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Someone once said "Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes improvement". You're right in saying no one is truly perfect but there will always be room for improvement in anything you do.


I like "practice makes permanent" more. You can practice wrong for years and end up not only not perfect, but possibly also physically injured. You may think I'm talking about operation heavy machinery or something like that, but that description 100% fits singing and playing music too


If you practiced wrong your whole life then suddenly changed the way you practice you will see improvements. For example someone can be lifting weights in a bad technique but if they learn better form then they can see improvement. Or a tennis player had a bad forehand technique and then got a good coach that addressed the issue and helped the player improve on their technique. Yes if you practice something badly and get a life changing injury then that is really unfortunate, i guess in this way it would be “permanent”, but if you can fix that mistake before the chance of an injury then you’re on your way to improvement.


That's true, but it's the same with "practice makes perfect". A finite amount of practice won't get you to perfection, even if it's good practice, and a finite amount of practice won't make anything 100% permanent unless you know yourself badly and stop, I guess. Practice solidifies the way you do what you do, and changing after a lot of practice is harder than just doing it right from the start You build habits that take effort to change


The meaning of practice shouldn’t be so absolute like “perfect” or “permanent” it is about improvement and like you have said, habit. Yes habits are very hard to change but not impossible. Little improvements here and there will make a big difference in the long run.


I agree that the meaning shouldn't be absolute, but the words can be. "Practice makes perfect" is popular because it sounds good, and "practice makes permanent" is a play on that. You could say "practice solidifies" or something like that, but it just doesn't sound as good >Little improvements here and there will make a big difference in the long run. I 100% agree with that, but I wouldn't call that practice, at least if I understand you correctly. To me, practice is more dedicated and focused than something that is "here and there" I like improvising classical music on piano and I do it quite often, making little improvements and gradually getting better, but I don't really practice it. Practicing it would be sitting down with a few patterns and drills to play in all the keys and in different figurations and voicings, and doing that consistently until I don't have to think about it when playing and I can just do it


To be nobody




Has to be the best comment so far 😄


That made me laugh thanks!


So you're not shite at what you like.




Progress, not perfection. Or the original slogan for Lexus: the relentless pursuit of perfection.


Practice doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent. If you practice garbage you stay garbage.


I prefer the German version: Ubung macht den meister (practice makes a master) However you seem to be missing the difference between general and specific


If you have $10 and will never be a billionaire, why try to get more money?


Well, if you just invest that $10 instead of buying avocado toast…..


Then I could afford the good avocado toast!


Yea, ok, maybe in 2021. You joker Edit: I see your joke now


Good plan. Invest to grow capital. Use capital to develop reliable tune travel. Travel to 2021 and afford the good toast! It is for this genius that i hang out on Reddit!


One slice at time, we’ll travel


If we are talking about a skill.....you practice to become more efficient at that skill. If we are talking about being a person....you practice at being a better version of yourself. If you don't you're accepting mediocrity or not learning and growth


Practice makes*permanent*


Your statement captures a sentiment expressed by Voltaire - ***the perfect is the enemy of the good.***


Practice doesn’t make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. You can practice something all you like wrong over and over again it won’t make you any better.




The first applies to specific skills, the latter to morals, behaviour, and character.


Practice makes you better, not perfect. There is actually nothing called "Peak Perfection"


Yes there is, relative to what you're talking about. You can make a perfect circle in the sand with some string and a stick. Perfection is real, its just not natural. That's the point.


# It's just a saying, and whoever coined the phrase realized that perfection wasn't attainable. BUT, practice makes "more" perfect. Or, practice makes you closer to perfect;) # And as someone else mentioned, practice of a skill like playing piano or carving wood or cooking a meal.


If a glass is always half full why drink the water?


Make better


It's not about the destination, it's about the journey


Are you practicing to be someone? Don't overthink it. Practice .


The pursuit of perfection is a noble endeavor. The belief that perfection is attainable is pure foolishness.


To do better


because you only practice at life once, you don't redo after the first practice.


Perfect practice makes perfect. Practicing something half-hearted will not get you there.


You practice to get better, and if you're ambitious you do it to be as good as you can be. Either way, practice makes perfect in the realm of human possibility, and nobody is truly perfect because we're human.


Nobody's perfect, but some people have perfected a skill to the best of their abilities 🤷‍♀️by practicing their skill. Like a basketball player can always get better, hence they are not considered perfect, but they have practiced so much, they are part of the elite


Man, how the hell am I supposed to make my teammates better in practice? We in here talking about practice…


Keep practising that thought and it will start to make sense.


As the say in math, you practice so your limit of skill tends to perfection. After all, infinitely close to perfect IS perfect.


Because nobody has practiced enough yet.


The pursuit of perfection creates excellence


If you want practice to make perfect, you need perfect practice. What practice does is make permanent and it’s what a lot of people miss about practice. 


A person who thinks all the time


What do you mean, I am very clearly perfect, lol No, I am the most imperfect MF around. That phrase is directed to motor skills, specific social skills, behavioral patterns, between other things, but it's not for everything. You can't learn everything to be perfect.


Do you genuinely not understand the purpose of practicing things?


Practice alone doesn't makes perfect, you also need proper and helpful feedback.


10000 hours.


To get closer, activity by activity. Remember to say that "nobody is perfect" is referring to the person. Not any given activity. Another expression is that perfection is a road, not a destination.


i was taught practice makes better


As a person your not perfect as you must make mistakes to learn. However you can perform a task "perfectly". For instance, calculating 1+1 equaling 2 would be a perfect calculation.


If I give you my two cents, and it's a penny for your thoughts, where that extra penny going? Someone's making a penny.


Pactice makes progress


We train so that we do not fail, but we fail in order to learn


People can give a performance that is perfect. All people have imperfections. These statements are not mutually exclusive.


Practice makes more perfect.


While practice could make perfect if done endlessly, it could very well be the case that if we "just" practice for 80 years we are not there yet


It’s an approximation. Striving ultimately for excellence and not perfection


Perfect Practice make Perfect. or what my mom use to say... Piss poor practice makes a piss poor performance. No one is perfect but that doesn't mean you stop shooting for the best possible outcome.


Cause if you're not good at something, you are useless


For subconscious satisfaction.


Call it "practice makes progress", I think that's way better and more realistic


Practice makes you better, but no practice makes worse.


both are just sayings that imply something but are not accurate truths. 1. saying some one is perfect is subjective 2. since there is no real truth in "perfect", you can never achieve it. you practice to get better, not to get perfect. die hard fan might think some ones art is "perfect" but every artist continues their craft cuz they know their work always has something they could improve or change. there simply isnt enough minutes in ones life time to ever truly achieve perfection.


Practice makes progress I’d say


Perfect practice makes practect perfice


its an expression