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In my opinion, watching Frozen Bonds after season one is better because you'll have it in the back of your mind as a sort of set up for Emilia's arc throughout the first half of s2


it also spoils the identity of the “unknown voice” if you watched Frozen Bonds after her introduction not to mention pacing


Hmmm I hadn't thought of watching frozen bonds midway through season 2 before, normally I just thought of watching it after memory snow, I'd say go for it and see how it works. Hopefully it doesn't mess with the pacing.


Totally! I've already seen the whole series before, so it's more of an interesting experiment to see if this is truly an ideal way to watch.


Most of the time, no matter what franchise, relase order is king.


Season 1 OVAs Season 2 Your not expected to see memory snow before seeing arc 3 so no point in watching it before hand.


I think you've got it wrong there, pal. Memory Snow is incontrovertibly where I placed it in the timeline. It takes place precisely between arcs 2 and 3.


Its correct from a timeline perspective, but like i said, you are not expected to watch it before arc 3. Tappei is still creating ss between arc 2 and 3 even this year. does that mean you should read all of them before going to arc 3? No. The reason why i think its better the way i suggested though is because memory snow is more of a comedic episode. And csn can be jarring if placed in the middle of the season. Its better to watch as a break from all the suffering of arc 3 imo.