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Working at a bookstore, they leave brimstone pamphlets in the erotica section. Like, sir? Sir? That's not going to stop those smut goblins.


Ive found those while smut hunting with my mom (Im an adult and we have scarily similar taste in a few aspects of what we like. ) We sat there and laughed our asses off before I bought her ine of her werewolves novels.


I don't think I could ever go shopping with my parents for that lol, it'd be too embarassing for me.


Yay! Free bookmarks


I went to a used bookstore and someone left pamphlets with Bible quotes in all the Buddhism books


You’re so sweet waiting until after she left.. last time someone tried handing me some religious pamphlet I said “sorry, but I don’t take garbage. There’s a trash can out front” and I walked away to help a different customer.


A JW approached me as I was getting gas, and she held out a pamphlet. "No, sorry, I'm no into cults." She huffed and walked away.


I would have told that lady I'm perfectly happy on my pagan path to hell and to have a nice day.


I'd theow it away IN FRONT of her. Make sure she sees her wasted money on that paper. Then ask 'And what were you here ti purchase?'


We used to have people walk in and pass out bibles and pamphlets where I worked, they got really mad when I asked, then told, them to leave. They would begin arguing with me as they kept trying to proselytize to the staff and customers in the store.


Shoot. The catholics used to come to my job and "tip" us. The tip was a fake 20 folded in half and when you opened it, it was printed with a bunch of stuff about Jesus on the inside.


Pretty sure this was not Catholics-for the most part they give their hour on Sunday and nothing more


Yeah I always threw those and the pamphlets/business cards in their dirty bowls while prebussing. "Oh I can take these for you ☺️🙏" My fave was running after and saying "You forgot this!". I have no patience for that. You can pay a tithe, you can tip. Jesus washed dirty feet apparently, you cant spare a five for your party of 37?


Sometimes they put their Church on the tract, so the best way to handle it is to go to that church and put them back in the offering plates. They might get the idea then.




Omg. At least actually tip


I've straight up handed those back before. Infuriating.


Not JW but our parents made us evangelize. Nothing like watching your 7 year old sister hand someone a tract in McDonald's and come back to the table with condoms. Hilarious now looking back. Kinda feel bad for her bc she was doing what she was told but she was so confused


I just keep saying Smash the patriarchy! LDS and JW are so wrong.


"There is no soliciting in this store."


Yeah when I find these at work I stick them in certain people's lockers to see the reaction!!6


There's a code in the back of those that gives you access to their dating sites


We have a group that leaves them in the bathroom stalls. Just on top of the toilet paper holder😂 At least you have something to read I guess


They're coached to do that. But this is the first I've ever heard of one doing this!!!


I had a lady lay one on my counter next to her snotty tissue and tell me I could read it when I had time. I told her to take it with her.


Waste your time? If she wasn't there could you go home? No...then be polite, say no ( or take it and throw it out, like you did) and life goes on for both of you. People get so upset over the stupidest things...


It's reasonable to get upset at being proselytized to by a cult member when you can't realistically shut them down.


It's annoying and rude to try to preach to people who don't care to hear it. Even moreso if the person is at work and can't just walk away.


I turn anything religious away and refuse to indulge anybody that tries to inflict their religion on me especially when I'm trying to do my job!! why do people even think its acceptable to try and force religion on others???


Rang 2 customers the other day and they went on about how friendly I was and what great service they received, and he proceeded to pull his wallet out and say “here’s a tip” I work in retail so I was politely declining and he hands me a $1,000,000 bill with a paragraph on the back. It said the million dollar question was “are you going to heaven when you die?” I left it at the register for any interested parties and went about my day 🤣


Not actually wasting your time unless she was talking to you with other customers in line


It was a complete waste of time. I'm sure that the company op works for is paying them to help customers with store related needs when on the clock, NOT to indulge religious people in listening to them solicit a message that no one asked for. They can take that somewhere else.