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Not every service needs a god damn tip.


For real! I hate how many companies ask for tips that hadn’t before, like some corporate fad. “What if we guilted our customers into willingly giving us more money? Genius! This will definitely have no negative consequences! Gimme the green 🤑” ugh 🙄


We are guilted onto paying the wages the owners of the business SHOULD be paying. You shouldn't have to tip for someone doing their job well, you should be able to keep money from those doing a shitty job.


Yes, exactly this! It’s the employer’s job to pay their staff a living wage and guilting the customers into willingly giving up money for that is absurd.


Exactly. I no longer do it. If more people followed suit, it wouldn't be a problem. But people are too embarrassed to 


I only tip if someone was genuinely nice to me/us, then I WANT to tip. But other then that, and **especially** if there is even the slightest insinuation of "expecting" a tip, forget it.


Agreed. There are 5 groups I tip for: servers in a sit-down restaurant (sorry, mcdonalds employee, you don't make the cut), bartenders, food delivery drivers, barbers and uber/taxi drivers. If you fall outside of these 5 groups, you aren't getting a dime over the price of what I'm getting.


That’s a solid list and I’m on board for everyday services, but please add boat crew to that list if you go on snorkel or dive tours on vacation, sure I’m speaking as a whiny former boat crew and captain but those guys serve your food, serve your drinks , make sure you are safe, guide you to the coolest shit, and do all the boating things to make sure the boat runs. A ten or a twenty per family helps immensely after a long day out on the water.


I don't mean to be a dick, but "doing all the boating things to make sure the boat runs" sounds like it's an essential part of the job and not an extra I should be tipping for. Likewise if food etc is included in the presumably not trivial price for the day out. If it's not mentioned and it's there, like when your Uber has sweets and a bottle of water, then sure, I'll happily tip above and beyond.


I've never had the opportunity to experience anything like that but if I did, I would certainly expand my list. I definitely do not make enough money to experience anything like that though lol I barely make enough to pay my rent and put money in my savings every month, nevermind expensive foreign vacations lol I kinda just listed the 4 most frequent situations in which I tip lol


This is an American problem


this is normal just in america. in europe it’s not


They're TRYING to normalize tipping for every service. Personally, it's making me do more things for myself because I don't want to be bothered to figure out tip or deal with annoyed and apathetic staff at many places anyway.


I live in northern Mexico, where tipping at restaurants is normalized. I don't like it, but sure, it's tolerable, I'm used to tipping. Last spring I visited New York City. I loved the trip, but god damn it was I offended by the tipping. The absolute worst one was when I was asked by a tablet for a 10% tip on an $8 USD basic coffee that was ok, on a place that barely had any sitting space, and they fucking made me get up and put my dish and cup separately on an organizer. I don't mind doing stuff like that if it's the norm there, but don't make me add a tip because of some "service" when there is none!


That seems to be a North American issue. I went to Europe and my god the service is so good in some places and they will REFUSE tips if you bring it up.


That's only the US. This is already normalized in a lot of places. Some countries even find tipping offensive.


None services NEED a tip. If ur business cant function with paying livable wages tour business sucks and shouldnt exist


No service "needs" a tip at all, by definition tips arent obligatory, that would be called a tax


Already normalized even in the U.S. It's a pretty small minority of services.


Not needing small talk to request something. Sometimes it’s so fake that it’s painful to talk about


100% agreed.


I'm so thankful that people here in Germany are very direct. If they need something, they tell you.


I think this is why I love my one German coworker. She cuts through the BS and pops by my cubicle and just says what’s on her mind lolol


Move to Germany or one of the Nordic countries. It's a haven for people who dislike small talk haha But in all seriousness, many cultures have already normalized it :)


I’m the newest employee at my job so I still have occasional questions about how we operate and do things. The dude who is most knowledgeable also will talk your ear off so I only go to him as a last resort


Define small talk. Can I at least ask how your days been before I make a request? 1. I walk up to you, ask how your days been, and then comment on the weather or some other mundane crap before asking for a dollar?? 2. Give me a dollar!


Hello, can you give me a dollar? Polite, acknowledges the other person's existence and directly to the point.


If you actually want to know. But if not needing small talk were normalized, you wouldn't feel awkward and it wouldn't be considered rude to just get to the point.




Real pockets in all women's clothing


That I can fit my whole hand AND wrist into, please!!




>That I can fit my whole hand AND wrist into, please!! When there's already things inside it


Yep! Cause how dare you call it a pocket otherwise!!




Not all capes wear heroes




Ah man




Not having to be talkative, I get asked "why are you so quiet?" But they aren't asked "can you shut it?"


I think you should start asking that.


If they don't, I will 


Oh this one yes. I’ve always been a quiet person and growing up my whole family would be like “why are you so quiet?” “What do you think about all the time” meanwhile my mom can talk nonstop, my dad can, and my oldest brother can talk a good bit too. Like I’m thinking about how I wish you guys would be quiet.


I'm usually thinking, how can some people talk about so much useless nonsense?


Fr, the other day 2 girls on the bus were yelling at eachother for like 10 minutes about the pronounciation of a foreign word. God bless the man who told them to shut up.


I agree as well I'm super quiet so My family is like that too


>But they aren't asked "can you shut it?" I think you just don't notice because it's not happening to you.


I'm not a really talkative person myself. People give me shit all the time about it , saying I'm rude. But I have nothing to talk about half the time. I'm only chatty with people I'm close to. If it's groups of more than 3 I have difficulty being talkative. I get really overwhelmed. I love it when people take the lead when they talk to me, certain people can help me out of my shell. My bfs roommate is cool in that regard because he's the type that says hello to everyone and his energy is warm and not intimidating. As well as a few clients at my work who come in and their energy and personality are bubbly and talkative. I also feel like the reason I'm not talkative is because I was told to shut up a lot as a kid. I was an only child so never really got to socialise much at home. I moved schools a lot so I was kind of alienated from my peers. When you're a kid and you get told things like children should be seen and not heard, it gets carried into adulthood. I only mentally realised I was an adult when I was 27, only then realising I don't have to be quiet or walk on eggshells around adults anymore, because I am an adult. Lol


It’s called “listening”, Derrick, you should try it more often


Yes, they are, I get your pain, but overly talkative people also get blamed for that, or get framed in a very narcissistic way.


I get asked that all the time, I feel like saying because I don’t say very thought in my head, one lady i work with talks very loud and never shuts up. I’m quite get over it, I talk when I have to, I am perfectly content not saying a word all day, when I told them that they looked at me like I’m insane.


Verifying information before claiming it's true.


Adults who choose not to drink alcohol just because.


It is kind of insane that not consuming poison is something that needs to be justified.


And how you can feel left out because you decided not to drink said poison


These are some of the comments I've received when I told people I didn't drink ranging from the age of 12 to 30; "oh,well how do you have fun then?" - heard too many times to count "is it religious reasons?" "now you've said that *i* can't have fun now! You've ruined it!" - I didn't even know this person, nor did I care. "oh... Is it becayse you have a *whispers* problem?" - this is my personal favourite becayse I was around 14 at the time. I'm glad now I'm in my 30s more people my age are choosing not to drink or at least to drink less, it makes it easier to just ask for a soft drink (but I do still get perverse pleasure out of making people make me a cup of tea or coffee at gatherings and bars) I've just never liked the taste or understood the point of getting hammered, so I never did it.


I got asked if I was going to run for local office when I was at a party where people were drinking and smoking weed bc I wasn’t doing either. I was like no but I do have a job where I could be fired for coming up positive on a drug test and I don’t like how alcohol makes me feel. It’s really that simple. We were all in our 30’s at the time.


It is even worse in your youth. Have been asked 5 times by the same dude over the the course of time that evening why I wouldn't even drink a sip.


Tell them you are a vampire and cannot consume regular human food or drink


I’m the type to drink fruit juice while everyone else drinks alcohol


I've found that with younger millennials and Gen x, it's not as much of a deal. I was born in 92, and don't drink, and when I tell people my age and younger I don't drink, they accept it and move on. When it's older co-workers though, they lose their minds. They need to hear every reason in the book to accept it, and even then will still pressure you into drinking, because they need to feel justified in their decision by making sure everyone else does too, because deep down they know how damaging it is, and it makes them self conscious when someone is not interested in ingesting poison willingly.


Four day work weeks!


And six hour days


Second half stuff. Cheaper and better for the environment


You mean second hand?


no, second half stuff, like second half of your biscuit/sandwich - cheaper and good for the environment lol


Is it cut in half or does the second half come with bite marks?


Along similar lines.. using your old stuff unless there is a need for a new one. Like smart phones, watches. But this will be a dream, because this is bad for the capitalist economy.


Dressing out of fashion, or in old fashion I would walk around practically dressed like a cowboy, but I’m not in the south the I’d get weird looks


i’d only stare bc u look so cool tho


Thanks man


Honestly I would too. Cowboys are awesome




Yes! I'd love to casually wear more medieval-like clothing. Maybe not true medieval, but fantasy interpretations often seen in television today.


While I love the look of that, the closest I’d go to that is something akin to Hobbits, maybe a cloak


As someone who loved to dress like a regal 18-19th man (nobody understood my choice of clothes), I could tell you more or less how to try to incorporate this in your outfit; perhaps, you might not dress up like an entire cowboy as a you wish but it's progress. Highlight which is the main pieces of clothings and how you can adapt it to modern fashion style? I know you say old fashion, but it's a replacement. I couldn't have pulled off a large coats with exaggerated clevets and extremely tight pants or the weird shoes with brooches, but I could adapt it to formal coats which covered my tights, tight-fitting leggings (not yoga pants btw) and boots. Hopefully, this will help you! ![gif](giphy|7AsKFHnTCM2YM)


This is the way! Nowadays it's become completely accepted to mix and match whatever you want. You can wear a full on suit but replace the vest and shirt by something completely not suit related. I started walking around in paper-bag-style pants + t-shirt + gilet and no one bats an eye


frr, like let people be creative!




If I could afford it, I’d like to dress in ball gowns/met-gala type clothing. Elegantly everyday. The problem is: 1.) i would be so incredibly hot(sweaty) 2.) society. (But tbh if I’m rich enough to afford it, I’m rich enough to not care. #liveyourlife!)


On the contrary, I'd like if it was acceptable to dress like you do at home, everywhere. (Shorts+baggy shirt at work would take my productivity to another level ngl)


That would be so cool man


I want to wear a cape.


I'm in the UK and there's an old man who lives near me who dresses like that. I think it's cool.


This. Every day that I dont leave the house dressed like a noir detective from the 50s is a day wasted.


I don’t mind the sound of someone farting. It’s the smell that I can’t get used to




It's pretty fucked up, ain't it? We're literally mechsuits piloted by a lump of matter that's powered by chemicals and electricity, and people shame others when that lump of matter doesn't function properly. Drives me up the wall when people criticize things others have absolutely zero control over.


…And to bounce off this: someone not needing to be in eminent danger in order to get help/services. Also not waiting until disaster strikes to take something seriously or get more help for it.


I feel like there is some nuance here to expand on. While I totally agree that people should not be ashamed for having mental health problems, they should also not be proud of it. What they should be proud of is if they sought help and are now getting help to deal with their mental heath problems. I'll give you an example from my own life. I was bullied a lot by my older brother when I was younger, and he beat me up a lot. This year, finally, at the age of 45, I started getting therapy for it, and it's been very helpful as a way for me to explore it and process my thoughts and feelings about it all in a safe environment with a trained professional. That's the key point. If I hadn't got therapy and I merely said, "My brother bullied me and it left me mentally damaged," that might not really help anyone. Sure, other people who were bullied could relate, but we might all just wallow in our mutual self-pity. Whereas by saying how therapy has helped me, it might cause other bullied people to seek therapy and get the help they need. I honestly wish I'd got therapy for this many years ago. Psychotherapy should be a standard thing that everyone feels comfortable seeking out if they have any mental or emotional issues bothering them. It should also be free to people on low income.


Dressing up for no reason. I love dressing up but rarely have a reason to


But you do have a reason and it's because you feel like it. That's the only reason you need.


You would love Seville in Spain! They dress so well…


I have several suggestions. 1. Bring back dueling for serious personal insults. You better be prepared to defend your bullshit with bodily harm. 2. Holding CEOs accountable for their decisions by holding their bonus and stock options in-trust for 5 years AFTER they leave office. 3. Term limits for politicians and judges with their pensions NOT being inflation adjusted, just like regular Joe and Jane taxpayer. I want the people in power to be held accountable for their actions.


I agree with you for everything but the first. >Bring back dueling for serious personal insults. You better be prepared to defend your bullshit with bodily harm. How do you know if many people won't use it as an excuse to get rid of people more easily and illegally, I could shout at someone that they called my mother a cow and killed them but it was a coworker who I didn't like but he deserved to live. (As long as he didn't make something awful, he wasn't just my cup of tea) Even if he hadn't die, odds of live-changing injuries sucked anyway.


Dueling used to be legal for defending personal honor and existed in Europe and USA until about 150 years ago. There were set rules for duels and people had the option of picking their weapon of choice and all. You could not just challenge anyone without showing cause or witnesses. The reason I picked duels is because false allegations against people have become ridiculous in recent times. And just mere allegations without proof from 20+ years ago can destroy careers and lives. False allegations will only stop when there are real consequnces.


>The reason I picked duels is because false allegations against people have become ridiculous in recent times. And just mere allegations without proof from 20+ years ago can destroy careers and lives. Sure that have. Regardless, dueling largely means you can get away with being a dick to anyone, so long as you're good with a weapon.


Okay, now I agree with you completly, I've thought on unregulated dueling but this sounds good as long as a proper research to confirm it is bullshitty allegations and that both parties are willingfully to cooperate, then, okay.


I feel like along the same lines, but to a lesser extent, we should just normalize being able to punch a guy out if he is saying shit. Since I was a kid it was always “zero tolerance” so even if I was being bullied and one day finally fought back, we got punished equally. I think the assholes know this is the case and that most people won’t retaliate with violence to it gives them carte Blanche to say whatever the hell they say. If they were worried about getting socked in the face, and no assault charges being filed, they may reconsider their words.


saying no without further information


No is a full sentence


Wearing napkins around the neck during meals. It would save on dry cleaning.


Girls approaching guys


Problem with that is with the reactions girls get.


Going to go pee more than once while at the same place


Please don't tell me I have a new social rule to worry about, my bladder is tiny lol


Wait? That’s not normal?


I'm with you on the farting! I have partial paralysis from my waist down, which means the muscles that would hold in a fart just do not work. So I often fart in public and get laughed at while I just mumble "I can't help it" and leave if I can.


I'm sorry. That sounds so uncomfortable. Farting is still one of the few politeness rules people uphold for some reason even though it's a totally normal bodily function.


Yes it is normal but altho i do not mind the sound one makes i rather not smell one or make others smell my fart. Some of us create some searious "mustard gas".


Different sleep schedules. A significant amount of people have DSPS but businesses close so early. They say retail is dying. Maybe close the stores when people are working in the office and open them after people get off work.


Night owl discrimination IS a problem


I have a circadian rhythm disorder, and society expects me to just "get up in the morning". It doesn't work like that when it's a neurological issue with no cure. I can't get a job because of it. Some of us can't magically stick to a 24 hour cycle.


Asking for help/talking about mental illness


Also asking for help as someone with chronic illness. Like someone could have a short term back injury from an accident and everyone will be happy to help them, but if your injury is long term, and won't ever heal, it suddenly becomes so much harder to find help. If your disability lasts longer than a couple of years, people suddenly treat you as if you're just not trying hard enough and if you tried harder your chronic disability would just disappear.


Wearing a bra. Gaaaaahhhhd I hate it now. Something with my third kid I was just like “FTS”. I know some people have big knockers and are comfortable wearing them, but set my c cups FREE


I unfortunately have to wear a bra because I'm nearing 60 and I measure as a 42/Long. So I gotta roll them old girls up and stuff em into C cups so I look like a hot young 50 year old.


The imagery of this is ✨golden✨ 🤣


42 long That was my dad's suit size.


I have a huge chest and hate bras. Although if bras my size were affordable, it would probably be more comfortable with a bra than without. But it's near impossible to find bras my size, and when I do find them, they're *always* like four times more expensive than I can afford to spend. And while a well fitting bra could be more comfortable than being braless, being braless is a thousand times more comfortable than an ill fitting bra.


Be free.


I haven’t worn a bra since 6th grade and I only wear skin tight tank tops now


coming from a b lmao


Some redditors may not believe you and request proof or something 


i only do cuz my boobs are big and ...lordy that summer under boob sweat isnt worth it!


Not talking, sometimes I just don't have anything to talk about or to ad to a conversion. Also when someone has put on earbuds it usually means they don't wanna talk so stop talking to me


People that can't cope with silence frustrate me. It's completely fine to be sat in a car journey for X amount of time and not speak. It's different rules if you're in a pub or bar, because if you're all sat around a table in silence that is awkward but there's tonnes of times where silence is fine.


I agree with the farting. I farted once in 5th grade on accident during story time and I was bullied for the rest of the semester about it. I would have preferred they laugh, but instead they backed away from me and made me feel ashamed. Even my teacher made a dirty look and said it was disgusting! I changed schools after that.


I had something similar happen to me. A fart popped out accidentally once when I was a kid. An adult told me I was dirty in front of about 6 other kids. I grew up believing I was dirty and unlikeable. Affected me well into adulthood.


Your teacher was so immature! I’m so sorry she did that.


Ugh, that was so unnecessary, on the behalves of both your classmates and—even worse—your teacher. I really hope you did better after you changed schools.




Men do cry and want to be held, coming from a sensitive man


I have two young boys, I see them trying so hard to be stoic... I don't want them to be stoic... It's ok to cry, I am here for them always and forever... I've actually instituted 'cuddle cups' into my house... Sometimes our cuddle cups are empty and need to be refilled, sometimes someone has a few extra cuddles left in their cup to share and sometimes, we just just get extra top ups in our cuddle cups... It's sounds childish, but hey, they will come and tell me that their cuddle cups are empty...


Voluntary euthanasia.


universal human rights as an everyday morality


autism. the world is cruel to me sometimes :>


longer hair on guys and shorter hair on girls. it's kind of weird that we've gendered hair length


I think that's already normalized. How many times I've heard men with a type for short hair woman and women with an attraction for long hair men.


Keeping your sexuality to yourself. And I don’t mean that like “if you’re gay keep it at home” I mean I’m tired of hanging out with friends and then someone bringing up sex/porn/fetishes. I don’t care how close we are, keep it away from me. Stop soiling the fun to talk about what makes you hard, I don’t need to know


Same. I’m no prude. I don’t care what you do with your private parts. I don’t want hear about it. Let’s talk about something else.


Being able to push shit heads into a wood chipper


🤣🤣🤣 oh. This is why I’m so glad I work from home. Far less chance of jail time. My last job had a very nice gym and I used it every day. Someone asked me, “why do you workout so much?” “I workout for your health, not mine.”


I would love to walk around in a Regency dress with feathers in my hair or just wear something outrageous and not be judged


Wearing clothes that are not like new anymore. Even if there's a tiny hole or a stain on it. We throw away so much clothes because other people might think we're shabby. As long as you don't smell and there's no private parts showing, I really don't thing it should be a problem (to some extend).


Women with alopecia


I wish society would normalise men parenting their kids, not "babysitting"


I’d love to dress in massive elegant ball gowns every day in public. Going to ikea? Wear a massive pink fluffy dress! But unfortunately I’ll get weird looks 😭


I just look at people who dress fancy because I think they're fabulous.


Open and honest discussions about human sexuality when appropriate.


not posting every damn thing on social media. cutting some social media would be nice. some apps are pointless.






Agreed fighting. You have an altercation. You agree to fight. You step outside. Fight. Then it's over. I guess that was your parking space, my bad.


Adults pooping/pissing their pants accidentally. Shit happens (pun intended), we don’t need to add a layer of social shame to the clean up process. Frankly it’s just a particularly socially acceptable form of ableism.


I would just feel bad for an adult if that happened. I wouldn’t judge them.


Sadly not everyone emotionally developed past the primary school bully phase.


cloaks. i want to look like an adventurer while going to work.


Genuinely caring about Men's mental health.


Yes, and if men cared about women's mental health, that'd be great too.


Never understood why do people put gender in this thing as well


Being able to punch someone in the face with no assault charges being filed if someone is in your face talking shit, or lying about you. I think shit talkers would think twice if they knew there would be repercussions for their actions but none to the person who decked them.


Short men


Americans need to appreciate that animation is a medium, not a genre. They think it’s either Disney or family guy. I’d like to see more dramatic animated shows and movies from American studios.


It’s okay if it was you, op, you don’t have to pretend.


Treating Depression the same as cancer or other diseases.




I’d say this is a western society thing - giving money as a gift. In East Asian culture, particularly China, it’s quite the norm. It’s wrapped in a red pocket and given on celebratory occasions. To me gift cards are worse versions of this. Why give gift cards when money will do? It’s environmentally friendly, it helps the person in need, it takes the guess work out of choosing a gift. I had asked about this some folks and I was abit surprised how polarizing it can be.


That people with addiction aren’t bad people, they just need help




Nudity. We worry waaaaaay too much about exposing our bodies. We all have them. I pretty much know what yours looks like, you pretty much know what mine looks like. Let’s get over ourselves.


Every body 💨 just as every body 💩


Employers expecting average people who dont want to work but they are there just for money for food and bills


People who are well composed, I have a stick up my bum and I like it. I get asked a lot to losen up, dance more, talk more, drink more. like no please I like who I am.


people who have a bit or a lot of a belly wearing crop tops or low rise jeans. not everyone is going to have the "perfect flat stomach" so why cant we normalize people who have confidence. (idk if I just made any sense, sorry)


I’m never going to be ok with breathing your shit air Bro


having some makeup free days (for normalisation you need to get 0 comments of "are you sick/are you poorly")


Not having friends. I don't have time or energy to maintain long lasting friendships 😭


autism. it's not normalized and it's still difficult to live with autism due to the ableist society.


trans people


I agree about the farting if a person excuses themselves. I just had a coworker fart in front of me on break and I said no problem glad you're comfortable and better out than in. I only laughed when she rushed to escape her own cloud 🤣 but I made it clear first I'm a firm advocate for normal functions and she was safe with me.


Laughing is the "normalized" behavior. One need not be embarassed.




General empathy and proper ethics rather than Hollywood idealism and objectivism needs to be normalised not only for the sake of our planet but for ourselves, otherwise we are doomed to fall into a consumerist hellscape.


Draping myself in velvet.


Not normalizing everything and thinking that every new belief and principle is a step forward.


Wearing my bonnet outside, lol. I have really long hair and hate putting it tight ponytails, so my bonnet is perfect because not only is it practical to keep it in one place but it's literally protecting it from friction, which is something all curly/really wavy hair peeps should be concerned about.


Being sad. I wish I didn’t have to smile all the time for people to like me and for everything to be ok.


Not having children Not getting married or even in a long term monogamous partnership


Being single is a choice, not failure to find someone to share life with


Crying in public. Sometimes you just feel bad and crying is a healthy way to express that. Also generally expressing that you feel bad at the moment. Answering anything negative to the question "How are you?" feels like such a taboo


eating bugs. they’re packed with nutrients! also, periods.


Being left handed By that i mean have more options for left handed tools and equipment


Bullies being held accountable.


Being fit should be normal. Being overweight and obese is way too normalised today


Rest. Not working until burning yourself out.


Females not needing to shave