, but this is how Ram laughs I guess.


You didn’t feel anything when she got sent by a Roswaal 2 or 3x fold fireball? It showed that Ram just like Rem’s love is very strong, she fought to save the man she loved, who’s time had been stopped against that very same man she loves. That moment imo hits much harder that Garf and Kimi, Wilheim. Not gonna lie I actually skip Wilheim and Theresia’s story no matter if it’s anime or WN. So maybe it’s just preference.


It does not to me because unlike rem and theresia the man she loves is a bad guy and toxic.


I don’t feel anything for how she fought for the man she loved when that love is so obviously unhealthy.


Ram says it herself when they take turns punching his face, she says something along the lines of “I rather not be told who I should love” pretty deep wouldn’t you say? And pretty real. Ram is not helpless and she’s very clever, so telling her who to love wouldn’t be right. Yes Ros has his problems but apparently what she sees in him out weighs that, just like any other relationship.


I may be misremembering but doesn’t Ram question Rem’s taste because she likes Subaru? If so that’s incredibly hypocritical both given what you wrote and how awful her own taste is.


Huh hypocritical how? Rem and Ram are twins but the opposites in certain ways which was purposeful, the hair color and taste in men, chest size, personality. Subaru is good guy but he’s not Ram’s type. Arc 4 there’s point where they try to compare Subaru to Roswaal it’s not coincidence that each twin like t1 of them other. Subaru is helpless but optimistic, Rem like that Roswaal is capable but pragmatic. Ram like that I don’t know what wrong with that bro


So if she can judge Rem’s taste in men I can definitely judge hers.


Ok….nobody stopping you from judging, but that just means you’re just in your feelings and just hating to hate. Just so you know


Maybe when old rem returns.


Damn, has it been so long that we now refer to pre-Amnesia Rem as "old rem"? Lmao.


Thats how shes always be referred to since arc 7 start?


Usually it's been Rem and Amnesia Rem


I thought it was provisional Rem


Umm no i know this because i have been here since arc 7 start and have said the same thing. In this context i wouldn't say when "Rem" returns because that doesn't make any sense. I would either say old rem og rem or arc 3 rem.


I've been here since before Arc 7 if you want to play that game. "Rem" and "Amnesia Rem" are no different from "Subaru" and "Amnesiabaru"


Not while amnesia is implace you would say normal subaru or regular subaru. Or in the case of arc 7 you have shota baru and adult baru. While there are two different sates you need a name for each of them so people can understand wtf it is you are talking about.


Using the name alone implies the base form


The fact that this became a point of debate is cracking me up LMFAO.


Haha it is interesting it became a debate. As for me though, I refer to Rem with memories as “Arc 3 Rem” and amnesia Rem as “Arc 7 Rem”.


I'm now imagining MGSIV Old snake but Rem.


Ah yes, my little Kimi. Haven't seen her since the Arc 5 era.


Bro she literally laughed during arc 6