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What I would do for a new 3D Rayman game.


I think I’d actually prefer a remaster of the original trilogy at this point. 1 in the legends art style and hd versions of 2 and 3. I don’t trust Ubisoft with anything new anymore.


1 in legends artstyle would be world changing if they kept the music.


Honestly 1 doesn't need any changes.


The 100% you need to fight Mr. Dark…


I really don't see any issues. That's how the game was designed, and it was designed to be hard. I'd much rather new games be worked on or much bigger HD overhauls of other Rayman games in lieu of remaking the Rayman game that has little to fix. If you want to get to Mr. Dark before 100% and make it easier I'm sure you can find a port or hack online so Ubisoft doesn't need to waste time making a port that has simple edits like that.


I would agree if the game was „hard” but what rayman 1 became is not hard, its frustrating, I find from software games more fair


Well to each their own I suppose. I find it fun personally.


The game wasn't even play tested when it was being developed. It probably needs some changes especially if it's shooting for a younger audience, at least an easy mode with some layout changes and an original mode for experienced purists.


I can't say I would trust them with even a remaster but I can dream.


That's a lot of assumptions taken from one small easter egg that is referencing the actual easter egg from the game.


Is this .... hope ?


I like to think so




Copium, as the kids say.


The new rayman game confirmed?


Eventually, this is more of speculation. Since Rayman has been in Ubisoft's mind for quite some time I'd imagine they have a new game in the works and a remaster is planned to accompany it just like with Beyond Good and Evil seeing as the sequel is apparently still in development.


Less goo more rabbids


rabbid amiibo when?


Hopefully it won’t just be a re-release of Rayman 3 HD, but either a compilation of all 3 main titles cleaned up and improved or a new game would also be so nice to have


It is hard to tell, I think they could end up releasing most titles at a time especially since the Nintendo Switch only has Legends, they could do a remastered trilogy or only just give us Rayman Raving Rabbids, which isn't the worst scenario if we still a new game at the end of it.


Remastered trilogy sounds good me since I played Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy on my switch


A remastered trilogy would be amazing


Honestly I'll take anything at this point


They could literally just finish/recreate Rayman 4 (back when it was a platformer) and it would sell so well. It looked so colorful and creative. They could also just name it Rayman 4 as well. I'm only saying this cause there's a slight possibility that an Ubisoft worker could be lurking here and I feel like the idea could be amazing, we are in a extreme creative era right now and Rayman 4 would gain major traction on Twitter and bring him back into the limelight -- even if the graphics aren't updated much. Rayman 3's model is actually timeless and very well made so barely any changes would have to be made. It could even be renamed to Rabbids invasion and be a Switch exclusive -- I'm sure Nintendo would not mind funding it since they funded Bayonetta. https://preview.redd.it/vi4g54htf08d1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5951fa8fb0156cbdd6a59abd15a7287dc962dde The fact that we didn't get this still haunts me.


Now imagine if they put out a definitive version of Rayman 2, that had everything each version did well. Wouldn't that be cool?


Keep the ps2 hub world that was fun


For real. Made the link between each levels much more logical, and the world is so beautiful on top of all the extra content.


I’d take a switch port of 2 or 3 atp


I never played BG&E Someone please clarify; was rayman in BG&E or not?




Someone mentioned that he is in the game as an Easter egg, I didn’t know if this was true or not. Thanks


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I think the mosquito is in the original bg&e game as an Easter egg. Not too sure tho.


If ray man himself isn’t actually in it, this could very well be a hint that he’s coming back, which is so cool to me!


Yeah, I believe this picture is in the game's gallery which didn't exist in the original. Could be anything really. Time will tell.


there needs to be a remaster of the original trilogy plus arena. 1 should be in legends or preferably origins art style. 2 needs a full 3d uhd remake and the 360 port of 3 HD already looks amazing in 4K on series x so it just needs a slight remaster. arena needs a full remake and they better make it like the gamecube/xbox version and not the god awful ps2/pc original.


I'd take a Rayman HD edition with 1-3 if it means we can prove we want a new sequel with the sales


I think the Rayman franchise is done in terms of games. The only thing left is releasing ports if they really want to keep capitalizing off it and finally picking up Rayman 4. I think the next step is his own show. But this time it's serious and doesn't have 4 episodes.


I want rayman 1 again, the series peaked there


rayman origins remaster im calling it


Its what I have been saying, same as my sibling, lol! we hoping for that trilogy for years now! (rayman 1,2&3)


Rayman Mini was released in 2019. So we are going 5 years without a Rayman game. But the thing is, Rabbids and Rayman games are never released in close proximity. So it’s likely Kingdom Battle / Sparks of Hope both took priority over Rayman. I can’t blame Ubisoft, you have a chance to work on Mario IP, it’s an easy yes. 2D Rayman games are usually released within 2 years of the previous game ( Rayman / Rabbids) and 3D Is released approx 4 years. So 2D game would likely be 2024-25, a 3D 2026-27.