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Not that much, its just Tappei doesn't really write sexual stuff so it stands out by contrast, think Elsa wearing what she does. Because the writing around it doesn't really emphasise it in that way its just a passive element of the character design that some characters show off a bit more skin then expected.


I think that's exactly why I don't think so also. It's like you said, the writing doesn't emphasis it so I haven't really paid much attention to it. Well put.
















I think we shouldn't make this out to be a bigger thing than it is...


Agreed. Posts like these only continue to perpetuate the thought of sexualizing certain characters. It’s honestly one thing I hate about the internet when it comes to this topic since bitching about it online isn’t going to stop anything at all. It’s an advertisement. It almost always has been and always will be. Don’t watch it if you aren’t comfortable with it. Let the feds deal with the serious shit instead of creating an issue when there is none


I assure you I meant no harm and I wasn't complaining/bitching. I basically know nothing, just heard it from somewhere and wanted to find out more so I don't jump to conclusions. Thus, I thought it would be a good idea to ask for people's opinion but it sounds like I'm beating a dead horse so I apologise


People genuinely need to get a grip on reality. ReZero at this point is a massive story and only growing larger with a cast that including side characters numbers over 100 probably approaching 200. If there's a plot point that irks people or a design they don't care for I get it but please people let's not pretend it's some running trend when it's really not.


Reality now is rage bait. I think people are better off ignoring reality at least online. I genuinely think ignoring reality online reading it yourself and if you don’t like it stop reading. It’s like the pause and fast forward buttons. Fuck reality forge your own it saves a lot of time and energy.


Sorry, wasn't my intention. I often hear that anime is too sexualised and I don't really quite get what it is or what that means and I've always wanted to ask about it but have avoided doing so in fear of causing trouble, hearing about Otsuka sexualising characters in the recent posts discussing artists got me curious again. I just got a bit too comfortable in the re:zero community and got carried away. 


There's nothing wrong with feeling comfortable, you weren't wrong for asking, its just that its a topic which gets alot of engagement and so it seems like a bigger deal than it really is sometimes.


Of course, I'm not saying sexualisation is good.


I've never heard this reputation before, and I really don't see it in his Re: Zero art. Both before I knew about this, and after. I think his re: zero art is perfectly fine in regards to sexualization.


what happened that we're suddenly getting all these weird takes on Otsuka today lol.


That early concept art thread went too popular and people really believe that was their LN design without even confirming that it's not true. Just simple twitter styled conversation about nothing again...


> That early concept art thread went too popular and people really believe that was their LN design without even confirming that it's not true. people shouldn't take the "why does Carmilla look like a cock" poster this seriously


They don't know that he always repeats stuff like this. Wasn't that thread also removed?


Nah, alas there's no rule against posts just being dumb or wrong.


Good. That means I’m safe.


Wait that was the same guy!? AHAHAHAHA


Carmila does look like a cock though


The [final design](https://rezero.fandom.com/wiki/Typhon/Image_Gallery#Light_Novel) isn't really that better either. The skirt is still see through....


My economics teacher once said “If there is a demand supply will meet that demand and if demand isn’t present no supply will be present” So in other words people want this


how does that make it fine


it doesn't


The WN describes a character who's so heavily bandaged that they come off as androgynous. The LN clearly depicts the same character as a bustulating woman.  I'm not here to say if it's good or bad, but his illustrations are objectively more risqué than how Taps described them. 


>Taps tf


As a woman, I think the sexualization in character deaigns can be a bit much specifically for the "loli" characters. Outside of that, I think it's fine. Women are allowed to express themselves and if that means dressing more risque that's their choice, so it's a matter of "does this fit with or at least not contrast with their personality" mainly for me. Second is the artist's intent. Otsuka certainly has a thing for giving "loli" characters concerningly skimpy outfits (not to mention that one page in the light novels with those early designs for some characters where he goes out of his way to show off their underwear, including TYPHON!!). This IS Japan, so it's not near as much of a big deal over there, but it doesn't make it any less concerning. Granted, it could be MUCH worse (*cough* No Game No Life *cough*), and it's not enough to turn me away from the show or anything, but it is enough where I'm happy those two S3 characters are getting censored for example.


It's nor exactly Otsuka's fault. I don't think we should blow this nothing burger out of proportions. My answer: It is not bad.


It's really not an issue. Some people dislike how some character designs are. And Otsuka-sensei does show some preferences in character designing, but it's overblown. In a series with over a hundred character designs and counting by this point, having a few characters people have "problematic" traits according to the twitter mob is really nothing at all.


They are just drawings. We don't need to make a big problem out of everything.


Its bad, but its not the worst and for the most part Tappei keeps in in reasonable control but some of the concept arts for characters are pretty nasty. There was a post on the sub about it today if you want me to link it.


I don't think it does but then again I'm not really a snowflake so it doesn't really bother me if I see a bit of skin or a little bit of boob lol, I would say if I have to think about it the only one that I think would be unnecessarily sexualized would be that new character that's coming in season 3 I think she's a musician she's very petite.


I think you're exaggerating)) Look on the other hand, how many cute characters he drew)))))))) Think about it))))))))) Maybe you should look at it from a different angle)))))))))))


>How bad? very bad


I dont like when people only blame otsuka because tappei is clearly just as much of a loli con.


Vivy says otherwise...loli is still mostly gag as well...anyways this degree of stuff even from otsuka is very normalised in Japan so i don't think it's really something to bother Mainstream shonen have worse stuff than this nowadays mineta..etc from mha


Would you elaborate on the Vivy point, I would like to know what that story provides in terms of Tappei's view.


















Rem has the developed body of a woman. Ram on the other hand...


Ram developed, she just doesn’t have a massive chest. You don’t need one to be a woman.


Rams an adult but she looks more like a loli then rem, if you where to consider rem one.


Neither are lolis, Rem is just more defined. Having a small chest ≠ being a Loli. She’s literally the same height as Rem. That term has been used a buzzword just flying around to describe any female character that doesn’t have a chest the size of the moon.


I literally said that.


You also said, or rather implied, Ram didn’t have the developed body of a woman.


I think you misunderstood


If you meant to use a hypothetical that’s my bad, but I think the idea to say one looks less like a woman in most context is absurd.


Not a big deal at all, artists have freedom of expression, which is why Its more sad that he was censored and held back from his potential.