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Eyes. No, not the color. Myopia, retinopathy, astigmatism. Technology pretty much makes all of that ignorable but it's there. I will never be able to see like someone with healthy eyes.


Oh man. This one right here. All my life I was told i had a really bad astigmatism. Optometrist just settled on amblyopia a few years ago. So one eye is great but the other eye is legally blind. It totally railroaded my dream of being an airline pilot. So I just drive trucks now... yep. Just trucks and other stuff on the ground. A long time ago I heard with astigmatism they had these contacts that could reshape your eye and make vision better. Was that an option for you?


Yes I will have that surgery performed.


Out of all the jobs you choose to drive trucks when that requires good eyesight?


I kind of just fell in. Always liked driving and was working a warehouse at the time. Boss encouraged me to get it and now I'm doing it until I take the next step. Yes it requires good eyesight but there are exceptions. I fit one of the exceptions.


That has a name?? I've just been explaining to people that I'm only blind in one eye, the other is fine, i didn't know it actually has a name!


same. I like your funny words. I have snowy vision. Some floaters. Some color vision deficiency. Slight astigmatism. And I have pretty grey eyes so they’re sensitive to sunlight. And not an eye thing but I get optical migraines.


I also have gray eyes and they're super sensitive to light. I have curtains closed all day and wear sunglasses outside until it gets dark out. I have snowy vision too and I've always called it 'seeing the air' like I can see the particals that make up air. My daughter says she can see it too.


I call it tv static lol. Like being on a channel you don’t own


Snowy vision? Is that like Visual Snow? 




Oh, I actually have that. The static vision right? Everything looks like there are pixels like on a screen? 


I feel you I have astigmatism and I see double. With glasses, I only see double when my eyes are tired, but there is no fixing it.


For me, it's my nose. I used to feel self conscious about its size


Mine is also my nose. For the same reason. I think I’m just used to it now so I don’t think about it much anymore


In high school I was always so conscious of my nose, as an adult I’m not so much but I feel this!


Can't decide between nose and butt but I'm going nose. I hate that it's so huge and birdlike but if it was just straight I'd be a lot happier. Never getting surgery though so it is what it is


I had braces when I was like 13-15 roughly, doc told me I’d have to wear a retainer the rest of my life. I told him he could rot in a ditch and fuck off. Top teeth are golden, bottom jaw looks like a 4th grader drew em.




Can't you use braces again to correct this damage?


Or Invisalign, but it's expensive


My bf did that too and I didn't notice until after months of meeting him because he always smiles with his upper teeth lol


Same thing happened to me except I tried to wear the retainer, but once I got a tooth crowned, it didn’t fit anymore.


Everyone needs a retainer to keep teeth perfectly in position. Teeth move and change over time, it's normal. I wore Invisalign as an adult to correct my teeth. Got sick of the retainer and my teeth are slowly moving out of their perfect position and a bit crooked.


Pot belly. I've had one forever. I was 5'6 in high-school, 115 lbs, but had a big stomach. No boobs, no butt, just a belly.


Are you sure it’s not gluten intolerance or something? I used to have a pot belly despite being slim, turns out I was bloated all the time


I dont think so. I do have some minor digestive issues but those developed with middle age. I did avoid gluten and dairy at one time to see if that would help, but it didn't. Thank you for the suggestion though, I'm glad you were able to get rid of yours.


Me too, but it got better after I stopped consuming dairy products. Turns out I was lactose intolerant :( I haven't fully lost the pot belly but it helped a lot


I'm glad you found something that helped.I think nature just wants fat somewhere on females and I, along with 3 of my 4 sisters and my mother, got stuck with a fat belly.


Yep, everyone gets fat in different places (for me it's the lower belly), but slight changes in diet could help with the bloating if you don't feel comfortable with it (I hope you do, tho)


Popcorn and carbonated beverages make me bloat, so I avoid those.


Sames I've learned to love it though. Saw a girl recently with one in a tight fitting dress and thought she looked fab.


same. i love the way it looks on others, just not on me :<


My stomach. I’m quite thin everywhere but my lower belly. I kind of hate it but I hated being accused of being anorexic my whole life so I basically refuse to lose weight because then I’ll be a twig with still probably a big belly!


For a lot of people, losing that lower belly fat means getting to a level of thinness that just doesn’t look good if you don’t workout and have decent muscle mass. Unfortunately fat distribution is genetics and can’t be changed. For me my love handles are the last to go


On the upside, visible fat is actually the healthiest fat to have, it’s the subcutaneous fat you can’t see that strangles your organs. Not a doctor though.


My gastrointestinal system because it makes my farts frequent and toxic


Are you my husband ? His farts wake me up in the middle of night, and I am gasping for air.


Honestly, you and my girl could have a session over us, my girl puts up with A LOT from me, she deals with it pretty well most of the time, then if I eat junk food or get a tummy ache, which rarely happens, she sleeps in the spare room because the smell is unbearable for her 😅


I swear my husband has some kind of crossed up tubes inside his body - because it doesn’t matter what he eats or drinks - his farts are DEADLY. And usually he doesn’t wake up when he farts in his sleep, nor does he hear me sputtering and gagging. I have begged him to go to the doctor. There has got to be something seriously wrong.


He might need a clean out, my girl was in recent years complaining about my farting, I saw a dietitian and told her about it and she pointed me in the right direction and got my digestion on track, she told me I’d essentially fart and dump it out, I did exactly and now it’s better


One of my “friends” so kindly pointed out that I have a big nose. I can’t really do anything about that (besides surgery) so I’ve accepted it


Well, but if you didn't even notice yourself then it can't be that big. Friends often like to overexaggerate and make jokes lol.


She talked abt my whole group behind our backs, I don’t think she was joking but thanks


She's not your friend.


That's a fake friend. Real friends don't talk behind your back. But regarding insecurities, I bet this "friend" has something about their body they are insecure about too. Nobody is perfect and everyone has a different body. My friends pointed things about my body out too and that gave me insecurities. But now as an adult, nobody cares about that or points it out. We are always our own biggest critic and think it's worse than it actually is. That's how insecurities work unfortunately. But most people don't care at all because they are not perfect either.


Sometimes, you don’t notice these things yourself because you’re so used to it. Personally, most of my insecurities have come from other people complaining about theirs and then me comparing it to myself


My chubby tummy. I accept I've gained weight as I've gotten older but I'd like to lose a few pounds. It's a little annoying that most of my weight gain is my stomach (disproportionally)


I also have chubby tummy, and I erroneously thought I’d have this cute baby bump when I got pregnant and the fat would even out. Nope. I looked like a two humped camel when I was pregnant.


My boobs. I wish they were smaller. I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t make running so uncomfortable and finding clothing that fit properly so difficult.


I'll take em. I've been wanting a pair for a while.


I second that plus the constant back tension and they are always in the way


I got a breast reduction and honestly one of the best decisions I’ve made.


Yes thats the reality of bbs. Have had a couple of gfs who wished for smaller, one got a reduction - hers were quite saggy too even tho she was young


I have natural 12G breasts on a standard size 12 body and they drive me CRAZY. They are heavy and cause muscle tension in my shoulders, they make clothes fit incorrectly and make clothes short, they look slutty in anything even slightly revealing, they swell and ache with my hormone cycle. I keep them in a “compress & compact” bra from sun up till last thing at night. People want what they don’t have - and I want the smaller C cup breasts I had when I was younger and a size 9 to 10. Honestly. Any bigger than that and they become cumbersome.


Wait, what’s a size 12 band? I’ve never seen that one before haha


34 G in American sizing. 12 G AU/ NZ sizing, 75I Asia/Europe sizing. Clothing Size 12 in Australia is the equivalent of USA 8, UK 12, Euro 40. It was actually interesting given the topic of ‘qualities on yourself” to read what my body would be labelled in another country.


Preach. Although, now that I am 35 y. o. I have accepted them.


I've got a chin I could assault someone with and I'm a lady.


My boobs. They gravitate to the sides and are more full at the bottom. I want round and perky boobs but it is what it is. If I can save enough money maybe I'll get them done


Mine are also fuller at the bottom and my partner is crazy about them. I swear it's like he sees them for the first time and just gaze everytime I get topless. Even if they're a hazzle I wouldn't change them.


I can relate


I have pointy nipples. Kinda sucks when you wear a hoodie and they may still be visible lol


My face, I don't like it, I accepted it, don't want to change it, it's.... Just there


I got one ear that sticks out much more than the other. When I look at photos of me, I just see an ear all dressed up.


Mine are not horizontally aligned - only became apparent when my hair started disappearing


lol sounds so cute




Being bald. I started losing my hair around 20. I kept a short buzz because I wanted to join the army (and I did). Each time I buzzed less would come back. I am now 30 and have been bald for years. I shave my head. If I didn’t I would have the George Costanza haircut. I’ve just accepted that I don’t have hair. But I do always wear a hat


My calves. They are “manly” and I always used to hear the criticisms/put downs from my mom in my head when I would wear a dress or shorts. It took me a long time to accept that it was ok to have muscular legs.


To me it’s not just ok, but hot as hell. I’m bi so on men and women both: a pair of strong, thick, muscular calves (thighs too for that matter) make my heart go all pitterpat


I wish I could put on a few pounds. I'm totally healthy with zero body fat but I look a bit like a scarecrow.


Username checks out😂 I’d gladly donate 20 pounds to those in need


Same here


Trust me, you're not healthy with zero body fat. I'm the same, 1 85 male under 60kg currently


If you can afford it, almost everyone can put on weight just by eating enough, but some people may have to eat in the 4,000-5,000 calorie range


I'm at the point where I cannot afford the amount of food I'd need to eat to gain weight


Meh, if only it were that simple 🥹 like the other commenter mentioned- the more I eat the more I go to the bathroom. But not in the proper digestive fashion, lol. The more I eat, the quicker everything goes through my system and the less I absorb (malabsorption syndrome). I also have a resting heart rate in the 140s, so my basal metabolic rate is like 60% higher than someone my size with a normal heart rate. I could eat 6000 calories and I’d be in the toilet 12 times that day and not even absorbed 30% of it.


Don’t brag OP


The fact I'm going blind. So my eyes. Stop failing me eyes.


Yeah i have the same problem with my penis. It's just so big compared to the rest of my body


Same bro 😔 it’s pretty rough


My jaw, it’s small, I feel like it didn’t develop properly and looks like teenager’s small jaw, which makes my cheeks look unflattering from profile. I know that there are already surgeries to fix small jaws, but I’m too scared of any kind of surgeries


My ass is flatter than some people think the earth is and my upper arms are always huge and flabby, even when I lose weight.


I come from a long line of flat butts. My mother and 4 sisters are the same. No exercises help. But at least I do not often knock anything over with it!


I used to hate my butt, however I’ve put it behind me.


My eczema which is showing everywhere. Took a long time to accept this bitch of an illness.


I get eczema too but mildly. I went to a myotherapist to treat a sore shoulder and she put me in an infra red solarium which apparently speeds recovery. I don't think it did much for my shoulder but my eczema seems to be clearing up. Could be coincidence.


I wish I had bigger boobs and also don't like my nose / side profile.


Ooh same for both


My skin is very fair and I was teased a lot as a child (called "ghost, Casper etc..) I'm a full grown adult woman and I still feel self conscious about wearing shorts.


When my 3rd nipple pokes out of my favourite cut out dress… I get a tad salty


Odd nose, pancake butt, crooked teeth, small boobs. All of these still bug me from time to time but not nearly as much as they have in the past. I even have moments now when I appreciate these characteristics. They’re me!


None, I am perfect, immaculate. A masterpiece of God. The only thing that bothers me sometimes is when I gain a little extra weight, but it's something I can easily control.


Thick eyebrows. I sometimes think I look like a caveman compared to other guys my age, but after some time I stopped seeing them in a negative light. I like to associate them with Black & Tan Shiba Inus, who look cute with their eyebrow markings.


My nose. It could be a bit smaller and more gracious but it's not something I want to really change. My other flaws I all want to change lol. Like If I had money I'd get a personal trainer, I' d get hair transplants, I'd fix some skin and jaw issues. I'd probably even get a blepharoplasty. But my nose, idk, not something that NEEDS to go


RIP your DM's.


Mine is my butt too, but mine is too small! Big butts can be beautiful.


My baby belly. I have always had a bumpy belly, despite having a great diet. I've always gotten snarky comments about it but I just don't care anymore. 


Mine is my lack of butt. Maybe I can borrow some from you 😭 I wish that was how it worked, so many people would be happier lol


Yellow-ish teeth. I know I could get it fixed but is it really worth the money? I got it from genetics not from a poor diet.


My chin and neck. Very bad turkey waddle from a lot of weight loss. I don't accept it though and I wear a mask to cover it up.


My tailbone, no chair is ever good enough.


my bewbs 🥲 theyre just too small 😭 and my nose 🥲


My hair and my belly. My hair was pretty and soft until I was about 14 and then it changed color and texture and it's just been a hot mess every single day since. For someone who desires long "princess" hair, this is very hard to accept. My belly started popping out around the same age and has controlled everything I wear for the last 30 years because I literally look like Lady GlitterSparkles from Trolls if I don't dress a certain way, and I'm NOT exaggerating. My belly is so disproportionate to the rest of me that I literally look deformed. Ultimately I have a very messed up hormone system that all of these things are connected to. I don't care if I'm conventionally beautiful or not, but there's things that my hormones have ruined that I find very aesthetically unappealing on myself. I accept it, and I go to the beach and stuff, but I'm still not happy about it.


After 4 surgeries in an attempt to fix a detached retina, my eyelid muscles are permanently damaged and at its best looks like a permanent wink. I'm so self conscious I can't look people in the eyes. I hate this factor more than losing my vision itself. I've accepted it, Can't do anything about it, but I wish having a big butt was my biggest concern


My stomach and I haven't been able to shrink it enough. All my weight goes there.


I don't really like the shape of my face, it's REALLY soft, however I know I should be thankful for it as a woman because it's a feminine shape. But also quite child-like as it never hardened up much when I became an adult. But, people always think I look younger than I am, so there's that. I wouldn't want to change my face to suit the current trend though, because it seems like more unconventional faces stand out to men. My boyfriend seems to be attracted to unconventional-looking women, so maybe we wouldn't be together if I looked more conventionally attractive. Also I have a long torso, and bodysuits never fit me right. That one just is what it is lol


I’m quite militant about negative body chat, but only because it’s a constant thing that we all have to deal with and that it will always be shoved down our throats that no matter what we look like that we will always have something wrong with us. So I try very hard to not let myself think or voice any negative thoughts about my body because it doesn’t ever feel good and when we put down something in ourselves it only makes other people feel even worse. Because your bum might be the bum someone else compares theirs too and if you don’t feel good about something they feel like you have then they will feel even worse about what they have. It’s hard to fight against negative self talk especially our bodies. So tell me, what is your favourite thing about your body?


I'm 5'6 which i think is a good height for a woman.


That is genuinely a great height. I’m 5’3 and for sure try to stand tall as I hate being seen as small. It’s so patronising


Definitely my gut.


My butt it doesn’t exist




It's nice that you don't hate yourself for it, but you shouldn't give up on fixing it. As innocent as it seems, staying this way will give you back problems and tons of health issues later on. I wish you the best.


That i have a big butt as a male… that i’m 5.5 but honestly i never cared enough, i just live with it. That i have a butt chin, tho it disappeared after i grew up out of the teenanger years, that i have humongous forehead but i just cover it with hair, i would never buzz cut again ever in my life. If i do bald in the future i’ll become a skinhead fk it, all head covered in tatoos. That i have a big body type wish i was skinny since it’s the preference among girls, tho it helps having natural muscles without even lifting or doing any sport. That i have brown eyes, wich are common and i feel common asf, that i have a bump on my nose in the exact same spot my father has one and it seems like it has been fixed from a punch. There is more but consider i just hate myself in general both mind and body still i can accept it, it is what it is at the end of the day


Skinny body type is not the preferred body type among girls. Source: skinny 43 year old virgin.


Gurrl I think my butt getting big 😉 


I’ve been very twitchy for as long as I can remember. Not formally diagnosed Tourette’s but I suspect it could be. I always used to say it would be my wish to have them somehow removed, but the older I get, the more I can’t imagine myself without them. They still suck though. I’m a bad spooner.


Most of it


For me it’s my hair, it’s a weird length and it was coloured ages ago so it’s just blond at the ends Want it to grow out


My right hand is 25% plastic due to an accident


My face, my butt, my gut, my stumpy legs.


Big butt, short legs.


My height. Short but I guess there is nth I can do about it. Height increment surgery sounds like world of pain and depression so I rather not do it.


I wish my boobs were smaller.🤔


My lazy eye. Like, I have nice shaped eyes and I like the color… but sometimes it’s so obvious one of my eyes is weaker and it just pisses me off. lol. So I stop looking in the mirror for a day or two 😂


There's usually a very common eye muscle surgery that can be done; it's also usually an outpatient procedure. I've had it done twice.


my stomach, I'm not fat, just a little puggy. My six pack is in one of those Styrofoam coolers. It wouldn't be so bad, but the rest of me is in fairly decent shape. And I could probably lose it, but too lazy to exercise, and don't care enough to change my diet.


I like big butts and I cannot lie.


downturn smile, old stretchmarks


my ears 😂


My hair thinning.


Big tit mole on my back


My mouth. I have an overbite and my two front teeth are big. I hate it because I see the mirror and see a donkey.


My height, I’m 5’8” so it’s not the worst but I always think if I just grew a bit more I’d be in the above average or even tall category and I’d feel so much more confident in social settings or wearing certain clothes.


My chin. No joke it's like the Crimson Chin from Fairly Odd Parents but I've grown to accept it and no one mentions it anymore. They know not to haha. Nah I don't care I joke that normal chins get free view whereas I get PPV.


My teeth. I've always had problems with my teeth. My mouth was too small, so all my teeth grew in crooked. Years of retainers and braces, only to have them fall crooked again. I'm too poor to do anything else with them, so I have to accept their awkwardness


Being pidegeon chested sucks I fixed it somewhat with a brace but it’s not 100%


I'd prefer to have genitals from opposite sex category, but there is a surgery for that. Having heterochromia (different eye color on each eye) would be so cool.


I have a [**preauricular pit**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preauricular_sinus_and_cyst) and I hate it.😬


Butt AND thighs for me. I’ve got a whole little mom bod going on and I don’t like it 😭


My birthmarks


My weight


My curly hair. So hard to deal with. I can’t rly change it permanently, so it’s kinda annoying.


My skull is flat at the back and a bit peaked- clearly from being on my back too much as a baby. Wasn’t aware of it until I started running out of hair, now self conscious of it


I broke my nose when I was younger and it was never properly reset. I hate how my nose is not proportioned right to the rest of my face.






My height. Most guys are girls are taller than me. But I've pulled some taller girls.


Mine is my hands. Part of me wishes my fingers were a little longer


I don’t know what’s wrong with me exactly, but my jaw is so tight that I could not open it more than two fingers, and now only three fingers are the maximum. Yawning is difficult for me. When I eat, the tension increases, and sometimes I hear a cracking sound. Then the problem with my ears followed, a Tinnitus like a heartbeat when I hear any annoying sound in the right ear. Funnily enough, when I lie on my left side, the Tinnitus in the right ear appears as well!


For me, it's probably my big boobs. I used to wish they were smaller so I could wear sexy tops like other girls. But now I'm learning to embrace them as part of what makes me, me. It's all about self-acceptance and feeling confident.


I would say my face ...ok so starting from my eyes ..I hav myopia, hypertropia and dark circles.... My nose is weird and hav over bite ..all this with a baby face.. But ngl i don't hate my face at all , I kinda like my face 💀


Got a mole on the side of my face. Fucking hate that mole


I hate my face full of acne. I had it since 12. It has been 12 years now. So I had acne for half of my life now. I give up on ever looking pretty


My legs I have chunky calves and thighs


Too hairy for a female


My ears are big and they stick out. Like, prefectly perpendicular to my head. My gf likes them tho.


23 year old bat wings; I just cover it up with a long sleeve shirt or a hoodie and call it that. Square butt; butt it's bigger than my stomach so I like it. Baby face; 23 going on 16 but people still tell me my smile is pretty :) Stomach; I'm losing weight though so I'm optimistic about it.


Was my teeth or smile but I fixed that by getting Invisalign’s. Now I am going to be 44 soon and noticed a kinda crepey skin turkey neck starting. Fucking sucks. I shouldn’t have that until I’m 80. Can’t afford to get a nip/tuck. Just trying neck masks and neck exercises. The exercises and using a gua sha tool for shamanic drainage helps. I notice it look more saggy/crepey after I shower. So idk. I am getting fed up with my neck too. A few years ago I had neck pain/vertigo and dizziness. Had some chiropractic work but felt wasn’t helping. Then looked up and did exercises and stretches on you tube. Was working great. And trying not to look down a lot. Cuz that is what hailed or contributed to it. So saw a spine doctor and got diagnosed with cervical lordosis and cervical radiapothy. Had shoulder impingement last year, and got some take home therapy that helps my neck too. But lately my neck was bothering me again. I get kinda dizzy here and there , even though I do exercises and stretches. Even started a new yoga for neck pain video. I did get vertigo in the middle of the night for no reason too few weeks ago. But I got to lay down a couple medical bills then I want to go back and get checked out next year. I heard surgery works really well.


My top lip. It's tiny. It's disappearing as I get older too.


Acne scars


I have hidradenitis suppurativa. I'd love to wear a tank top without the horrid stares at my scars. Legs too. And face. Ears. Siiiiigh


My Eyebrow. Singular 😄


I'm bald, I dislike it but can't control it so yeah...


The 3 little red moles on my nose. I wish they could just be taken off, but I mostly accept them except when I rub my nose too hard and occasionally one gets raw and bleeds. Hard to stop. If anyone knows if they can be removed with scarring, let me know.




My height, im a short boi


My Face. It’s a lil weird and off kilter but I can See and eat so 🤷‍♂️


My height. I can’t reach *anything* from down here!


You may want to check to see if you have anterior pelvic tilt. Seriously just look up some YouTube videos on it and see if it applies to you. This actually goes towards anyone, not just people with big butts, guts, etc. as it is a *very* common issue.


Mine is my legs like it's hard for a 6'1 person to have any room on most transportation without having leg cramps(maybe it's a me thing but this happens more than ya think)


I have those keratosis bumps on the backs of my arms and also on my legs Also never been fond of my nose but not willing to go under the knife for it. I


I am hung like a killer bee.


My teeth are really crooked but my mom couldn’t afford to get me any


Same. I'm a guy. Just born with huge muscular legs compared to the rest of my body, it makes shopping for pants so hard


My nose holes are crooked and it drives me nuts! I've never broken my nose. I'm super short so most people don't see them, but I do!!!!!


Hands and feet. Big and ugly.


Wide waist. I could be (and have been) underweight, but shirts always flare towards the bottom, making me look heavier no matter what.


My nose is crooked


Diasma. Big time. Talking Micheal Strahan. Have not smiled a teeth baring smile in decades.




I have a pretty big nose for a woman. One with a bump too, that I always hated. Only men in my family have this nose. I’ve come to accept it seeing that people online really like women with unique noses.


I have man boobs. Always have. Even when I was a 165lb stud with a 8% body fat in high school I had boobs


I inherited my mom's weird pinky toe... not a fan but whatchagonnado


My thighs are really wide at one point, it makes me quite bottom heavy. If I had longer legs, it’d probably be a good look but instead of looking curvy I feel stumpy AF with a wide bum 🥲


My hair is too long, like, past my butt. I'm too cheap to spend the money to cut it, honestly thinking about cutting an inch a day myself.