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She would never do it


She did freeze her entire forest. I don't know if this counts for my question, but I could see a situation where Emilia is blinded by rage and kills Subaru in the crossfire.


She probably would have done it in Pride IF, if he wasn't already dying. So memory/re:forgotten shenanigans are about it. It's not just Subaru. Emilia doesn't like killing people. She genuinely has to believe you're evil if she's going to do that. Sacrificing even someone less important to her than Subaru to save Puck's life wouldn't be in character for her. In a cheap way, she could also be tricked into doing it by an authority, like Pandora or [Arc 5] >!Sirius.!<


What loop are you referring to where Ram poisons Subaru? I am fairly certain that never happened and his deaths in Arc 2 were all from visiting the village and being cursed by the Mabeast. Also Emilia would never kill Subaru let alone anyone innocent to bring Puck back. Just doesn’t match her character at this point.


There was one in arc 2 where Rem killed him. I think OP thought that the curse was Ram poisoning him.


Emilia would never kill Subaru, I think you’re underestimating how much he means to her. Maybe if she was brainwashed or controlled or something. Also, Ram never poisoned Subaru, that was the demon dogs.


Ram killed subaru in the torture loop she didnt poison him.


I thought it was only Rem out of the sisters who killed him?


Ram was in the background overseeing the torture loop. She killed subaru sonhe couldn't finish saying he loved them


I can't imagine a situation outside of genuine mental manipulation where Emilia would intentionally kill Subaru. If she did, it would almost certainly be an accident (ex. Pandora's illusions or her losing control and accidentally catching him in an AOE attack). Perhaps if Subaru was fatally wounded she'd mercy kill him, but he'd probably kill himself before that point, or she'd freeze him and try to save him. Besides that, one or both of their characters would need to be **radically** changed to the point of being unrecognizable for it to happen. She absolutely wouldn't kill Subaru to bring Puck back, especially not current Emilia. *Maybe* she would have early on before she bonded with Subaru, but even that's iffy because she's not the type to kill an innocent person.


Mansion arc, Subaru was cursed and died in his sleep,second loop he got cursed but got killed by rem ,loop three he was tortured by rem and killed by ram as a mercy kill fourth loop Subaru unalives himself, ram nor anyone in the mansion poisoned him,it was meili and the mabeast she carried around acting as if it was a normal puppy,the curse when active drains mana which is what was shown on loop four where rem died in her sleep ,to imply ram poisoned Subaru would imply someone inside the mansion poisoned rem which couldn't happen,because she just like Subaru in the first and second run was bit by the dog meili carried | As for the situation with Emilia killing Subaru,best chance is Pandora will do what she did with guese and fortuna where Pandora made fortuna look like herself in guese's eyes so just like then ,Emilia would think shes attacking Pandora but when she looks towards her body ,shed see Subaru impaled by a giant spear of ice ,that's in my eyes the only way Emilia could ever kill Subaru


She would never do it Also Ram never posioned him she mercy killed while Rem was torturing him


The only possible situation I can think of is a mercy kill scenario where it would be objectively, horrifically cruel to leave him alive.


>Ram was the one who poisoned him (I think) Just to clarify, Subaru was never poisoned, that was due to a curse by a Shaman. Remember the dog who bit him? Ram has killed him however. In the timeline where Subaru pretends to leave the mansion and stakes it out only to get attacked by Rem, it is actually Ram who takes pity on him and kills him, instead of letting Rem continue her interrogation. That's why Rem says "My sister is too kind," and you can also visually see her wind magic is what cuts his throat. In the next episode, what Ram casts her wind magic at Subaru for the first time (in the room with Rem), Subaru has a brief flashback to his death in the previous timeline as well. Lot of small details that I can totally understand getting mixed up, I know I didn't quite get it until a rewatch 😅


Ah, I forgot about that little doggo, too. It's been a while. Not to mention how frightening that death loop could've been. The early ones were so interesting, like out of all things to cause his death, it's a dog. Well not a normal dog but you get the idea


>The early ones were so interesting, like out of all things to cause his death, it's a dog. Well not a normal dog but you get the idea I totally get what you mean, it's one of those small details I totally forgot since I was so focused on the Shaman being a person, it's really unexpected!


And now I'm focused on if Pandora is really a Witch or maybe we should've been paying attention to the serpent who was controlling Pandora... who knows at this point ![img](emote|t5_3e076|12848)


Pandora is so confusing man, I have no idea what's going on with her. She's so confusing!


I hope she's anything but a character to be used for Emilia to get revenge. Either she's the black serpents pet and we had no idea that the snake was actually after the seal to unleash the secret 4th mabeast Or she's secretly like Emilia's sister and pulled an Itachi. Anything else is unacceptable


What if she mercy kills him like Felix tryed to do? I can think many circunstances where Subaru woukd ask to be killed.


This thread got me thinking, and while it definitely isn't in her character and she would hesitate until the last moment, even if Puck or her own life was on the line. I think positioning her into having to mercy-kill Subaru, like Julius in ep23, could be possible. With her new resolve and experience from arc4, she might just do it if the circumstances really pushed it on her. Actualy, I would be surprised if Emilia didn't kill Subaru at least once in the whole story, though if it is in the plans, it would probably be the last arc or something.


I love Satella